@JPatrickRemiger since you’re new to triplea, might as well start out with the latest https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39809/new-triplea-map-uhd-world-war-ii-global?page=1
can only DL with 2.5. Otherwise gotta go direct from git.
Recently I download Triple A (the latest stable version 2.5.22294) and keep encountering the following message "(No network connection?) Failed to get server properties java.net.UnknownHostException: raw.githubusercontent.com“ even though I have an internet connection. I tried to turn off all virus protection app without success. Might anyone be kind enough to show me what I possibly did wrong in setup?
To use the Play by Forum features, everyone here I believe should be using at least version 2.6
Hi Innohub
I’m not that github savy. And it seems you just succeded in getting a correct version of the game.
Can you guide me to the correct 2.6.??? edition.
When I follow the normal download path I get a version 2.5.22294.
It’s not clear to me how to get a correct 2.6 version
Can you help
@simon-tressel Thanks a lot!
My work computer has a trust issue with GitHub so cant get the files down from there. Any known workarounds?
Not that I know of; I would guess that GitHub is the only repository. You could download the files on another computer and transfer them on a USB stick or email them to yourself or something.