I’ve been playing wrong this entire time???
Thanks for clarifying though. I’ll take that into my next physical game.
I think I’m one of the few players here who loves the normal research and development rules for the 1940 game as they are now, but in order to make the game even crazier, let’s make it easier to gain new technologies, therefore adding more dynamic to the game. These are the changes:
Research and development rolls cost 4 IPCs.
Each roll makes a breakthroughs at both a 5 and a 6.
Players can choose which breakthrough they want to get.
This means that there will be a lot of breakthrough in every game, which will make it really crazy and hopefully fun.
What do you think? I’m looking forward to your comments!
@superbattleshipyamato123 It’s certainly easier to get Tech that way, much better than OOB! Our current playtesting house rules is doing it Anniversary style with tokens but with a twist, first successful roll is player’s choice and Techs thereafter you have to Roll to see what tech you get- First try is a 6, 2nd try is 5/6, 3rd try is 4-6 and stays at that rate until you get a successful roll! Techs are activated in the 4th round and the First Tech is then activated in the beginning of that 4th round, All other Tech thereafter are activated at the End of the turn!!!
Interesting idea, but I feel it might be too complicated for a simple goal-making research and development more accessible so there will be more breakthroughs making the game even crazier. Good work, though.
I’ve played with the house rule of- everyone(except China) gets one free roll at the beginning of every complete round. If you want more, you use the OOB rules for R&D as usual.