Fact is AA42 isn’t the fruit of any previous version’s loins with the paternal contributions of the loyal fans, or even an attempt to upgrade the game: it’s a placeholder product for Revised. Cheap + Global. And now they can check it off the list.
I said this months ago.
Revised was no longer going to be supported. Revised was “dead” to WOTC, even to the point of not offering prize support for conventions.
Apparently, continuing to sell “revised” would not result in any profit for WOTC.
However, if you use the same map (but change the color/style to Anniversary) and use the Anniversary rules and units, you suddenly have a “new” game to make $$ off of.
There is NO actual reason to buy this junk, except to support Larry, if you have the revised map and anniversary pieces.
All you need is the setup (which except for swapping a few cruisers is also the same).
Rare is it that an A&A edition is a total rip-off just to make money.
This version comes close to, if not crosses, that line.