Thanks for your thoughts. I intend to revise the top posts for this and the other two “expansion posts” sometime this weekend, I now have some food for thought.
Thanks again!
I own this.
you get a nice set in AA scale of various tanks and equipment where you can fight AA type battles playing what they call:
The Generals Game
Are this pieces metal or plastic ?
Are they in A&A scale ?
Some of them looks real big.
they are exactly Axis and Allies scale. They are metal pieces.
The rules are easy and interesting. The normal game has people plotting the attacks on a smaller player map and then when you get to the combat you transpose say one tank for an assortment of miniatures and play individual battles using the flames of war rules.
But the pieces and map make for good AA scenario using the same ideas, but you would need to tailor the rules a bit.
its about 50$ bucks for this game.
Is it possible to buy the small pieces separately? Some of those Panzer 4’s and Tigers would look good in A&A D-Day
call flames of war company