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Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread
dadler, 2 things to keep in mind when thinking about cost:
The main cost of these games is the cost of the plastic units (including mold costs).
pieces for the 1940 games are going around $20-25 a set on eBay - expect to pay that much, if not more, for these.
That price range sounds fine to me considering the amount of pieces in each set. I was worried more of $39.99 each, which is what FMG has listed for Italy right now on their site (I know it says price isn’t finalized but that’s what is up). Next question, does anybody know the order of sets to be released? And what is a good ballpark figure time-wise from Italy coming out to the next set and eventually all 9 nations? Also is FMG planning on making any kind of tech units? Because I would definitely buy a set like that. Maybe plastic rocket launchers, jets, late-war air units for long distance, paratrooper units, I don’t know stuff like that.
And does anybody know if FMG is planning on making a set with plastic pieces to replace the little cardboard ones the 1940 games came with? I would buy a set that had Major and Minor IC’s, airbases, and naval bases, and maybe some plastic aa as well.
dadler, re: Majors/ Minors, that is a definite YES!
meanwhile, take a look at my post in the Global forum - title is “new major complex plastic pieces”
Next question, does anybody know the order of sets to be released? And what is a good ballpark figure time-wise from Italy coming out to the next set and eventually all 9 nations?
Once Italy is out, approximately every 4-6 weeks assuming sales are anywhere near what they’re expecting. Germany is already being sculpted.
Cool reloader-1. I checked your post and I think i may end up buying those to hold me off until FMG releases theirs. And 4-6 weeks would be cool Rorschach, I only wish they could all be magically ready today! Thanks for the quick responses guys. Everyone on this entire forum has been real helpful.
New rules for new units:
Light tank (M13-40, FMG piece): 3-2, 2, 5. can blitz.
Main Battle Tank (A&A Europe 1940 Panther V): 3-3, 2, 6. can blitz.
Tank destroyer(TD)\SPG artillery (Semovente FMG Piece): 3-3, 2, 7. Can choose the target, but it’s not an open fire. Can’t blitz.
Mech Infantry (Sahariana, FMG Piece): 2-2, 2, 5. Infantry paired attack at 2, truck paired attack at 2, can blitz without tanks.
Motorized Infantry (Truck, FM piece): 1-2, 2, 4. Attack at 2, if paired with artillery or Mech Infantry. Can blitz only paired with Mech infantry, light tank or MBT.
What do you think?
yea that looks familiar?
FMG is there a ballpark figure you can give us on when these Italian pieces are going to be available to pre-order and how long from then till we have them in our hands? I’m just getting OCD about it and checking everyday now.
What about the more established powers: will there be sets with all units covered, or will FMG assume we already have more than enough German infantry and concentrate on pieces we don’t have?
For example with the UK I’d really like to see some Anzac (slouch hats) and Indian (turbans) infantry rather than more spitfires and so forth.
Any chance of neutral army units?
if you buy lots of Italy than you can have your heart’s desire
Last I remember, FMG was talking about making the ANZAC’s a recast of the UK’s in another color. I don’t recall him giving any confirmation about specific unit choices, though, beyond Italy and Panzer III’s for Germany…
He did mention neutrals as a possibility, but way down the list…
Does anyone know the exact models of the FMG Italian pieces as follows:
Artillery piece? It’s says 105mm but I can’t determine WHICH 105mm it might be.
Transport Truck? No info on what make/model.
Transport Ship? What class?I’m asking becuase I’m building these onto some custom charts, etc and would like to know. All others were provided or have been determined. Thanks everyone (and especially FMG)!
Does anyone know the exact models of the FMG Italian pieces as follows:
Artillery piece? It’s says 105mm but I can’t determine WHICH 105mm it might be.
Transport Truck? No info on what make/model.
Transport Ship? What class?I’m asking becuase I’m building these onto some custom charts, etc and would like to know. All others were provided or have been determined. Thanks everyone (and especially FMG)!
