• Enough of this silly back and forth.  Some people state that the Axis always win, some that the Allies always win, and some inbetween.  Most likely, we are all inexperienced at this game, and are thus unable to gauge all the strategies and counters yet, especially with relatively little play.

    So how about each person indicate the number of games played to completion, who won them, and whether NOs were on.

    Axis N.O. Wins: 17
    Allied N.O. Wins: 11
    Tied N.O.: 1

    Axis ?? Wins: 8
    Allies ?? Wins: 4

    Axis Default Wins: 12
    Allied Default Wins: 2

  • +1 karma for being the smart one and starting this topic haha

    Axis N.O. Wins: 2
    Allied N.O. Wins: 2

  • Axis N.O. wins:  2
    Allies N.O. wins: 4
    Ties:  1

    Whomever received the best technologies has been by far the most important factor, especially heavy bombers.

  • Wait, another thread has more info already:

    However, this thread will remain for recording raw numbers.

  • @Stoob:

    This is a neat idea, but the moderator has been running a thread just like this with much more data for the past couple of months already.    Why duplicate our efforts?  Everyone is encouraged to type their after-action reports on that post, as it gives more meaningful data… I hope that data eventually finds its way back to Larry Harris for tournment rules and addendums.


    Please consider deleting your post (to avoid confusion) and sending everyone to that thread.  Thanks.


    Wait, another thread has more info already:

    However, this thread will remain for recording raw numbers.

    Many of the people in the other thread have only filled out a detailed report for their games, but have played many more games which they don’t list specific info for other than “one side won”.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Jeez, I dunno.  I guess I could do a search and get at least 40 games I’ve played on here.

    I do know it started with the Axis almost always winning and then the Allies seemed to always win, now it’s going back to neutrality.

    But for straight count, sorry, I didn’t keep those kinds of records.  (I can tell you I had a game where Italy had over 100 IPC per round in income!)

  • @Cmdr:

    But for straight count, sorry, I didn’t keep those kinds of records.  (I can tell you I had a game where Italy had over 100 IPC per round in income!)

    Let me guess, did Italy surprise capture the East US, then help itself to the remainder of North America shortly after?  That’s the easiest way I could see it happening.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    But for straight count, sorry, I didn’t keep those kinds of records.  (I can tell you I had a game where Italy had over 100 IPC per round in income!)

    Let me guess, did Italy surprise capture the East US, then help itself to the remainder of North America shortly after?  That’s the easiest way I could see it happening.

    Actually in that game, it all started with a Russian AA Gun in Round 4 with 100% accuracy against about a dozen German aircraft resulting in a loss for Germany in Moscow.  Russia was left with 1 armor and 6 infantry (which it built that round) and Italy attacked with 3 Infantry, Artillery, 3 Armor and a fighter for the win.

    From there it snowballed.  Italy took out Africa + took out Eastern Russia (Caucasus, Moscow and everything east from there) while Japan was trying to do a Kill America First strategy.

    At that point, it was decided to just let Italy take England while Germany softened it so they could have the IC and start invasions of North America.

    Got my tallies from just this site.  (Since other games cannot possibly be confirmed and I don’t want silly people like axis trying to say I’m lying or making stuff up, we all know how much he enjoys flaming me for no reason.)

    Axis: 11 Victories
    Allies: 3 Victories

    Games from the end of December to the end of January so about 1 month.  Give or take a few days.  That’s including all games I’ve won and lost against all opponents.  (Can be confirmed, just go to the play games section and go back about 7 pages and scroll up to make sure you get them all.  Pay attention sometimes opponents and I played two games in the same thread!)

    Looking at that record, I now know why I believe that the game is balanced and not a hands down win for the allies all the time! hehe.  BTW, that’s only 1941, not 1942.  Only played like 3 games of 1942 and one of those is still in progress (against A44, the one where England fell really early, but the allies still have a chance to win.)

  • @Cmdr:

    Got my tallies from just this site.  (Since other games cannot possibly be confirmed and I don’t want silly people like axis trying to say I’m lying or making stuff up, we all know how much he enjoys flaming me for no reason.)

    Axis: 11 Victories
    Allies: 3 Victories

    This was my suspension.  But it wasn’t quite sure since I was playing myself.  I have a hard time seeing the Allies win the '41 scenario without favorable dice in the first two rounds.

