As it has not been posted before: Renegade indeed relased a reprint of Anniversary Edition celebrating the 40th Anniversary of A&A itself:
Seems that the anniversary edition is again out of print. you can’t get it anymore in Western Europe, I don’t know about other countries or how about in USA ? Does anyone know ? I still have my 2008 version and find it the best version. Allthough… I now bought the 2nd versions of Europe and Pacific 1940 and will play it soon for the first time.
See one topic under yours:
Zatu games has it on restock preorder in the uk
@Panther : indeed, I saw it just after I made my question. But it was too late… Sorry folks
@c82rcn : indeed, some sites do mention this, others just state that it is sold out. But is the restock preorder of Zatu a guarantee that there will be a new production ? Maybe, we’ll see. We had the same issue with the memoir44 extentions like the winter/desert board or the meditarenean extention. There I saw too restock preorders and after many months the extentions are now back for sale. Regards
Well I ordered all the memoir 44 expansions that they had listed earlier in the year, and I’ve received all the available ones so far. I’m still waiting on 2 but they’re shipped when available. So I guess if you’re happy to wait then you’ll get it