@Wittmann @Private-Panic @DoManMacgee please don’t further answer as the accounts will be banned due to (later inserted) spam links.
Thank you for the hint, @DoManMacgee !
Battleship/cruiser with destroyer vs submarine
Hello, I’am just started with playing A&A 1940 and have one question.
When a cruiser (or battleship) and a destroyer attacks an enemy submarine and both attacking ships roles a dice with number 3.
Normally the battleship placed a hit and the destroyer not. In my case, can you say:- Only the destroyer can hit a submarine and not a battleship so the submarine stays alive, or:
- It’s also aloud to put the hit of de battleship on the submarine (because there is a destroyer) and the submarine is killed.
Thanks in advance
Option 2, a destroyer present allows everything to hit submarines including planes. :+1:
@Moller Welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face:
The attacking destroyer prevents the submarine from submerging, so the submarine must fight.
The Battleship can hit the submarine.@WindowWasher said in Battleship/cruiser with destroyer vs submarine:
Option 2, a destroyer present allows everything to hit submarines including planes. :+1:
Not really. The destroyer only prevents the submarine from submerging and forces it into the battle.
Every sea unit with an attack value can hit a fighting submarine, regardless of the presence of a destroyer.
The presence of a destroyer enables planes to hit submarines, that part is correct. -
@WindowWasher said in Battleship/cruiser with destroyer vs submarine:
a destroyer present allows everything to hit submarines including planes
as a general rule… if there is a destroyer, everything can hit subs and they cant submerge, is what i meant to say…
@Panther you means that without a destroyer every attacking ship can attack a submarine? The only advance for the submarine is that he can submerge before the battle but when he mis, the submarine can be attacked by a cruiser (for example?) I tought without a destroyer you can’t detect a submarine so you can’t attacked the submarine.
No Destroyer Present: A sub cannot be hit by air, can sneak attack, and can submerge whenever it wants too
EX: A sub is attacked by a battleship, a cruiser and a carrier with 2 fighters. The submarine can choose whether to fight or not because there is not destroyer present to force it to fight.Destroyer Present: A sub can be hit by air, cannot sneak attack, and cannot submerge.
EX: a Sub is attacked by a Battleship, Cruiser, destroyer, and a carrier with 2 fighters. The sub cannot submerge and must fight. The sub also can be hit by the air units on the carrier, but it cannot ever hit them back. -
@WindowWasher thanks a lot
@Moller A submarine is a sea unit with an attack value and a defense value. What makes it special are its “Special Abilities”/unit characteristics as described by the rulebook(s) and (partly) outlined by @WindowWasher above.
Those are:- Surprise Strike (X)
- Submersible (X)
- On Station
- Treat Hostile Sea Zones as Friendly (X)
- Doesn’t Block Enemy Movement
- Can’t Hit Air Units
- Can’t Be Hit by Air Units (X)
An enemy destroyer cancels those unit characteristics marked with an (X).
@Moller said in Battleship/cruiser with destroyer vs submarine:
I tought without a destroyer you can’t detect a submarine so you can’t attacked the submarine.
This is not part of the rules, sorry.