What We Want the Next AA boardgame to be.

  • @swordsman3003:


    hey now, you put Bomba’s ol’ NATO, Nukes and Nazis and A&A mechanics together and you got my vote.

    Crank up the Death Ray!!  :evil:

    How about including inflation…

    I dunno about that…. but importing N3’s political index would rock  :mrgreen:

  • What exactly is Nukes NATo and Nazi’s, I have never heard about it before

  • its Hitler in the 1950’s attacking the parts of the world he didn’t finish off after winning WW2.( North and south America)

  • Id rather fight commies

  • @Imperious:

    its Hitler in the 1950’s attacking the parts of the world he didn’t finish off after winning WW2.( North and south America)

    The backstory’s premise is that Hitler is assassinated prior to opening of Second Front and WW2 ends in a stalemate thru diplomatic channels and a Cold War exists for 40 years or so while all sides develop nuclear arms…blah, blah, blah…

    Anyway, in truth the designers admit that they were working from the fact that people they polled liked three things in wargames:
    1. NATO (this was in the Cold War eh)
    2. Nukes
    3. Nazis - cuz they’re just sooooo evil.  :evil:

    hence the name…

  • I am having the US fight the Soveits would be a little refreshing for A&A players

  • @Emperor_Taiki:

    I am having the US fight the Soveits would be a little refreshing for A&A players

    So like a 1948 kind of scenario?
    And what about the other nations?

  • Well, I prefer a 1980s scenario, like Red Storm Rising or Red Dawn

    but for a 1948, which certaintly would have more similair units with the regular A&A, I would suggest that the countries would be the United Kingdom/Commenwealth, as well as a France/West Germany/Italy hybrid(European Coal Comition or what ever that 50s EU was called) and Communist China. Also there should diplomatic rules for Allainces Like NATO and Warsaw, organizations of nations like the Arab League and the Organization of American States, as well as rules for decoliniztion and non-alligned nations.

  • WWI for sure.  Might be more difficult to set up but I think it would awesome.

  • @Captain:

    WWI for sure.  Might be more difficult to set up but I think it would awesome.

    WW1 could be fun, but each turn should represent 6-8 months if the game is to be exciting and not boring(on an strategic scale/A&A scale) like the real war was.

  • Alright the voting has been locked.  AAE40/AAP40 is happening now.  Until those are near completion, we can only guess what the next game will be.  I am guessing Stalingrad, maybe WW1, but it doesn’t sound like Larry wants to go WW1.  He did indicate that he is working on a Middle Ages game.  Check out the thread.


  • How about Axis and Allies North Africa?

  • '10

    Now you got it Brain. An AA North Africa game With a decent size board that shows the whole Mediterranean area with lots of sea zones and lots of land zones in N. Africa so we can have maneuver room at sea and on land. That way we can have sea, land and air battles and use all of the sculpts.@Brain:

    How about Axis and Allies North Africa?

  • I could definitely go for a North Africa or an Operation Barbarossa game.

  • '10


    I could definitely go for a North Africa or an Operation Barbarossa game.

    a Barbarossa game with lots of land zones to allow maneuver.

  • North Africa seems to be the best option:

    1. Chance for new Italian units

    2. Cool early war German tanks

    3. Fluid battlefront, with strongpoints (Tobruk)

  • @reloader-1:

    North Africa seems to be the best option:

    1. Chance for new Italian units

    2. Cool early war German tanks

    3. Fluid battlefront, with strongpoints (Tobruk)

    How far should the map go. It shouldn’t show Germany so how would they work. PS vichy France units would be cool.

  • '10

    Well perhaps we will just have to make our own using FMG units.@reloader-1:

    North Africa seems to be the best option:

    1. Chance for new Italian units

    2. Cool early war German tanks

    3. Fluid battlefront, with strongpoints (Tobruk)



    North Africa seems to be the best option:

    1. Chance for new Italian units

    2. Cool early war German tanks

    3. Fluid battlefront, with strongpoints (Tobruk)

    How far should the map go. It shouldn’t show Germany so how would they work. PS vichy France units would be cool.


    for get it. LH said no N africa, although i LLLLLLLLLLove the idea.  :-)

  • When and where did Larry say no? And did he say what was a possibility?

  • I want AA- caveman edition!!! :lol:

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