Just played AA50 as Germany with my younger son, 15, as Japan; we faced my elder son, 27, as the Allies:
OK at the end the income of Germany was about 45, Japan at 40. Germany held Leningrad. Italy held Egypt. Japan held India and Manila and Hong Kong.
The Allies WON!!
OK what went wrong??
Japan had jet fighters from turn 1.
Germany had paratroopers from turn 4
Allies had no Techs.
Both USA and UK built battleships and the USA also built bomber, bombers and more bombers and finally relentlessly advanced on Japan and took it easily!
The UK built 6 BB’s and invaded France time and time again as Germany counter attacked and took back each turn, but the Germans had no counter strat that could wipe away a fleet like that. they could take 12 hits!
Germany was so weakened that Russia just pounded away on the Eastern Front and went straight for Berlin. Germany even held Stalingrad on it’s last turn as a result of a tandem Italian German attack and 3 paratroops into Stalingrad.
My oh My!!
Edit: I’d like to point out how important Iwo Jima is from the USA POV. It helps their bomber fleet immensely: do not let the US take Iwo Jima!!
The Japans should take Hawaii in order to bomb any new built BB’s the USA build on the West Coast.
The Germans should never ever let UK build 6 BB’s, me bad!!!