Ok i’m looking at game 8 and see a few mistakes.
Do NOT abandon Karelia! G had 4 inf, 1 art, 3 arm and a bunch of planes in range. Russia could have had a stack of 11 inf, 1 art, 1 arm plus 2 uk figs there. You gave germany free money without them even having to work for it. If you had to do an attack you should have struck Baltic States.
Purchase: Not enough transports, battleship is very wasteful as UK. You knew you had 2 DD+1 CA on the map, giving you great odds against his subs, plus he only has 2 fig 1 bomb in range of your navy. A carrier (14), 2 transports (28), and 1 DD if truely worried (36) would be enough cover for your fleet, with 7 remaining for next turn, or a sub, or whatever. In the pacific you should have sent both your DD and transport with units from AUS loaded onto it toward the atlantic. J is getting India turn 2 anyway for the NO and has enough units to take AUS within range anyway, save them to fight another day.
Purchase: CAs suck, they don’t defend worth crap for what you spend, and there bombard is of marginal use, esp for the US. Also, you have 2 transports with nothing to load into one of them. Also, while I can see your going KGF, that Jap carrier in SZ 51 is a threat and just asking to be destroyed, while the DD is doing nothing. You can reach that carrier with up to 3 figs and 1 bomb, and I would have hit it, maybe with just 2 fig and 1 bomb though so your carrier doesn’t have to pick 'em up. Lastly, 1 US bomber or 2 a turn is the quickest, and easiest way to inflict damage on Europe. And remember, they help make your drop threat even bigger. I would scrap the CA and 1 trans for 1 bomb and 1 arm.
End of turn 1
I can see what MR green is trying to do. He is going to push hard into russia with G, probably with J as well, and Italy is going to defend France and harrass allied fleets. I know your going KGF, but, I’m not seeing your overall plan. Is it a shuck to Russia? Hit Africa and threaten Italy? I’m not seeing an overall strategic focus in your actions.
Purchase: He has a mountain of inf comming at you, and a huge can opener threat, this is a good time for a large inf purchase, a fig if you really want more punch. Also, you still handing him Karelia, WHY? You could have hit kar with 6 inf, 1 art, and 2 arm vs 3 inf, 1 art, 3 arm, 1 fig. You have a good shot at winning that and the UK can back you up as he only has 1 art, 3 arm that can reach next turn. You absolutely must fight for Karelia when going KGF or germany makes too much money. Also, you spread out all your units into 3 territories to block the can opener, but you are going to loose those units to a german attack that will not cost the germans that many units because they have the air power and can focus all there units into a few of yours. This was a turn to hang out in Cauc and Moscow and wait for the germans to commit to a direction. In the pacific you should have taken man with only 1 inf, and moved the other 6 back to Stanov as Japan is going to crush them and open your back door without it costing them in any other fight. They have enough transports. Also, you should have held in china in Chi and made a stand there. Those two advances will cost you many units, without costing Japan much.
I’m going to stop there, but here is my chunk of advice, pick a plan, stick with it. Decide what you are going to achieve with each purchase, and each attack, and what it will cost you, before doing it. Ensure each move puts you closer to your goal, whatever it may be. For example:
I’m going to do a KGF. To help with russia I am going to kill as many german units as possible, and prevent them from gaining as much money as possible. To achive this I will use large stacks of inf backed up with a handful of planes to trade territories. I am also going to keep them out of Karelia. With the UK i’m going to take territory away from germany (norway, finland) and help hold northern europe with russia (landings in Karelia, Poland, etc). With the US i’m going to pummel them with SBRs, and take Africa and threaten Italy so they do not help Germany.
So, with this plan, on R1 I purchase 5 inf, 1 arm, 1 fig. I stack Karelia with as many units as possible, along with 2 purchase inf. I put 2 inf into each persia and Ching, and begin pulling the red army back from Siberia. Most likely I do no attacks, but I place my arm, fig, and my other arm onto Cauc. On UK1 I purchase 1 IC, 2 Trannies, 1 DD, and bank the rest. I land my 2 figs on Karelia to help it hold. I pull out of India and Australia, and do what I can in Africa. I rally my fleet in SZ 2 so i can drop into Karelia with 3 transports next turn if needed. On US1 I purchase 2 bombers and 3 armor. I place it all in LA. I pull the AC/DD back, move my atlantic fleet to SZ 1, put my 2 figs on the UK carrier, and move my 2 bombs into London.
Each action I did puts me closer to my goal, and has a good side effect. The R1 purchase give me plenty of defense, and allows me to start trading territories on R2. Also, if I really want I can hit Trans-Jordan with 2 inf, 2 arm, 1 fig, or if the opportunity arose for an India IC to back it up. Yes Germany may win in Karelia on turn 2, but then the UK will destroy her stack of units giving the russians a large unit advantage. The UK fleet can hit any target it wants in force turn 2, and if I need more defensive ships it can move to SZ 6 and have more built into it. Also, the Germans will have to move units into france on G2 or loose it (Hopefully). With the US on turn 2 I can build my navy and begin my shuck into africa on turn 3, also, the bombers keep japan honest when they try to take my 2nd NO away on turn 2, and help pummel G/I incomes later on the game, and make my threat of landing in force even stronger. Also, with my arm shuck starting in LA it is harder for japan to take it. Lastly, if the UK move to drop in Karelia my US transport can take norway, or it can move toward Africa.