Re: Making my own WW1 game…
Hey, y’all. I was wondering how y’all made games, like this one. Please reply if you have an answer!
Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread
Excellent! I am looking forward to the future development of this project.
That’s great news! Do you have the samples for the other countries? Or will all the samples come out in 3-4 weeks.
We can only afford to do the moulds one at a time so we are doing ITALY first. The speed of the other countries will depend on the amount of pre-orders.
Sorry I got confused, one country at a time, Italy first. Thank you.
That’s great news! Do you have the samples for the other countries? Or will all the samples come out in 3-4 weeks.
We can only afford to do the moulds one at a time so we are doing ITALY first. The speed of the other countries will depend on the amount of pre-orders.
For the Italian heavy tank I would’ve chosen the Carro Armato P 26/40. Other than that, excellent choices.
There’s more than 1 type of tank for Italy? Sweet!
+1 karma to everyone on this thread! Dang it’s a long one might take a while.
It took a while 20 minutes, a lot of repeats but I did it! I don’t think I would do it again for a something this long.
For the Italian heavy tank I would’ve chosen the Carro Armato P 26/40. Other than that, excellent choices.
Thanks FMG Keep up the good work!
For the Italian heavy tank I would’ve chosen the Carro Armato P 26/40. Other than that, excellent choices.
Our choices were limited by the sculpts we could find that were appropriate. Our goal was to offer two types of Tanks/SPG for variety on the board and possible HOUSE RULES.
Will there be any infantry for Italy in the set? A generic looking sub?
The very first post explains there will be a variety of pieces, including two infantry sculpts per nation. In short, this will be the most complete set of pieces offered anywhere with six nations (to start with, but one nation released at a time) and the greatest variety of units. FMG is also pursuing other projects including the dice project with seven specific nations, a dice tower, and sometime in the future an enhanced set of chips to represent stacks of units or special conditions such as damaged units. Eventually we expect to see additional nations such as ANZAC represented.
For the Italian heavy tank I would’ve chosen the Carro Armato P 26/40. Other than that, excellent choices.
I think FMG just needs pictures. Armato P 40&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi
This would be a much better choice. I know It may slow the process even further, (or even increase cost) but a “tank” should be a tank.
Lets look at it this way: the project was started a little over 6 months ago. That’s decently fast.
I must say that as a customer I must insist on this proposal. However, if you wanted the second tank to be a light tank, and save the heavy tank and the assault gun for a seperate “Technology Pieces” release, then you would want the 2nd Italian tank to be a Carro Armato L6/40.
However, this may cause some problems:
1. What if FMG already has the Semovente 75/18 (Really an SPG) in production,or
2. the factory is already set, and changing the molds would waste time and money?
There are several options:
1. Just include the Self-Propeled Gun as just another piece to include
2. Stock those pieces for a later release, such as a “Tech” release
3. Screw it, and just go ahead with the project as is, perhaps a change in a second edition.
Some people are never happy
The very first post explains there will be a variety of pieces, including two infantry sculpts per nation. In short, this will be the most complete set of pieces offered anywhere with six nations (to start with, but one nation released at a time) and the greatest variety of units. FMG is also pursuing other projects including the dice project with seven specific nations, a dice tower, and sometime in the future an enhanced set of chips to represent stacks of units or special conditions such as damaged units. Eventually we expect to see additional nations such as ANZAC represented.
Sorry, lack of mention in FMGs previous post made me curious.
Our choices were limited by the sculpts we could find that were appropriate. Our goal was to offer two types of Tanks/SPG for variety on the board and possible HOUSE RULES.
If you noticed what he said, the “…choices were limited by the sculpts we could find that were appropriate.”.
So they may have wanted to go with another armor unit but could only work with what was available or good enough to be worked into a mold.
I don’t think that they just randomly chose one model over another. Jeremy is a thorough sort and I have no doubt that the finish product will be quite nice.
Thanks Craig! This is true. If you look at the history of this thread… I had an APB out on sculpts from the community for months. We are happy with what we have found so far and I am sure you will be too when you see the finished product. Your board will never look the same again!
That’s great news, keep us updated, +1 karma to you!
Our choices were limited by the sculpts we could find that were appropriate. Our goal was to offer two types of Tanks/SPG for variety on the board and possible HOUSE RULES.
If you noticed what he said, the “…choices were limited by the sculpts we could find that were appropriate.”.
So they may have wanted to go with another armor unit but could only work with what was available or good enough to be worked into a mold.
I don’t think that they just randomly chose one model over another. Jeremy is a thorough sort and I have no doubt that the finish product will be quite nice.
Thanks Craig! This is true. If you look at the history of this thread… I had an APB out on sculpts from the community for months. We are happy with what we have found so far and I am sure you will be too when you see the finished product. Your board will never look the same again!
Exactly how do you make the sculps? Can you make them from a 3D graphic or to you take a plastic model, scan it into a 3D model, then make the mold from that? Maybe knowing a little bit more about the process might help in having other people provide you with a greater selection of sculps.
Exactly how do you make the sculps? Can you make them from a 3D graphic or to you take a plastic model, scan it into a 3D model, then make the mold from that? Maybe knowing a little bit more about the process might help in having other people provide you with a greater selection of sculps.
We had been collecting Models to use for sculpts. It will cost us $50 USD to miniaturize an existing model and put it into a mould (on top off mould cost) and $500 USD to have a sculpt made in a digital 3D file and put into the mould. If you do the math with the number of units we are tying to give for each Nation ON TOP of the mould cost you can see that this is very expensive. Each Mould (One for each Nation) has a cost of approx $5000 USD on top of these costs even before we pay for PRODUCTION and LOGISTICS to get the product back to us.
We were able to collect 80% of the models but some, like the DiveBombers we had to have made with 3D models.
This is no small undertaking and the sale of COMBAT DICE, TOWERS and AAA Games has been paying for the development costs so far. Once the bill comes for the first mould we will post a page for pre-orders. The speed of production on all 7 nations will depend on the number of these pre-orders to fund the project.
As I’m sure you all know, we are doing this not to make money (that would be CRAZY and a bad investment) but to have the COMBAT UNITS on our own game table and to share with the community.
Thus: all support by making your AAA purchases via FMG is a direct contribution to this project.
I think its possible that you may do well, but getting the word out is the key. I would definatly list them on ebay at full price to make it easier for people who do not know FMG too well to buy these products using your rating as a guideline. Amazon will do well too, as well as BGG as a paid advertisement that flags up on the home page.
FMG, I hope you do make some money! People who take risk should be able to receive the reward. Will you be allowing others to sell your units as part of a game they developed… so they don’t have to do all this mold stuff?
It was the right decision to make the Italian line first.
Next should be a line with neutrals. Since the new reharsed A&A pieces are of better quality, not so many will buy germans, brits or russians from FMG. But the new games of A&A Europe and Pacific 1940 will not come with neutral pieces, so I guess many players want to buy neutral infantry to use with this new games. FMG please do listen to my advice.