@wizmark Intercept over Russia?
L23 BM4 Pejon_88 (Allies+17) vs Roboto (Axis)
@MrRoboto did you get additional MARTI dice?
No, those are the only ones. I have received some from August, but that was another battle in 110. Sometimes I receive MARTI mails late, but not always.
I suggested that approach because, as Pejon already correctly stated, I still have a slight edge of two more hits than average. Considering that I give up a huge dicing in my favour (that can’t be confirmed) I thought this was fair and Pejon seems to agree.
If, however, you’d prefer the cleanest option (which is to roll the entire battle here), that’s fine with me too. That would certainly leave no sour taste in any direction. I’ll ask one more time! My next post will include dice rolls, no matter how you decide ;-)
Going forward, I agree with you Pejon - rolling every battle here is strenuous. It seems that the biggest issue seems to be battles with multiple rounds. Would you prefer rolling bigger battles here and leaving small skirmishes to MARTI?
By the way - I really do appreciate the discussion with you Pejon. You have every right to be distrustful and even angry, but you remain very polite and diplomatic. Thanks for that!
@MrRoboto OK, I never seem to receive any late.
Ok, since we’re discussing dice not received which includes the 2 subs as much as any other missed rolls, let’s re-roll the whole battle.
Also the manual edits one has to perform is tedious in my opinion.
I’m certainly ok with that approach. As long as I can see that there is some connection to the save file and turn summary I’m fine with not getting all dice. For example I didn’t receive any dice in G7 when you hit the fleet in SZ95 and wiped it out without losses, but got the dice from the Scotland battle right after. Those matched the save file and turn summary which made things reasonable.
If we are uncertain, we simply ask the other before rolling?
I’m was never angry at all, but I’m definitely glad we can see things similarly.
GLHF going forward :)
Okay I will roll the entire battle on the forums now.
I attack with
2 subs
1 destroyer
2 healthy carriers
1 cruiser
5 fighters
1 battleship
4 tacs
2 bombersPower: 52, average hits: 8 2/3
[dice 2d6<=2]
[dice 1d6<=2]
[dice 6d6<=3]
[dice 7d6<=4] -
2d6<=2: 1, 6; Hits: 1
1d6<=2: 4; Hits: 0
6d6<=3: 1, 1, 2, 3, 6, 1; Hits: 5
7d6<=4: 6, 6, 2, 6, 3, 5, 1; Hits: 3 -
By the way, I JUST now noticed that I actually forgot the sub off Scotland. Would you allow me to move it into the fight as well?
@MrRoboto yes for sure.
[dice 1d6<=2]
1d6<=2: 5; Hits: 0
9hits. OOL please
you have
4 carriers
2 destroyers
1 cruiser
11 fighters -
@MrRoboto carriers and one des please
Your defense:
[dice 6d6<=2]
[dice 1d6<=3]
[dice 11d6<=4]Power: 59
Average hits: 9 5/6 -
6d6<=2: 4, 4, 2, 5, 4, 2; Hits: 2
1d6<=3: 4; Hits: 0
11d6<=4: 6, 1, 3, 6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 3, 5, 5; Hits: 6 -
4 hits to my carriers
1 hit to my battleship
2 hits to my 2 subs
1 hit to my destroyerattacker remaining:
1 cruiser
1 damaged battleship
5 fighters
4 tacs
2 bombers
Power: 46Defender remaining:
1 destroyer
1 cruiser
11 fighter
Power: 49I will carry on
[dice 6d6<=3]
[dice 7d6<=4] -
6d6<=3: 4, 5, 4, 5, 3, 6; Hits: 1
7d6<=4: 3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 6; Hits: 4 -
Wait, I forgot that I added a sub to the fight! It will tank another hit in the first round.
I have one more destroyer then![dice 1d6<=2]
1d6<=2: 3; Hits: 0
5 hits with my 48 power (8 hits on average).
Bad second attack round =(
@MrRoboto yes i am on my phone but I also noticed one sub less for you (I think)
@Pejon_88 max d going forward