Thanks so much for clearing that up!
Kamikazes for Japan, what for Germany???
Germany at the end of the war had pilots intentionally crashing into bomber planes with the hopes that they could parachute to safety after the crash.
yes i have heard that. and they had a “name” too. cant remember what though
yes i have heard that. and they had a “name” too. cant remember what though
You can read about it here:
jews arent a country. Im speaking of countries. and yes quite a few did join without a fight. Like austria.
but then you got the case of Denmark…
jews arent a country. Im speaking of countries. and yes quite a few did join without a fight. Like austria.
but then you got the case of Denmark…
There is something rotten in Denmark……
I can only see one thing that would be an equivalent of the japanese Kamikaze special rule thing. Germans should have Wunderwaffen (Wonderweapons), like V2 for example. Just like the Kamikaze were a last ditch defense, the German V2 belong in that category too. Of course Germany would only be able to launch these on certain areas, just like the japanese, and they should come in limited numbers, just like Kamikaze.
I am actually thinking of using this as a house rule, in case it is not in the game (which I’m sure it’s not).
I don’t think any of these ideas will be in the game (although I would definitely enjoy having them). But if we’re on the subject, I think that the Atomic Bomb should be a research or something. And not just for the U.S. b/c other countries were doing things with nuclear fission as well (I think). But it should be like a special research (expensive or something) so that usually only the U.S. will be able to afford the endeavor. Thoughts?
I can only see one thing that would be an equivalent of the japanese Kamikaze special rule thing. Germans should have Wunderwaffen (Wonderweapons), like V2 for example. Just like the Kamikaze were a last ditch defense, the German V2 belong in that category too. Of course Germany would only be able to launch these on certain areas, just like the japanese, and they should come in limited numbers, just like Kamikaze.
I am actually thinking of using this as a house rule, in case it is not in the game (which I’m sure it’s not).
What would your house rule be? Can you post it in the House Rules section? I’m interested in maybe incorporating your idea.
@The:I don’t think any of these ideas will be in the game (although I would definitely enjoy having them). But if we’re on the subject, I think that the Atomic Bomb should be a research or something. And not just for the U.S. b/c other countries were doing things with nuclear fission as well (I think). But it should be like a special research (expensive or something) so that usually only the U.S. will be able to afford the endeavor. Thoughts?
Same here. Write up a house rule and post it in the HR section. Let’s talk it out.
I don’t think any of these ideas will be in the game (although I would definitely enjoy having them). But if we’re on the subject, I think that the Atomic Bomb should be a research or something. And not just for the U.S. b/c other countries were doing things with nuclear fission as well (I think). But it should be like a special research (expensive or something) so that usually only the U.S. will be able to afford the endeavor. Thoughts?
The Germans were definitely trying to develop the A-bomb during the war too, so it would definitely have to be open to all countries. The US just happened to get it to work first, partially due to scientists like Einstein who left Europe because of the Nazis.
Atomic weapons were born from the fear that Hitler’s Germany would dominate the world with a monopoly of atomic bombs. The initiative for their development came from Dr Leo Szilard, a Hungarian-born refugee from fascism, who obtained the support of Albert Einstein. Einstein, a German-born Jew and a life-long opponent of German militarism, was then living in self-imposed exile in the United States of America. On 2 August 1939 he wrote to the President Roosevelt, warning of the danger that Germany might develop the bomb:
Some recent work by E. Fermi and L. Szilard, which has been communicated to me in manuscript, leads me to expect that the element uranium may be turned into a new and important source of energy in the immediate future. Certain aspects of the situation seem to call for watchfulness and, ff necessary, quick action on the part of the administration. I believe therefore that it is my duty to bring to your attention … that extremely powerful bombs of a new type may … be constructed. I understand that Germany has actually stopped the sale of uranium from the Czechoslovakian mines which she has taken over …
The USA was not at that time at war and so Einstein’s warning did not meet with an energetic response. On 7 March 1940 Einstein, again after an approach from Szilard, wrote a second and more urgent appeal. Preliminary work on bomb manufacture then started, shortly after this second appeal, and by the time they joined the war, U S government and military officials knew that ‘extremely powerful bombs of a new type’ could be constructed in the way suggested by Szilard and Fermi. In fact the decision to go ahead and build an A-bomb was taken on 6 December 1941 - the day before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor which brought America into the war.
