Are there any gamers on this forum who play any sort of roleplaying games?
I’m big into 4th Edition D&D, but I’ve also been working on designing my own original game system that I would love to test out, if I can find some interested players.
Superpowers Game
Would anyone like to try out the new modern day version of axis & allies? Same basic strategy but new pieces, new rules and 8 modern day nations! Plus play online.
Check out the site:
That looks pretty nifty, I’ll have to check it out.
Why are there battleships?
you cant move naval in the first game. when you play the ‘boot camp’ game, then you can but these units and move them.
why cant their be a semi-serious Axis and allies modern game insteaded eight madeup countries fighting each other over nothing.
They are not made up. They are quasi-future economic blocks of power more or less fighting together.
Its not exactly fantasy, but its semi-modern interpretation of geo-political power cliques
The cool thing is the different weapons like tactical nukes which wipe out 4-6 units. Try a game its pretty fun actually.
The board game version is now available on ebay! current bid is only $2.