• @Imperious:

    Yes i saw a few episodes a long time ago. Didn’t think much of them, probably because it had too much British form of humor.

    The only British Comedy i like is Faulty Towers and Are you being served?

    You didn’t like Monty Python?

  • No. I despised it. It reminded me of D&D too much. It is probably a known fact that all D&D players love that movie.

  • @Imperious:

    No. I despised it. It reminded me of D&D too much. It is probably a known fact that all D&D players love that movie.

    How does Monty Python remind you of D&D?

    I want you to look at this quote and tell me that you think it makes sense: “It is probably a known fact”

  • Ask a couple of D&D players and you will have confirmation.

  • Rarely watch TV anymore. I sometimes will watch the news but I prefer Radio for that. There are a number of things about tv that irk me. One is there seems to always be more commercials than programming and the commercials are always louder. Another is well there isn’t anything on worth watching. The only reason I pay for cable is the internet.

    I still watch movies but less and less of the newer ones. I may be getting senile thinking most everything coming out of Hollywood is overpriced and poorly written. Harrison Ford made a comment that if you wanted to part of a good story you almost had to produce it yourself.

  • I listen to KFI640. Mostly either Bill Handel or George Norry and John and Ken

  • I’ve never watched much TV.  Unless it’s video games, movies, or shows on DVD, I don’t turn the tube on that much.

    As far as British shows go, I like The Office (better than the US), Spaced, Extras, Monty Python.  Seen others but I don’t remember them as well (I was probably high).

  • I used to play D&D and I don’t see the connection to Monty Python.

  • I always thought D&D would be cool.

  • @ABWorsham:

    I always thought D&D would be cool.

    If you’re interested in classic 80s D&D you can play an emulated version called “Labyrinth Lord” which can be found here (free PDF version):


    It’s essentially the same game just the word “Dungeon Master” has been replaced with Labyrinth Lord: All the rules, monsters, weapons etc are identical but for copyright purposes have been changed.

    Personally I prefer classic D&D as it gives the players and the DM more of a chance to be creative: the latest incarnations are purely designed to make money, requiring you to purchase multitudes of books for monsters, spells, etc. With the Labyrinth Lord you have the entire game within a single book like original D&D :D

  • @ABWorsham:

    I always thought D&D would be cool.

    It really depends on the group that you are playing with.

  • Never got into DandD though I have friends who have. I was and still am into the old West End Games Star Wars Roleplaying Game. That is a blast. Unfortunately West End Games went under and our friends at WOTC bought got involved and had to redo the game in their own way. Over all their version was more restrictive and a lot less fun for me. I tried it once…It lasted about as long as the guy who rolled a gungun to play a star wars mission. Said gungun died less than a few minutes into the mission. I hate gunguns.

    My closest friends from college still play this game (the same ones who play AanaA) and we try to get together a few times a year to play, camp, fish, hike, and well just have a good time.

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