In the next four years the scientists worked feverishly to develop atomic weapons in advance of Germany. Enrico Fermi, Leo Szilard, Niels Bohr, Hans Bethe and Joseph Rotblat were among the many Europeans who worked for the project (despite the fact that some were not even American citizens). Several British nuclear scientists also participated. All were united in their fear of what might happen if Hitler were to get the atomic bomb first.
But by November 1944 it was clear that Germany was not in fact making such a bomb. In December 1944 Rotblat, who later became Professor of Physics at St Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical College, London, left the project because it no longer seemed necessary. In the spring of 1945 Szilard and Einstein again wrote to Roosevelt, this time with a quite different purpose: to warn him of the dangers which would face the post-war world from the development of atomic energy.
On 8 May 1945 the European war ended and it was confirmed that Germany had never seriously considered building an atomic bomb. The $2,000 million project need never have begun. And there no longer seemed any need to continue with it, since it was known that the Japanese, who were still fighting, had no intention or possibility to make such a bomb. At this time the scientists had not even got as far as building a prototype bomb.
Already the more far-seeing were becoming concerned about the long-term implications of atomic weapons. Einstein, Szilard and Bohr had all attempted in different ways to warn the politicians of the coming dangers. They felt that the bomb project should be abandoned and the emphasis switched to peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
After 8 May this feeling began to be shared by more and more of those who had worked to build the bomb. A poll of these atomic scientists was taken and only 15 per cent wholeheartedly favoured its military use against Japan.
Nonetheless, work on the bomb continued with renewed urgency.
Japan got Kamakazies
The United States “should” have gotten an atomic bomb rule.Germany should get a vichy rule. Like after they take France they can spend the captured IPCs THAT turn, in any french territory, or any seazone bordering a french territory with an IPC value
Heavy Bombers is atomic bomb rule.
Heavy Bombers is atomic bomb rule.
While I agree that this was the intent of the rule, the problem with it is there is no limit to the number of HBs that can be built or used in a turn. The other problem of course is they are far too easy to acquire and throw the game off immediately.
Which is probably why the Heavy Bombers Tech has been nerfed so much from the original.
Which is probably why the Heavy Bombers Tech has been nerfed so much from the original.
Yes, it was a terrible rule, and this is why I dont like any NA rules or NO rules.
Heavy Bombers is atomic bomb rule.
i do not think that heavy bombers is an atomic bomb. heavy bombers are best at taking out fleets. they work well when combined with attacking land forces at taking out defending land forces. they do not act like an atomic bomb at all.
Been looking at the new transport ships in battle rules; maybe the Germans can assign casualties to enemy transports before other ships to reflect submarine experience - say they have 4 subs attacking a cruiser escorting 2 transports. One sub must engage the crusier, but the others can target the transports.
Heavy Bombers is atomic bomb rule.
i do not think that heavy bombers is an atomic bomb. heavy bombers are best at taking out fleets. they work well when combined with attacking land forces at taking out defending land forces. they do not act like an atomic bomb at all.
Axis and Allies Game History
A company called Nova Game Design, Inc. introduced Axis and Allies at the 1981 Origins convention. The pieces were made of cardboard and included shapes like triangle tanks, hexagonal fighters, and round anti-aircraft units. This original release was quite different than the current Milton Bradley version of Axis and Allies.
For example, submarines were not hindered by enemy naval units, and could run a blockade by moving two spaces right through an enemy fleet. Also, neutral countries were more significant –- Spain, although being a neutral territory, contributed 3 IPCs per turn to the German economy. Most neutral territories also had an economic value. For weapons development, the current Heavy Bombers did not exist; in its place was the Atomic Bomb technology. There also were unique units for each country, including kamikaze attacks for the Japanese, moveable Russian factories, US Marines, the British Home Guard, and German SS Panzerkorps.