How will AA42 promote a Mediterranean Theater?

  • are these convoy zones like the ones in AAP? that correspond to a particular territory(s)?  Then you could cut off Borneo on one turn and take it the next if you had to delay, but you would deny UK the income.
      or a bonus income ipc?
      or just a place to conduct commerce raiding?

  • Well lets just take Italy for example:

    if the Axis take Egypt (cuts off British supply from India) they get income one D6
    If they take Persia oil well one D6.
    If Italy keeps Lybia and takes Gibraltar or Malta one D6

    I think this is more effective or realistic than keeping “British ships out of medd”

    The only other thing is to have a free give-away to fly to Greece to see a new movie “promote a Mediterranean Theater

  • so that would be more unlike AAP then where you would cut off Indian income by taking convoy zone/sea zone near India, but taking a midway point between UK and it’s resources.
    If I remember correctly, much of the convoys went around the horn because of the Axis in the Med, which is why German commerce raiders were off the coast of Antarctica during the war. 
    maybe zones to attack or capture up to a value that hurt the owner each turn would be simpler than attaching them to territories.

  • a 5ipc value of oil in a 1 ipc territory like persia seems a bit steep compared to a 2 ipc valued Romania (AA50 values at least, 1 and 3 respectively in AAR) when you compare their ability to output during the war.  So would a potential Oil Well in Romania would be 2 d6 or 10 bonus from Lynxes’ thought to be fair to values and such…
      Certainly making oil areas all the same value of 5 or 6 will change the strategic nature of areas, but will it over value areas in comparison to others?  will the Middle east become a  freeway and become a bigger deal than through eastern europe and such that it’s out of proportion and outside the ability of the Allies to hold…

  • are these convoy zones like the ones in AAP? that correspond to a particular territory(s)?  Then you could cut off Borneo on one turn and take it the next if you had to delay, but you would deny UK the income.

    All this is speculation and probably we won’t see any of it in the game. The same effect can be arranged by just moving IPCs from territories in Africa to Middle East and Southeast asia. But the idea would be that a convoy zone lost means that number of IPCs lost for the owning player, so not like in AAE where convoys represent off-map income but rather like transport networks that can be disrupted. Maybe subs could have the special power to fire a shot at a convoy and you then lose that number of IPCs directly, since subs have such poor defence values. Number of IPCs on convoys could be fixed at 5 per country or even better range from 10 down to 2 IPCs depending on how vital sea routes were for each power.

    I would really like to allow subs to ignore DDs when moving, it would make for more a chance for subs to be bought by Germany. If we don’t have convoy zones, at least that would mean something more like an Atlantic war.

  • maybe could give DD a search function to find subs, use one of their move points to try and locate a sub, if found, then could shoot at it.  similar evasion roll for subs moving through zone with DD…  maybe there’s some playtesters reading all this for posterity…

  • Not too complicated is better. Extra search rolls etc adds more rules to an already rule-laden sub section. My idea just means you erase one sentence from Destroyer special abilities. The point is that Germany needs to be able to buy subs in Baltic Sea and then attack invading fleets without a single destroyer in North Sea blocking them, a simple but effective change.

  • the problem that that solves though I fear would only create another one for Japan in the Pacific, where the US could cause more havoc with an enemy already dependent on the sea for conquest with unbridled sub warfare.  wouldn’t you then be trading UK for Japan…

  • Good! The Japanese sure don’t need any favours given how strong they are in most games…  :wink:

  • and if aa42 were aa50-where japan does often get pretty large, then that might not be such a big issue…but '42 is supposedly to be more like AAR, where japan wasn’t exactly godzilla running amuck…

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