Another possibility for HBs which SBR is that they only hit on 1-4 which means they max at 8. I’m sure not all bombs hit their targets. Also consider capping the total damage at 1-1.5 the value of the territory.
Tech and strategy
this is a “what if” post. You pick ONE tech and explain with which nation of the six that you would use it and how. The “goal” is to come up with the coolest and yet viable strategy/approach.
of course i’ll jump first ;)
Tech: Paratrooper
Nation: US
Target: Italy via marocco algeria
The tech in it self is loveable, but can be difficult to setup for proper usage imo.
I start by establishing a solid base of units by transporting inf to marocco algeria, which can be done in 1 turn which is very important for speed and momentum. Secondly i would start pushing out bombers while at the same time pumping out infantery to force italy to stack up in rome, which also helps the UK better getting a hole in the france altantic fortress.
tech: heavy bombers
nation: USA
use: everything. SBR germany from london. SBR japan from alaska. blow everthing else to pieces.
Tech: Advanced Art
Nation: Russia
Use: Berlin 8-)
Tech: long range aircraft.
Country: Japan
Every 200th game or so when it’s acquired first turn, the entire American Pacific presence can be targeted for destruction.
Tech: Increased Factory Production
Nation: Japan
Strat: Build ICs in India, Burma, and FIC. Build 13 tanks/turn. Build a mechanized Godzilla and crush the rest of the world under its treads.
Tech: Heavy Bombers
Nation: Anyone
Use: Rule the world
Tech: Mechanized Inf
Nation: Germany
Use: Shuttle those meat-shields to the front line to hold newly acquired territories.
Tech: Increased Factory Production
Nation: Britain
Use: Never have to build transports and naval units, you can spend it all on nice meaty ground units, with a couple Bombers to keep Germany on its toes. -
Tech: Increased Factory Production
Nation: Britain
Use: Never have to build transports and naval units, you can spend it all on nice meaty ground units, with a couple Bombers to keep Germany on its toes.How do you do that? Where are you building an IC?
Tech: Increased Factory Production
Nation: Germany
Use: Relax as the effectiveness of SBR is more than halved and rub hands with glee as those captured russian factories start chunking out the troops….I think this is possible one of the most powerful techs for Germany.