I like the new transport rules, but I think the cost of the transport and the sub should be switched. 7 for sub and 6 for transport
Love the avatar, Tru.
I really like the new rules with this one exception.
That an unescorted transport can pass through a sea zone with a sub in it unimpeded.
YES! Forgot to mention this one. The sub should definitely be able to prevent this in some way. Makes no sense at all the way this rule is right now.
I disagree. From a logic standpoint it makes sense. From a gameplay perspective it does not. Submarines and Transports are non-entities for defense. That means they cannot affect the movement, combat or abilities of other ships unless they are specifically targeted.
Now, if the cost of a submarine was 7 or 8 IPC instead of 5 or 6 IPC (if you have the tech) it might be worth it to increase their effectiveness to be commensurate with their cost. As is, they’re so blasted cheap that it’s appropriate they cannot block transports or anything else.
Figure it like this, when it is not the submarine’s turn, they are busy refueling, resupplying, recharging batteries and/or cycling fresh air into their submarines and the transports are gliding through unopposed.