Thanks for clarifying! I did not notice that. Yeah, a different background would definitely help.
TripleA - play Axis & Allies like Maps Online, PBEM or against the AI
Just visit the
Get TripleA, Beginners Tutorial and additional Maps at the
TripleA Supply Depot:
for more info and screenshots.
ErnieBommel -
Good site ! Wish it had been there when I first started to play TripleA online. Unfortunately I get the feeling that all they ever want to play at the Lobby is A&A Anniversary. You seldom see other variants offered.
Well, I read for a couple times now that they like NWO much better then aa50. There is almost constantly 1-3 NWO games active.
Any plans for additional maps?
How often are new maps available?
Thanks. -
Suffice it to say that there are more war-game maps available then anyone would have time to learn. New scenarios are being invented all the time.
Do you know the links/websites where I can find some of these? I am aware of the Ernie Bommel site….
Thanks. -
Hmm well most of the maps are available on Ernie’s site. Keep in mind that you download the maps with the “download maps” function, and you download one map at a time using it.
See this helpful link are urls to use….(copy/paste into dl maps blank) here… here… make sure you have the latest TripleA keep fishing via that first link and the Ernie Bommel site…there are tons and tons of maps out there.
Thanks! I appreciate it!
I just downloaded the latest unstable triplea version to my pc. I also downloaded the latest Java. How do I run triplea now? After I downloaded triplea I unzipped the file, but now what?
Thanks for the help! -
did you download the source code or did you download the installed?
go download the installer,
double click it, it will install the game