Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread

  • Customizer

    Great job on the 88. Keep up the great work. I look forward to seeing previews of the upcoming German units.

  • Man that is awesome! those are going to be great to game with!
    Thoes426 :evil:

  • Okay, the ‘88’ alone is worth the price of admission to me. Excellent job!

  • '10

    That is fantastic, FMG!

  • Customizer

    OOOHH!  Love the addition of the blast shield.  That looks really cool.

    Hey Jeremy, are you going to a seperate locked thread for all the new German sculpt photos like you did with the Italians?  Or are you just going to put them here in this thread?

    I just saw it in the “Pieces Project Thread”.  Question answered.

  • yo is this turret rotateable too or is the barrel off center?

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    Enjoy this picture of the completed GERMANY Artillery Piece.

    It is an 88 with a blast shield.


  • Looks great!  :-)

  • Very nice.

    Al-most… There!!!

  • Alright, so I’m sure this has been discussed already, but I can’t seem to find the answer in the 130 plus pages of the thread.  Are the colors of the FMG pieces going to match the A&A 1040 pieces from AH for all countries?  I already ordere my Itailians and I will order all other countries as well, but I’m curious.  I will probably incorporate all the FMG’s into my current game pieces to have even more variety, but I won’t do that if the colors don’t match.  It may determine how many I need to order.

  • I agree with Boboshonda. I think the pieces will be a perfect match, FMG can you confirm?

  • NO they will mach the fmg combat dice

  • That is a given - the dice match current piece colors.

    I’m asking if the pieces will match perfectly with current pieces.

  • Actually, if you look really close, RL, there are a couple of exceptions to this general rule.  The Russian dice are closer to the early AAE burgundy than the current maroon and the German dice are grey rather than black (though FMG did say that they’re going to do both grey pieces and black dice to make everyone happy.)  The American dice are also closer (I think) to the marine green than the regular olive drap green.

  • '10


    That is a given - the dice match current piece colors.

    I’m asking if the pieces will match perfectly with current pieces.

    Even WOTC with all of their money and industrial might, can not match colours from game to game.

    All of our COMBAT UNITS will match colours with COMBAT DICE

  • Hopefully not for Russia, right FMG? I mean, you can match colors with the combat dice (in general terms) while matching more closely with the piece color.

    WotC was inconsistent in the past - but they have a standard color palette now. It is not that hard to color match plastic pieces - Jack over at Table Tactics nailed the color matching for the original A&A expansion pieces he made.

    This is kind of important to me. I know that you will produce a quality product, and that I will buy it no matter what… However, that being said, I feel that the combat DICE should match the pieces, not the other way around. I feel that you tend to agree with me, as you are releasing German combat dice in black.

    Keep us posted…

  • @reloader-1:

    WotC was inconsistent in the past - but they have a standard color palette now.

    They may have a SEMI-standard color palette now … but definately not 100% standardized.

    I’m currently painting my pieces.  In 1 set of AA50 and 2 Spring 1942 sets, looking at just the USA pieces right this moment I see 3 different tank shapes and 2 different greens.

    Looking at my naval units, there are 3 shades of Orange for the Japanese, 2 shades of tan for the UK, 2 shades of green for the US …

    To say they have it down to a standard palette is too generalized.  CLOSE in shades, yes, but the SAME shades, absolutely not!

  • Customizer

    Not only that, but I have found not all German pieces are 100% black.  At least with the infantry pieces.  I recently got some German infantry from one of the Europe 1940 games and they were a very dark grey.  It’s a slight difference but it is there.  If you looked at a pile of the very dark grey infantry by itself, you would think they were black but when you see true black infantry next to them, you can definitely see the difference.

  • Ok, Ok - then will FMG match the general shade?

  • '10


    Ok, Ok - then will FMG match the general shade?

    All our colours are 100% match to COMBAT DICE.  We use Pantone codes to standardize.

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