So, if the UK/ANZAC attack Japan first, can Japan counter without bringing the US into the war?
This would not be an ‘unprovoked attack’ by Japan, but would require the declaration of war by Japan on the subsequent turn to UK/ANZAC. Japan could certainly defend itself in the UK/ANZAC attacks, but if they go offensive their next turn it changes the status of combatants. It seems that this is indeed what it is meant, however the wording still seems ambiguously vague.
Again, the phrase “unprovoked attack” no longer appears in the political rules, and attacks may not be done without a declaration of war. It seems to me that declaring war upon someone that has already declared war upon you is not “unprovoked”. Forgive me, but I’m not seeing any ambiguity.
The ambiguity was indeed worse in the previous incarnation of the FAQ and the official rules, albeit this one is much better, though can still be evidenced in the first question’s answer above. Partly this is because you have to explain game mechanics through the eyes of how real life works, what with Jap ships sneaking past ships and declaring war with bombs rather than words, alas…
If UK attacks Japan, you are telling me that a state of war occurs between UK/ANZAC and Japan, as well as the Dutch, but not between them and the US. So if UK attacks Japan on UK1, then Japan can freely attack UK/Anzac or the Dutch without bringing the US into the war until turn 3, unless they also attack the US before that because it was an unprovoked declaration of war by the UK on Japan.
However, if Japan attacks the Dutch on J1, then they are at war with the Dutch, UK/anzac and the US immediately and really no declaration of war is needed because of an unprovoked declaration of war by Japan.
A declaration of war can be made and acted upon some of the powers by others, and in some cases that will create a state of war between them and in some cases not. I just wanted the clarification on what was intended to be meant so we know where ‘house rules’ would start.
thanks- appreciate the help.