The FAQ Thread
When cant the M-R Pact be signed. Say USSR has taken romania and finland and Germany has taken all of poland. Can the pact still be signed?
@insanehoshi Interesting. I suppose from what I see in the rules, the only thing I can think of for when you can’t sign would be if a state of war already exists between Germany and the USSR. Even then, I don’t think it says that explicitly, so I may be making assumptions! It would seem weird to be able to sign after a state of war already exists though.
I suppose situations like what you describe would only serve to either make the potential signing more or less enticing, depending on your point of view? Like, if Romania and Finland have already fallen, maybe nothing stops you from signing, but is it really worth doing so now?
Will be curious on the answer here.
On Lend Leasing.
Are you able to lend lease special units, ie Katyushas, SMLF, USMC?
Normally you are allowed to build 2 of each special force per turn. If you build two, are you able to lend lease a third?
@insanehoshi I would say that the current rules allow lend-lease of special units like Katyushas. I would also say since you are limited to building two special units, you cannot skirt the max of 2 via lend-lease. But to borrow from the Big Lebowski, “That’s just my opinion, man.”
@insanehoshi said in The FAQ Thread:
On Lend Leasing.
Are you able to lend lease special units, ie Katyushas, SMLF, USMC?
Normally you are allowed to build 2 of each special force per turn. If you build two, are you able to lend lease a third?
I don’t think that these are adressed specifically in the rules, but :
The definition of lend-lease in the Glossary (0.9) is a system in which you “produce units for other nations”, so only the build table of the producing Power is relevant and there is no restriction on lend-leasing special units. This is one of the interesting aspects of lend-lease to allow powers to acquire units that they normally could not (see also the Player note on Page 33). This allows the USSR to lend-lease fighters to the CCP, for instance.
The “Max 2 of each type per turn” on the NRS makes no distinction based on where that special unit will be going, so your are limited to producing two per turn, either for personal use or lend-lease. Remember that lend-lease is also declared in the Production Phase (7.9). See this as limited ressources for training and producing special forces, so giving one unit away does not magically increase your production capacity.
@noneshallpass That would be my view as well.
Regarding German LIGHTNING WAR.
If germany takes, syria for example, Iraq aligns at the end of the combat phase. If Germany is using their lightning war rule that turn, can they then use the aligned infantry in iraq in another combat move (say into transjordan)?
The Lightning War rule states that « Once per game, and prior to January 1941, all German land and air units may make an additional sequence of combat moves, combat (including blitz) and non-combat movement. The second round of attacks takes place immediately after the end of the first non-combat movement. Units with blitz may use this ability both rounds if possible ».
I would tend to say that no matter if the alignment of Iraq takes place after the first or second combat round these units were not yours during the first round of attack and so were not « German land units » for the purpose of the special ability.
A case could be made to the contrary, but it seems a bit OP to move these newly acquired units right away.
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@insanehoshi the answer is NO the Iraq unit may not be used fir combat the same turn you aligned it since it aligned during the combat phase. (Not the start of the turn)
@theveteran said in The FAQ Thread:
@insanehoshi the answer is NO the Iraq unit may not be used fir combat the same turn you aligned it since it aligned during the combat phase. (Not the start of the turn)
Yes, but germany gets another combat phase right after that one.
@insanehoshi The new troops from Iraq are not able to make and « additional » sequence of combat moves, as they did not take part in the first combat moves because thew were not yet aligned to Germany at the start of the turn.
It says:
“Once per game, and prior to January 1941, all German land and air units may make an additional sequence of combat moves, combat (including blitz) and non-combat movement. The second round of attacks takes place immediately after the end of the first non-combat movement. Units with blitz may use this ability both rounds if possible”
To me the “all” is key. If Iraq aligns in the combat phase, and you start the next impulse at the end of non-com, then the Iraqi infantry is a German unit by that point and can make a move. there is nothing about starting the turn German. You could do the same with Slovakia or Romania. -
I was looking in the rulebook for the part about not being able to move units that you didn’t control at the start of the turn and I couldn’t find it. Anyone? At combat movement it just says you can move all units you want to be involved in combat …. (Nothing about controlling since the start of the turn. Reference is 8.2
A couple of questions, first, I have seen people saying the winner of the Spanish Civil War stops making recruitment rolls, but I can not find that anywhere, can someone walk me on to that rule? Second, is AAA affected by terrain? On the one hand, it has Attack and Defense values, which suggest it is. On the other hand, the rule states outright it is on 3’s, which suggest no modifiers apply. I can see the argument for either side, so I brought it here hoping for a formal response from someone with the authority to make a such a ruling.
A couple of questions, first, I have seen people saying the winner of the Spanish Civil War stops making recruitment rolls,
Its a bit of deductive reasoning, but In 13.1, in the Spanish Civil War, it states that the Nationalists are controlled by Germany. Thus if the Spanish Civil War ends, they are no longer controlled and no longer make recruitment rolls. Also same goes for the Income & Production section of that.
I would like to see an answer for this as well. The question would also apply to forts. For example, does an AAA on the Maginot Line get 3 shots at 6?
@insanehoshi said in The FAQ Thread:
I would like to see an answer for this as well. The question would also apply to forts. For example, does an AAA on the Maginot Line get 3 shots at 6?
I never thought about it before, but Rule 1.23 c) on the Maginot Line does say that « Defending land units get +3 Defense on the first round of combat ».
Anti-Aircraft Artillery is a land units and participates in the first round of combat, as per Rule 12.2 : « An Attacking or Defending AA Artillery rolls one die for each opposing aircraft up to a maximum of three rolls on hits on a roll of “3” or less. […] AA Artillery fire on the first round of combat only. »
So pending correction in the Errata or FAQ, I would say it does get +3 Defense bonus.
@insanehoshi I can see the position, but since the only other situation in the rules that is similar doesn’t suggest this change either, I can’t agree with that interpretation. Abyssinia can beat back Italy, assumedly forcing peace, but it doesn’t suggest they stop being French controlled or making their rolls. I would of course like clarification on this, but until thay comes, I can’t see anything that says they stop rolling.
@gnomegrabbin Only controlled minors and the CCP get rolls. Abyssinia and Spain are just examples of this. if they are not controlled, they do not get a roll. Abyssinia doesn’t get a roll if the war ends.
Recruitment rolls are always associated with a controlled power whenever found in the rules. When the war in Spain is over, the sides are not controlled anymore. -
@noneshallpass said in The FAQ Thread:
An Attacking or Defending AA Artillery rolls one die for each opposing aircraft up to a maximum of three rolls on hits on a roll of “3” or less.
Where i see the issue is that the rules for AAA doesn’t say it rolls at its defence, or rolls at its attack value, it says it rolls at the static value of “3”.
While it might be intended that AAA is affected by terrain and forts, i think it might be problematic as AAA is balanced by it firing one time, but forts giving them a bonus one time seems to counteract that. This would make AAA incredibly strong in fortified zones. Toss a fort and 3 AAA into paris, and that’s going to be 9 dice at 5 (assuming the germans bring 3 planes).