2 big things that work to Allies favor:
-After round 1 Ivan and the Yankees get to move back to back and coordinate
-If Russia is dug in defensively, UK fighters can defend a Russian western front when Germany is up and move to an eastern front for defense against Japan.
Computer and/or Console Version of A&A50?
I think this would be an awsome idea
I know they have a computer game out already, but it kinda sucks. i think they need to do an upgraded version with all the updated rules and new world map.
Does anyone remember the LAST A&A game that was made? no I dont want another failure to pretend never happend.
I think this would be an awsome idea
Agree, but extremely unlikely in the near future. And even more unlikely that any such hypothetical game will have all the features that TripleA has.
TripleA has already created an awesome version. The problem is there is no where to play it live.
I would be willing to pay for the opportunity to play TripleA AA:50 online or via PBE if Hasbro wanted to work something out with TripleA.
TripleA has already created an awesome version. The problem is there is no where to play it live.
I would be willing to pay for the opportunity to play TripleA AA:50 online or via PBE if Hasbro wanted to work something out with TripleA.
Well, you have to host AA50 outside the stable lobby, and find players in the same stable lobby, which sometimes is not a big problem, other times I had to wait for hours. Would be nice if the unstable lobby was up and running.
I know they have a computer game out already, but it kinda sucks. i think they need to do an upgraded version with all the updated rules and new world map.
TripleA does have the new world map and the updated rules. The latest version does, at least.
Since TripleA has been shutdown, I hope somebody makes a computer version.
Veqryn says that TripleA is back up and running.
I have heard that their new AI is better.
Well, I announced it already in other parts of the forums, but here again:
TripleA is up and running, and provides all kinds of A&A games including complete rulesets, enabling online live play, PBEM or local sessions (against the AI). Moreover, it provides some awesome maps for the advanced player (like New World Order - NWO). And all this within a normally pleasant and mature community.
Of course, the AI will be no real challenge, as can everybody having basic understanding of AI programming will easily understand. But it does a surprisingly decent job at the moment, thanks to many improvements.
Check it out in the TripleA Supply Depot: http://sites.google.com/site/tripleaerniebommel/
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