Here we go again. Lol
VictoryFirst (Allies) vs. SuperbattleshipYamato (Germans) | D-Day, TGC Balance Game 1
1 artillery from the 7th Werfer Brigade, the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend (3 tanks, 1 artillery), and 1 artillery from the 1st SS Panzer Corps all move into Caen, which has 3 British fighters.
1 fighter already rolled, scoring no hits.
The other 2 fighters roll:
1 artillery: [dice 2d6]
1 artillery: [dice 2d6]
1 artillery: [dice 2d6]
1 tank: [dice 2d6]
1 tank: [dice 2d6]
1 tank: [dice 2d6]Good luck, SS forces! The fate of Europe lies in your hands!
2d6: 5, 1
2d6: 1, 6
2d6: 5, 4
2d6: 1, 2
2d6: 5, 1
2d6: 6, 3 -
2 tanks and 2 artillery are destroyed.
Germany Turn 10 Reinforcements Complete D-Day Game 19.tsvg
Nooooooo!!! I was so close, so close, you got exactly 2 hits, if the fighters just hit slightly differently (they didn’t even need to roll one less 1, it just had to have hit a unit that already had a 1 rolled against them). Those British fighters rolled better than what they should’ve gotten on average.
No way!!! Oh my god I really expected I would lose that because there is a good chance the fighters just get 1-2 kills and then I had to score 4+ hits with only an army with 16 combat factors. The Allied air force saved the day!
Man that was exciting, I loved it! Thank you for playing. I will be moving away now from playing D-Day so that I can focus on other games, but I will be making some small upgrades to the D-Day module, such as implementing stacking limits and setting the maximum land combat rounds to 1. I assume you and The_Good_Captain are going to play more D-Day games so you guys will be able to use the improved module. If interested, can I send it to you via email?
Of course! I didn’t know you were a TripleA coder. That’s so cool! I assume you know my email?
Yeah, that final battle had me on the edge of my seat. I really thought the Germans would make it as well. You kept me on my toes the whole time. Very impressive. Good game.
Yep, I know your email from the PBEM information. I’ll send it to you once it’s ready.
Hehe well I have become a TripleA coder quite recently. I’ve always wanted to learn it but never had the time until at some point I finally decided to follow some tutorials. I then started working on some small projects, like making modifications to existing maps and creating a mini TripleA map. It is not difficult to learn at all. The tutorials by Black-Elk on the TripleA forum are very good and the people on the forum there are also always happy to help you.
I am now working on a super large WW2 Europe game, set in 1936… :) It will take a while before that’s even close to being finished, but I am sure it will become a super cool game!
Great! I was always thinking of doing some very minor modifications to TripleA maps (mainly getting rid of national objectives in Global 1940 for a house rule version I’m thinking of), but the instructions I found were always too confusing. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!
Yeah, to get rid of the NOs you have to open the XML file of G40, which is found in the “games” folder, the path is downloadedMaps>world_war_ii_global>map>games
Then search for National Objectives. Delete this code until you get to “Victory Conditions”, that’s where the objectives stop.
Also, remove the “” file that is found in the “map” folder.
Thank you!
I found a much easier way to do it:
In “<property name=“National Objectives” value=“true” editable=“false”>”
Change the “false” in “editable=“false”>” to “true” so it’ll look like this:
<property name=“National Objectives” value=“true” editable=“true”>
This allows you to turn national objectives on or off in the game options section.
Oh lol. I forgot for a moment the NOs could just be an option. That’s indeed much easier than what I suggested 😂 In WW2 v3 1941 you can also just disable NOs :)
It worked!
I needed to turn national objectives off for a Global 1940 variant known as “Armies vs Navies” (more information here:
Would you like to playtest this version with me? It would be the first time playing this map with a human opponent (I’ll take navies, you take armies, we’ll play with the basic rules, not the optional one). Thank you!