  • @I:

    I have a hard time seeing the Allies win the '41 scenario without favorable dice in the first two rounds.

    That is definitely true, because I perceive the optimal strategy for allies to involve significant research on Chart 2, in hopes of getting a major powerboost to Air or Sea units, which they need in order to threaten the Axis effectively.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Let me clarify a bit.  It has been my experience (and I’ve played this game about 50 times if you include only the online clubs DAAK, FoE, AAMC and AA.org) that the 1941 game comes down to a few factors:

    1)  If Germany is at all hesitant in the first round, the axis tend to lose. (By hesitant I mean not going for the jugular against their chosen target whether it is taking out Russia or sinking the British fleet.)

    2)  Egypt is irrelevant.  England can keep it for their first turn and it won’t affect the outcome of the game outside of how big Italy gets and when. (i prefer to strafe Egypt at least so that it cannot be defended against Italy.)

    3)  Heavy Bombers or Long Range Aircraft at an inappropriate time can make a huge difference to the field of battle, but it won’t change the out come of the game, probably. (Because the other side is probably close to getting them or already has them by that point.)

    4)  Paratroopers are just insanely strong.  There’s some short comings to them, but it’s more having to defend against them than any combat ability they poses inherently.

    5)  If the dice go bad for Germany in round 1, it’s going to go really badly for the axis.  By badly I don’t mean you take heavy loses, I mean you get STOMPED.  Heavy losses you can recover from if you succeeded in most or all of your battles.  Heavy loses and failures (ie stomped) is a death knell.

  • Actually in that game, it all started with a Russian AA Gun in Round 4 with 100% accuracy against about a dozen German aircraft resulting in a loss for Germany in Moscow

    whaaat?!?! :-o  get the front door…you rolled twelve ones? that is incredible!! that is pure luck and will never happen again in your lifetime!! :wink:

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Actually in that game, it all started with a Russian AA Gun in Round 4 with 100% accuracy against about a dozen German aircraft resulting in a loss for Germany in Moscow

    whaaat?!?! :-o  get the front door…you rolled twelve ones? that is incredible!! that is pure luck and will never happen again in your lifetime!! :wink:

    Yea, but it might happen again, remember, I was the one being shot down by the AA.  So you have to figure there’s about a 17% chance of it happening every time I attack an AA Gun. :)

  • are you saying that you roll an AA shot every round of combat when you play AA50?  hmmm…thats an old W@W rule. Did you adopt this as a house rule of yours?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    No.  I’m saying I seem to have awful luck surviving AA Shots, this was just an extreme case.

    I’ve gotten into the bad habit of just assuming I’ll lose half my fighters and half my bombers to AA Fire before I even start rolling the attack.

  • That sounds familiar. It also seems the worse off you will be from a bad AA outcome the worse it will be.

    I am surprised at your numbers Jenn as I am aware of two of the Allied victories. I will have to dig up mine from here latter tonight.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yea, so was I.  I expected more allied victories, but those were the ones I saw.  As I said, though, some of the games shared the same thread so I might have missed a game (maybe two).  I don’t think I did, I went through the threads jumping 5 pages at a time (assuming if I saw Round 7 on one page and Round 3 on the other that the game changed, of course.)

  • I think I managed to find all of mine that were played here. Some of these were with Jenn so there is an overlap of those data sets.


    One of the Axis wins could have been an Allied win with a different outcome on 2 battles. Heck 1 dice roll in one of those battles could have resulted in an Allied win.

    I did also note my 42 games. All 3 were Axis wins. I have another one of those in progress with Jenn that probably will result in an Allied win but that game is like the exception to every rule in Axis and Allies.

  • well, i’m glad this thread has finally proven that the '41 setup does not favour the allies at all. both sides can win, although it seems that the axis can get there a little easier

  • Not trying to say your wrong or stir up trouble tin_snip……But it seems to me that the Axis can get there a lot easier.  By Jenn’s numbers it’s 3-1 in favor, and by bigdog’s it’s 2-1, for the the Axis.  So if we factor that out to 100 games (I know big jump), that would work out to 75-25 and 66-33 in favor of the Axis.

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