Let’s just make a List of Everything I’ve heard talked about or requested to be made:
1. Air Bases……We’ve just GOT to have these.
2. Naval Bases… " " " " " "
3. Major Industrial Complex
4. Minor " "
5. Barracks(Quonset Huts that only produce Infantry)
6. Tech Research Centers
7. Anti-Aircraft Guns
8. Flak Towers
9. Coastal Guns
10. Fortifications-Sub Pen
11. " Pill Box
12. " Sandbagged Position
13. " Aircraft Revetments
I think whatever units “Coach” may choose to to include in this set they should be:
A. Only produced in ONE “generic” color. To produce them in “nation-specific” colors would only be wasteful of precious capital by a factor of 9X.
B. Only have ONE of each piece in the mold, but the Set to have multiples of each.
Personally, I think EVERYONE is tired of the cardboard Air and Naval Bases!
And while I would enjoy some “new” Major and Minor I.C.s I would be perfectly happy with the Complexes from the RISK game, UNPAINTED, thereby saving him a lot of money that could be invested in other “new units”.
The Barracks and Tech Centers I think deserve serious consideration. Although I personally wouldn’t use them,…I believe MOST players would welcome one or both of these.
The other units listed could add interesting depth to our games and deserve some more discussion.
As I Say,…What Do YA’LL Think???
“Tall Paul”