I’ve been playing wrong this entire time???
Thanks for clarifying though. I’ll take that into my next physical game.
@piscolar What is the rule for the Turkey fortification?
I probably sound like an idiot asking this question, but I don’t think you ever clarified it:
Do the true neutrals still operate under the “attack on one is an attack upon all” or can the true neutrals be invaded separately without provoking the rest (of course, with Angola and Mozambique tied to Portugal, etc.).
@SuperbattleshipYamato They get activated independently of each other, unless a country has multiple territories (Spain has Western Sahara; Portugal has Angola, Mozambique, and Guinea; and Mongolia has 6 constituent territories.)
So if you attack a nation, you only need to fight its territories and ships. If you failed or opted not to take or destroy all of them, the remaining must be placed into the hands of an opposing power (similar to how neutrals in 1914 worked).
So if you attack Portugal as the U.S., the Axis will mobilize Portuguese colonial troops and receive income and control over all Portuguese territories and ships. You can pick Italy or Germany or Japan or even Romania if you’re playing with minor powers. But you must represent that nation with only one power: you can’t split them up.
But if you attack Saudia Arabia or any other neutral with only one territory, nothing else gets affected. They’re independent now, and typically have a decent military.
Thank you so much for clarification! I was really confused and had to stop my game until a response.
:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:
Hi @Charles-de-Gaulle Nice to see you :)
I’ve added your Neutral Rules to all the triplea mods I have done. Except for @Black_Elk s latest UHD map. https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39809/new-triplea-map-uhd-world-war-ii-global/12
Although they are available with @the-captain and Company’s mod with UHD :)
I think you will enjoy it :)
@barnee I a taking a look at that 1940 expansion. Really interesting and advanced stuff in there! Definitely something I’ll read deeper later.
@SuperbattleshipYamato In other variants we have allowed neutral superpowers to invade minor neutrals, and although I wouldn’t suggest it for a basic neutral expansion, it won’t hurt much. Venezuela is pretty much the only nation the U.S. could attack without violating its naval restrictions.
I would go ahead and allow it. Makes things more interesting.
Thank you!
I noticed that you don’t allow the US to activate Brazil when neutral in another game (your blog). Would you say that applies to your rules as well? Thank you!