Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • @SuperbattleshipYamato @Cornelis-Post

    Yeah Japan is having a hard time, but it also got diced hard in every single major battle. In Yunnan, two times in SZ 6, as well as in Yenisey. So the poor Japs couldn’t really do much about it.

    Still, Germany is looking quite good. Lots of reinforcements are moving towards Russia and AGC is knocking at the door, so the game is still not over! Ivan is sweating! :)

  • Global 1940 House Rule Expansion Game Report
    via TripleA

    This is our 4th game.

    Axis: barnee
    Allies: VictoryFirst

    Link to our game thread:

    Save file: exp-game-4-victory-A8-F8.tsvg

    Round: Late 1943 (Round 8)

    Eastern Front:
    The war wages on. Neither side has achieved a breakthrough so far. The Russian Tank Army in Ukraine was forced to a halt, so it gave up on the attack and retreated to Moscow for the defense.
    Germany was running low on fodder units, but Tanks and Mechs from Germany are now driving towards the Eastern Front.
    3rd Army Corps, containing three guard units, moved out and attacked Vologda.
    Germany continued bombing the Moscow factory. The Russians now have to spend valuable IPCs to repair damage. A defensive air force in Moscow of 6 fighters and a Fighter Ace will hopefully deter any future bombing

    The Axis retreated completely from the siege of Cairo. German units from Africa moved back to Europe, to help on the Eastern Front.
    The UK made a big attack against the Italian forces in Iraq, but it didn’t end up in a success. The Italians were tougher than expected and managed to destroy all UK land units, including two British aircraft.
    Italy started making suicide attacks with its land units in Africa so that a German Takeover of Italy could happen in the future. There is still one Italian artillery left in Alexandria.
    Still, Italian paratroopers are making relentless attacks against the Middle Eastern territories.

    Seeing the strong Allied naval presence in the Atlantic, all U-boats have fled to SZ 112. The US has built a transport fleet with land units, including a full tank army, so that it can make attacks against mainland Europe.
    The UK bought 4 more Total War Fighters so that it has a total of 8 fighters in London.
    The Germans and Italy have started heavily defending their coastal territories. 2nd Waffen army was formed in Western Germany.

    Pacific & Asia:
    Japan started only producing units for the defense of the homeland. Because of massive IPC loss due to convoy disruption, its defensive options are limited. All of China and Russia will likely be captured in the next couple of rounds.
    ANZAC now has a total of 10 transports operating in the Pacific, amphibiously assaulting all kinds of territories.

    Income Totals:
    Germany: 49 / 69
    Japan: 19 / 27
    Italy: 21 / 33

    USSR: 23 / 23
    US: 57 / 96
    China: 14 / 20
    UK: 57 / 73
    ANZAC: 23 / 33

    Axis: 87 / 129
    Allies: 174 / 245

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  • @VictoryFirst

    Great Game Report. Good idea to post pictures of the Table Top Game Board - this makes it easier to keep a good overview.

    Another hard won 15 IPC and Victory goes to the Allies.

  • Global 1940 House Rule Expansion Game Report
    via TripleA

    This is our 4th game.

    Axis: barnee
    Allies: VictoryFirst

    Link to our game thread:

    Save file: exp-game-4-victory-A9-F9.tsvg

    Round: Early 1944 (Round 9)

    Eastern Front:
    This turn was very exciting! Due to a careless defense of the Allied player, the Germans tempted fate and attacked Moscow. Even though the odds were not completely in their favor, they decided to risk it and hope for good dice to turn the tide. After a very suspenseful battle, all that was left was one German Waffen Panzer - and therefore Moscow was conquered.
    However, the Russians had enough stuff to take it back. Still, their money was ceded to Germany - and therefore the Germans have a stack of 104 IPCs in their hand.
    Numerous German reinforcements are moving towards the east, while UK tanks and Allied fighters start moving into Russia, to help defend.

    UK tanks started massively maneuvering to the Middle East, to recapture the Oil Fields, as well as reinforce Russia. They retreated from Cairo so that the lone Italian artillery couldn’t suicide attack - and therefore disallow a German Takeover of Italy. The artillery then captured empty Egypt - including the Cairo factory.

    Atlantic & Western Europe:
    Allied troops started their first landing on Mainland Europe. First, the Americans attacked Normandy with all their ground units and air power and managed to take it with their air force and one elite remaining. Then, the UK attacked the Axis surface fleet in SZ 112 with 8 fighters, destroyed it without any casualties, and reinforced Normandy with as many fighter and land units as possible. Almost all IPCs are spent on the Western side of the board, to have the best chances to slow down Germany and win the game.

    Pacific & Asia:
    Allied air units start flying towards Russia because they are not needed anymore in the Pacific. Almost all Japanese territories and islands have been captured, including the Carolines.

    Income Totals:
    Germany: 47 / 69
    Japan: 8 / 16
    Italy: 24 / 37

    USSR: 21 / 21
    US: 59 / 98
    China: 21 / 27
    UK: 57 / 68
    ANZAC: 29 / 39

    Axis: 79 / 122
    Allies: 187 / 253

    Edit: Due to a misunderstanding of the rules, the income level of France was not included in our game when totaling the Allied income. When adding up the French income of 7 for this turn, the total Allied income level is 194 IPCs, therefore, this game has ended in an Allied Economic Victory.

