I Disagree.
A good Chunk of Germanies Military was trained on Russian Soil before the war had Broke out.
Even Stalin was so Surprised he had to be Hospitalized for 3 days after the initial invasion of Russia.
Russia Did not Invade Eastern Poland. That was part of a Agreement.
Germany basically said we are invading Poland and Occupying it up to a Certain point. As a Sign of Peace, Germany basiccally allowed russia to occupy those “other” Territories in Poland.
Communism and National Socialism can co exist. It’s when you throw in that Racial Bullshet, Thats when things get Screwy.
Remember A thing called the EuroAsian tripact. If that gets Signed, Game over for the UK and USA.
Hitler didn’t see themselves as Liberators, but as Conquorers.
Hitler could have attacked Russia. But only after a Peaceful Securement of the Western Front. Then He would have been Successful.
Now, What if there was no Halocaust to speak of…… What would Germany do with a Extra 8 million+ in manpower. :? And people like Albert Einstein? :roll:
Now if Japan doesn’t attack Pearl until say '43-44. And Actively activates USA’s Participation in the Hostilities. The Axis will Roll. The National Language in UK will be German.
As for your Point on 4 engine Bombers, Problem Solved, Get rid of Goering!!!
Actually, you solve alot of Problems By Doing Just that.
Even Though Mein Kampf basically comes out and Says I want Russia. It doesn’t Say when.
Attacking Russia is a Good Idea, But JPN must be ready for it.
And You Must Listen to your Generals Advice,
Keep Dumping $ into Tech Advances.
And Don’t do Dumb Shit with your Military.
Hind Sight is 20-20 but anyone Knows a 2 Front War is Not going to be a Easy War, or a Cheap war.
Germany and Her Allies, Were in a Position to be able to take and Hold Europe. For a Very Long Time.
They Pissed that ability away the Second a German Soldior Crossed the Border into Russian Territory.