I think I might have found the truck. Is it possibly a Fiat 626 Heavy Truck? Pictured here: -
FMG, just a thought…
I know it’s a bit late to be saying this, and I am in no way downplaying what you guys are accomplishing here as I plan to buy many sets of your pieces as-is, HOWEVER… I would like to have seen for Field Commander units: Jeeps, Kubelwagens, Command Cars, etc rather than an infantry-style piece (just saying) :-).
Maybe you guys can consider adding these pieces as an expansion later or something? I think those are iconic and would be greatly used somehow with some house rules.
Either way, you guys rock!
Does anyone know the exact models of the FMG Italian pieces as follows:
Artillery piece? It’s says 105mm but I can’t determine WHICH 105mm it might be.
Transport Truck? No info on what make/model.
Transport Ship? What class?I’m asking becuase I’m building these onto some custom charts, etc and would like to know. All others were provided or have been determined. Thanks everyone (and especially FMG)!
I think I might have found the truck. Is it possibly a Fiat 626 Heavy Truck? Pictured here: the Artillery piece looks an awfully lot like this one (a Bohler 47mm Anti-Tank gun) rather than the 105mm decription?: thoughts??
The command car idea is awesome. In another forum I suggested making Jeeps for the USA, but using them as command cars makes more sense. It will also allow Commander units to move 2 spaces would it not? Probably way too late for Italy but hopefully not Germany, USA, and UK. Maybe Japan can have flagships as commander units, or Flag units that attach to a ship. Just an idea. Also, how are these commander units going to be used? As stand alone units with attack and defense value, stand alone units with no attack or defense value but giving a bonus to other units in the same territory, or units that attach to a unit giving that one unit a bonus?
Does anyone know the exact models of the FMG Italian pieces as follows:
Artillery piece? It’s says 105mm but I can’t determine WHICH 105mm it might be.
Transport Truck? No info on what make/model.
Transport Ship? What class?I’m asking becuase I’m building these onto some custom charts, etc and would like to know. All others were provided or have been determined. Thanks everyone (and especially FMG)!
I think I might have found the truck. Is it possibly a Fiat 626 Heavy Truck? Pictured here: the Artillery piece looks an awfully lot like this one (a Bohler 47mm Anti-Tank gun) rather than the 105mm decription?: thoughts??
I do believe you’re right on the money with both of those units.
Does anyone know the exact models of the FMG Italian pieces as follows:
Artillery piece? It’s says 105mm but I can’t determine WHICH 105mm it might be.
Transport Truck? No info on what make/model.
Transport Ship? What class?I’m asking becuase I’m building these onto some custom charts, etc and would like to know. All others were provided or have been determined. Thanks everyone (and especially FMG)!
yes, you are correct.
I think I might have found the truck. Is it possibly a Fiat 626 Heavy Truck? Pictured here: the Artillery piece looks an awfully lot like this one (a Bohler 47mm Anti-Tank gun) rather than the 105mm decription?: thoughts??
I do believe you’re right on the money with both of those units.
The command car idea is awesome. In another forum I suggested making Jeeps for the USA, but using them as command cars makes more sense. It will also allow Commander units to move 2 spaces would it not? Probably way too late for Italy but hopefully not Germany, USA, and UK. Maybe Japan can have flagships as commander units, or Flag units that attach to a ship. Just an idea. Also, how are these commander units going to be used? As stand alone units with attack and defense value, stand alone units with no attack or defense value but giving a bonus to other units in the same territory, or units that attach to a unit giving that one unit a bonus?
Actually, my thought was to have the Command Unit (equivalent to FMG’s Field Commander) act as an enhancer to infantry and other ground units somehow (maybe boosts first round attack or defense, etc). I wasn’t planning on using the unit as a sort of transport for anything - I actualy wanted the Jeep to BE the US example of a Commander unit, the Command Car as an example of the UK command unit, and the Kubelwagen as the German example, etc.
I was thinking Cost=10/Move=2/Attack=0/Defend=1/During attack, allows casualties to fire back AND during defense allows all defending ground units a first roll of 1 for each attacking ground unit (similar to how AAA works against aircraft). Unless the enemy has a Commander unit too, in which case battle is conducted normally (no advantage).
Make sense??