Here is russia 1. I could not use the Forum connection, but since there is no combat, should not be a problem.
Hope we can fix things tomorrow.
sounds good. willing to try allies with no bid and see how it goes. if that works you can set up thread and start. I am still on version 2.5 of triplea.
@crockett36 scramble?
got error message that save on newer version. I am still on 2.5 version of triplea.
Hey I was reading through our chat. Why did you accept a 54 bid? Just curious. Would you like a 54 bid?
Went back and also reread chats. I offered you the allies and your pick of bid. You wanted 54. I did not think I had a chance but it is what I offered so I played it out. I had several games going so not a great loss of my availability to play. Did not think my axis play was ready and it helped confirm where it was. Now I am trying to find players I have fun playing against. Standard advice is to play or study better players to get better. For now I dont want to work that hard at getting better and more about having fun. As for your asking if I wanted a 54 bid. no. Not sure where your axis level of play is but fine with trying one without bid.
@crockett36 scramble?
@crockett36 lets have some fun!
no scramble sz109 sz111
Trying something different
flipping your sandwich over?
was going to play my turn against you in about an hour. should I wait?
@mike64 no. go for it. i didnt follow the script
unable to open file. got error message that save on newer version. I am still on version 2.5
did you click okay as far as you can? You opened up the file to say no to a scramble, right?
crockett v mike g40 RUSSIA 1.tsvg all good. I think the file you sent asking for scramble decision was 2.5. then file sent at end of germany turn was 2.6