Hey that’s great! I always love to hear battle reports on Global and 1914!
WW1 1914 Balance Recommendation
@SuperbattleshipYamato said in WW1 1914 Balance Recommendation:
While every game I played ended long after turn 5, I just thought that meant the historical outcome was a major fluke, with dice rolls really being in the Entente’s favor.
Still, 6 months still doesn’t really work…
No version of canon series axis and allies articulates how much time a turn represents. This is intentional.
@SuperbattleshipYamato yea I disagree with calling the historical outcome a total fluke based on the game and your interpretation of how long each game turn represents. That’s quite backwards thinking my friend.
I consider Global 1940 6 months per turn.
Okay then.
@The_Good_Captain said in WW1 1914 Balance Recommendation:
@SuperbattleshipYamato said in WW1 1914 Balance Recommendation:
While every game I played ended long after turn 5, I just thought that meant the historical outcome was a major fluke, with dice rolls really being in the Entente’s favor.
Still, 6 months still doesn’t really work…
No version of canon series axis and allies articulates how much time a turn represents. This is intentional.
The closest comes from the original Axis & Allies Europe FAQ:
“Remember that a battle in A&A:E doesn’t represent a single bombing raid, it represents a commitment of resources to months of combat. A fighter “shot down” by a bomber represents planes destroyed on the runway, shot down by tail gunners, or shot down by the minimal fighter escort that you can assume is included with every bomber unit. It could even represent planes that crashed because of mechanical failures and damage to aircraft factories or maintenance facilities. At the mega-strategic level of A&A:E, it’s important to look at the big picture when analyzing what’s going on.”
For what it’s worth, I also kinda interpreted 1 round in this game as being one year more or less. Regardless how you interpret it Italy enters the war too early in this game imo.
@kwaspek104 @SuperbattleshipYamato its a never ending conversation anywhere folks talk about axis and allies.
Yep. Along with discussions of how many men a unit represents.
Also, tanks enter the war on turn 3 or 4. This corresponds well enough with 1916.
@SuperbattleshipYamato turn 4 not turn 3 and I don’t buy it. Sorry.
Oh well.
@The_Good_Captain if I adopt No. 3, that means USA can’t attack Spain and use it as a staging post. What’s your recommended strategy for USA in that circumstance?
@mcclellansGhost great question. In my experience its best to think of Canada as the place where all us purchases from the turn prior move to. It is from here that they will deploy to another front.
I like to get USA up to seven transports and split them however you like (I usually split them 6/1) with the base sz being Canada and the shuck SZ being 8, 15, or 16 as needed. very easy to spread the love in this way or react to threats.
7 transport flip shuck
@The_Good_Captain thanks!
Thank you! I’ll try that next time.
One thing I like to do as well is to have a transport or two in sea zone 8, then ferry forces from the US directly to Ireland (it only takes 1 turn for ships to move from there), then onwards to Picardy or Brest (the transports in sea zone 8 bridging). They can also move into sea zone 9 and desposit them in Belgium depending on the situation.