• Hello,

    Which territories can the Chinese actually go into?  Can they go into Burma, French Indo-China and/or Kwangtung? I’m assuming it’s just anything with a chinese marker on it (ie. non of the ones listed).


  • Official Q&A

    It’s just anything with a Chinese marker on it, plus Kwangtung.

  • That rule leads to many bugs. If the goal was preventing chineses in Stalingrad, it’s overkill, it was enough preventing them enter red territories. At least chineses should be able of attack japanese controled territories and coastal chinese sea zones.

  • @Krieghund:

    It’s just anything with a Chinese marker on it, plus Kwangtung.

    I didn’t see exactly which territories that had Chinese markers from the gencon pictures, so which territories is China allowed to enter, apart from the 7 TT’s that China owns from the start? Is it only Kwantung, or is it also kiangsu and Manchuria?

    edit: the AA50 fact sheet says China can enter 2 TT’s in addition to the 7 TT’s that is already Chinese, is this statement wrong or wright?

  • Official Q&A

    Manchuria and Kiangsu have Chinese markers on them, even though they start off under Japanese control, so Chinese units may go there.

  • @Krieghund:

    It’s just anything with a Chinese marker on it, plus Kwangtung.

    Are you sure about Kwangtung? That’s new for me. I thought they were not allowed to do that (no chinese marker on it).

  • First I believed that China could only move/fight their units within the 7 starting Chinese TT’s. Now we know that China can also enter Kiangsu and Manchuria. I didn’t know that China is allowed to move units outside other than this 9 TT’s.

    Which TT’s (except 7 starting TT’s + Kiangsu and Manchuria) is China allowed to attack/enter ?

    Kwantung, Burma, French Indo China, Russian TT’s???

  • @Krieghund:

    It’s just anything with a Chinese marker on it, plus Kwangtung.

    Is Kwangtung mentioned in the rules as Chinese operations theatre?  I could not see any Chinese Territory marker on the Gen Con Pix.

  • Official Q&A



    It’s just anything with a Chinese marker on it, plus Kwangtung.

    Is Kwangtung mentioned in the rules as Chinese operations theatre?  I could not see any Chinese Territory marker on the Gen Con Pix.

    Yes, it is.  Craig’s post above is a complete list of the territories that Chinese units are allowed to enter.

  • I’d say we should ignore that rule from the very first day. It’s a source of bugs

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