• @barnee will try that out, focusing on the fast movers for an attack on Russia on turn 3. Already got three transports in the board, so Lets get some tanks and mechanized! Thanks for your intake

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @tchenao yea 3 should be all you need. Can keep reinforcing Army Group North from W Germany and get to Norway or threaten that late sea lion if all goes well.

    At any rate have fun.

    Oh yea you can look at league games and see how the really good players do it : )


  • @barnee thanks man, really appreciate it.

    Just to let you know that your idea worked as a charm. All the British fleet in the Mediterranean is gone (lost two fighers on the process though).

    I also brought the battleship and a sub from SZ110 into the Gibraltar strait where the French navy was hiding. I believe that is a legal move since I control Normandy and it has a naval base.

    Purchased tanks, artillery and another transport and now the Russian know what´s coming to them next turn!


  • '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    @tchenao That’s a legal move for the battleship if the Axis control Gibraltar. The sub can make it regardless.

    Also, I would stop building transports – unless you’re doing Sea Lion or taking Novgorod amphibiously on G3, you already have a lot of money in them that would be better spent on ground forces for Russia.


  • @marshmallow-of-war I though so, but thanks for clarifying that.

    The only thing is that the German battleship is now damaged and exposed, but I rarely have it after one or two turns anyways…

  • @tchenao If you control Normany, the German battleship should have repaired in the G2 purchase phase.

    Since you can’t move it into the Med unless Italy took Gibraltar on I1, it would be better to move it to sea zone 112 where it can have air cover.


  • @marshmallow-of-war the battleship was repaired as you mention. However the lucky French navy got two hits on two dice, so I lost a sub and the battleship was hit again.

    The other two units I had involved there were two bombers and I did not want to lose any of them.

  • @tchenao We once play a game where the French were the most effective minor power on the board. They could do no wrong on defense. At one point my partner (who was running the French) responded to the player running Germany saying, “Two guys and a plane should be enough” with “Are you sure? They’re French.” and the other player winced visibly. The French in that game killed more German units than the UK…

    Fun day!


  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @tchenao said in Germany strategy question:

    @barnee thanks man, really appreciate it.

    Just to let you know that your idea worked as a charm…


    Heh heh glad it worked out for ya but i can’t take credit it for it being “my” idea :)

    Looks as if Marsh has you squared away on Gib straight. Some people will attack SZ 111 rd1 with the BB and then retreat it to 112. That BB is nice to have to discourage early landings an can be retreated into the Baltic to protect Germany when Denmark falls.

    At any rate, Rock On ! Rock On !!!.png

  • @marshmallow-of-war Nice! Sometimes unexpected things develop in this game. Good for the French! They deserve some credit, every once in a while.

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