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  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Please remember:

    Strategic Planning:
    Strategies should be discussed at the Strategy Guide Global 1940 thread.

    Players should be able to discuss - and search for - various strategies used for the Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions.
    Also - the Game Report thread is suitable only for short strategy informations that concern each specific game that is posted at the Game Report thread.

  • @VictoryFirst

    Beautiful map! Those Allied fleets and armies look terrifying. Definitely an Allied win. Did you expect that? Between you and Barnee, who’s more experienced? Thank you!

  • GAME REPORT #3 (and final) Global 1940 with Expansion Rules - sections 1-4 (no optional rules) that concluded on 6/29/24
    (notice the improved expansion counters that Cornelis provided - thank you!)

    Germany - mkgionet
    Italy - Cathy M
    Japan - Pat H
    UK - Mike K
    Russia - Alex M
    USA - Josh S

    Report through partial Early 1946 - game called after Germany fell.

    Not surprisingly, despite Germany’s best efforts they just kept getting pushed back. Once UK, USA, & Russia finally arranged their forces to all attack Berlin on the same turn Germany was defeated. Interestingly there was never a D Day as Denmark was taken over all and attacks went straight for Berlin. Also interesting that not a single mine was bought by anyone.

    Japan was a powerhouse and after capturing India had his sites set for Hawaii as the 6th Pacific Victory City. When setting up for this attack in 1945 (to execute in 1946) there was a miscalculation and 3 transports were left vulnerable off wake island and were sunk by carrier fighters. Without those 6 troops an attack on Honolulu would end in sure defeat. If that mistake wasn’t made and Germany was able to hold out just a tad longer then perhaps this game would’ve ended in a victory for the Axis with the capture of 6 victory cities in the Pacific. Yes, Japan ended the game at 91 on the IPC track!

    A hard fought battle by all! Stay tuned, the next game starts on July 4th where each player gets to choose an optional rule to add. I’ll be Russia this time!AA 6.29.24 Tracker boards end game.jpg AA 6.29.24 Pacific end game.jpg AA 6.29.24 Eurasia end game.jpg AA 6.29.24 Europe end game.jpg

  • @mkgionet
    You’re welcome.
    Looking forward to your next game(report).💪🏻
    Goodluck with Russia

  • @mkgionet

    Great Game Report.

    According to the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion, the Winning Conditions are:

    The side that first achieves either a Military or Economic Victory wins the game.

    1. Military Victory:
    The Axis: Capture Moscow, London or Washington – and hold that Capital for one complete round of play. Berlin and Tokyo must be controlled by The Axis.
    The Allies: Capture Berlin or Tokyo – and hold that Capital for one complete round of play. Moscow, London and Washington must be controlled by The Allies.

    2. Economic Victory:
    The Axis: The Axis powers are victorious if they have a combined National Production Level of at least 148 IPC. Berlin and Tokyo must be controlled by The Axis.
    The Allies: The Allied powers are victorious if they have a combined National Production Level of at least 189 IPC. Moscow, London and Washington must be controlled by The Allies.
    Note 1: These Economic Victory conditions must be fulfilled after a completed round of play: after France’s turn is over, take a look at the ENPC and check the IPC levels.
    Note 2: the IPC that each Nation receives from National Objective and Bonus Income and Advanced Production Capacity etc. do not count towards the IPC level required for the Winning Conditions.

    3. Surrender: either side can surrender at any time due to a hopeless military situation.

  • @The-Captain Oh boy, somehow I overlooked that. Definitely makes it a bit harder for the Axis to win. I kind of like the concept of victory cities that play more of an important role in the war but I’m guessing the change was made for game balance?

  • @mkgionet

    The Winning Conditions were originally copied from the Axis & Allies Classic version, where the Axis won the War if they had a combined IPC Level at 84 IPC.

    Also, the side that first captured two Major Capitals would win the War.

    As the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion play testing began in 2012 with the Axis & Allies Global 1940 version, we modified and adjusted those Winning Conditions to fit for the Global 1940 version.

    The basic idea was to make the Winning Conditions for Global 1940 more flexible.
    Since the Victory Cities seems too stuck, the Strategic Planning for each Nation is limited to focus mostly on those Cities.

    With the Winning Conditions in the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion players can now use the whole game board from corner to corner in order to win an Economic Victory.

    So now, the Strategic Planning makes each game unpredictable - and each Nation now has unlimited options to win the War.

  • @The-Captain After discussion amongst our players we’ve decided that victory conditions for our game today will be:

    • Economic as you outline
    • Original Military Victory rules from the Global 1940 game: Axis controlling 6 victory cities in the Pacific or 8 victory cities in Europe OR Allies controlling all 3 Axis capitals

    We really like victory cities having more of an impact on the game. We’ll see how things play out!

    To not get overwhelmed with adding all of the Optional Rules we’re only adding for this game:
    Heavy Bombers
    Seafire fighter planes
    Jet Fighters
    Japanese Destroyers
    King Tiger & SS Heavy Tanks

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    Oh Japan… so, so close (even if it was all built on false victory conditions).

  • @mkgionet

    That’s seems as a good idea - in that way, players can gradually adapt to the Expansion Victory Conditions.

    I’m interested to see if the Economic Victory conditions are met before the Victory Cities conditions.

    We’ll follow your Game Report.

    Good luck & have fun

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