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2025 Bigger version
So, anyone have thoughts on the Bigger 2025?
I had heard about it a few years ago, but can’t find the posting.
What are you looking for?
I’d like to see things such as more expanded nation options. Nations like India or Japan. Another thing could be a more flexible alliance structure, so allowing solo players, like India or the Caliphate.
For units, I’d like more options (obviously) but also things like patrol craft or corvettes, as well as a good array of planes and helicopters. A insurgency is also a good idea, so is diplomacy.What are you looking forward to or want?
Also, any news on this? -
@trig Have they mentioned plans for/work on a “bigger 25”? I’d be very interested in it. To me a higher details map and a couple more factions (8/9 total) would be big sellers to me.
@aegiscruiser117 Ask doug to print a larger map as an option to the stock one. Other factions? like whom? Martians?
@imperious-leader Maybe look at the above post?
Things like making India or Japan their own faction would work well. You could also have a Commonwealth and EU split. -
@aegiscruiser117 They mentioned it a couple years ago when 2025 was first in development. I asked Doug recently about some of their older projects, and he said didn’t mention 2025. That said, I hope it will get picked back up again, maybe after 85 comes out.
@trig Making them another faction and (their own turn) might imbalance the game since your adding more non china/USSR/Califate turns which are more opportunities to stop the bad faction. Its like making Romania or Finland have separate turns which benefit Germany in a WW2 setting since they go after Russia and Russia does not have the benefit of a reply except on their own turn
@imperious-leader Or you can have everyone go at the same time.
It also means that income is divided, concerted attacks are harder, and cooperation is less effective. The only upside is can openers. -
@trig I’d like the addition of Strategic Bombers, Marines/Naval Infantry, along with some more detailed rules for Amphibious Assaults, new drones (Stealth, Strike), the ability to shootdown/destroy drones, Satellite Reconnaissance, Cruisers, Arsenal Ships/Fire Support Vessels, and Bio-Weapons.