Welcome to AA50. What you just described is the entire point of the 41 Scenario, and to a large extent it showcases the exact horror/despair that the IRL Western European Nations (Netherlands/Belgium/France/UK/etc.) must have felt when Germany/Italy/Japan rolled out at the start of the war in the 39-41 period.
In all seriousness, there’s not a ton UK can do against the initial assault. Your priority needs to be on rebuilding/maintaining the British Navy against repeated German Air Attacks while you wait for the US to build a navy and get in position.
For the Pacific, you have it rough. You’re not getting Indonesia (The combination of “Borneo”, “Dutch East Indies” and “New Guinea”, we call them “the Money Islands” for short) back anytime soon, and Australia is likely going to fall as well. Your best bet there is to buy land units in India and try to hold the line until the US Navy can arrive in force.
If you still find yourself getting crushed with this (admittedly vague) advice, try either playing without National Objectives, or adding some units to the initial Allied setup (this is called a “bid”. You can mutually agree how much free stuff the Allies will be getting).
I don’t know how new you are to A&A, but here’s some general advice just in case you are a newer player:
Buying cheap, expendable units is typically best. This means INF/ART for land units and Destroyers/SUBs for Sea Units.
Buying Bombers, Cruisers, Battleships and other expensive units is generally not advised. Just use the ones you start with to the best of your ability.
Focus on killing Germany/Italy first. They’re typically the far more threatening Axis Powers. Clean up Africa/Scandinavia before you go for Europe proper. This will cut off Axis National Objectives/secure your own.