đź‘‹ Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current)

  • Hi all, I was first introduced to A&A Classic in the mid 90’s, got back to playing with Revised in mid 2000’s, but for the last three years given more time to A&A games… been teaching guys in my area, I have 3 or 4 guys that have a strong interest now… mostly AA50 at the moment, but want to get into G40 soon (own it already). My kids like A&A also, esp my 16 yr old daughter (also have 14 yr old daughter and 12 yr old son that like the games).

    I have a huge interest in customizations such as map-making and other printed resources, as my professional background is as a graphic designer. My other hobbies include WW2 history and carpentry/woodworking/fabrication… I’ve been collecting WW2 military collectibles and props for many years for my future war room, will be based strongly on the Churchill War Rooms “map room”.

    I live in Swan River, MB, Canada, so no groups near me, but my plan is to attend an A&A event in the future, hopefully one of YG’s events in Toronto in 2020.


  • @Intrepid said in Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Feb. 2019):
    for the last three years given more time to A&A games […] > I have a huge interest in customizations such as map-making and other printed resources, as my professional background is as a graphic designer. My other hobbies include WW2 history and carpentry/woodworking/fabrication.

    Sounds to me like the perfect combination of interests and skills! Welcome to the forum, and looking forward to seeing pictures of your eventual war room.

  • I’m not sure if it’s bad form to be posting in this thread after February ;) but anyway…

    My name is Janus (also known on other parts of the internet as P.d0t)
    I got into A&A with the MB version, back in about 1997 or so(?)
    However, the biggest chunk of my A&A play experience is/was with the Imp Games expansion “East & West”: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/6441/east-west-global-war-1948

    That company seems to have gone defunct (and their forums went down long before that) so I joined the A&A .org forums a while ago – somewhat passively – but have been following the site’s news via Facebook. When the announcement for A&A Online came through on that channel, it rekindled my interest in E&W. As such, I’ve been trying to track down anyone who owns the game or has played it, and have been working on honing strategies for the USSR.

    One such strategy can be found here on the forums, which I ran just as a playtest against myself:

    If you’re a fan of E&W, please get ahold of me here on the forums/PMs; it would be much appreciated :)

  • @The-Janus Not at all, I almost forgot it was March! I’ll move it over soon.

  • Hello A&A.Org crowd. I used to be a regular on the forums and avid gamer many years ago, but dropped off due to various life commitments. Now I find myself in possession of this wonderful thing called Axis and Allies 1940 so here I am again to peruse the thoughts of strategy masters.

  • Welcome back to the forums. I’m pretty new also.

  • Re: Hello New Axis & Allies Players!
    Sign me up for all tournies.

  • @Major-JSoto Welcome back! Do you know where to find the League games?

  • Hello AnA community !

    I live in Phoenix, Arizona and I am a fairly new AnA player, but love the game and want to play much more. Mostly 1940 2nd Edition, Pacific or Europe or Global, but I am highly interested in WW1 1914 and any such versions or permutations.

    Additional Hobbies: Running, Offroading, International Relations, Investment Management.

    Would love to meet new AnA players to play - even if travel is required.

  • @Valladares Nice to meet you ! If you are ever in Arizona - let me know. I get to Caly sometimes too.

  • Founder 25th ANNIV. TripleA Admin

    @Westy I think @dezrtfish is also in Phoenix Scottsdale.

  • @djensen Thank you djensen ! I will message him now :)

  • @Westy said in Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current):

    Nice to meet you

    Hey, Hello. Nice to meet you to. And thanks for the proposal, but i live in Santa Barbara, Heredia, Central American Republic of Costa Rica. -he, he, he- Not close to the United States. But if you travel to this topical country (I do not recommend it, this country is not what Goberment say in tourism ads)we can play some day (Mi casa es tu casa).

  • @Valladares Ohhh - I see. I have been to Coast Rica though ! If I come back - I sure will play a game with you. Keep in touch my new friend.

  • I am currently living in Mechanicsville Va. I have been watching YouTube videos to get an idea about what A & A games people like and how they play. I decided to start with 1914 since it looks like it will be a good one to get the basics down. I also purchased Europe 1940 and Pacific 1940. The combined game looks awesome! Watching the videos about Global War 1936 has got my mouth watering as well! I am not sure though that the 3rd edition map is an improvement? Thoughts anyone? Not sure which edition to buy at this point but definitely looks like the ultimate WW II game!

  • @ADC-Grey ADC - I just read your post. I am a newish player but love the game. I saw you are in Virginia, and just wanted to let you know that I will be in Charlottesville Virginia on business from July 6 -14. If you happen to be near there and want to allocate a Saturday or Sunday - let me know.

  • Thanks. I will check my calendar and let you know.

    Admrl Out

  • I’m not new to Axis and Allies but I’m new to all the newer versions. I originally started playing back with the original when I was a young kid and loved it from day one. Guess that was the late 70’s I think and played pretty solid for about 4 years. Then didn’t start playing again until Revised came out in 2004. I used to play Revised a lot on gametableonline until the site got shut down. Never really got into TripleA. Then again got away from Axis and Allies for many years though I did buy the original Anniversary edition in 2008 but still haven’t played it to date. Now I’m seeing all the G40 interest so I’m starting the long process of building my table, printing the map and painting custom pieces. To date I have the 72”x33” G40 map, all the nation roundels, waiting on YG’s national objective cards and have the US navy fleet custom painted. I’m planning on playing my 1st G40 game in May. Wife and 2 young kids keeps me very busy so I have to schedule way out lol. My goal is to partially convert my casita office into a gaming room. At some point when I get some games under my belt I may try the YouTube wars.

    I’m from Orange County CA where I lived my whole life until the last 1 1/2 years. I now live in Las Vegas and love it!

  • Hello. My name is James I live in South Florida. I have been a huge fan of Axis and Allies since I was 10 years old. I remember the day I first saw the game at a local kaybee toy store. At that time I loved war movies (old ones) and loved playing army men. There was something about that game that called to me. I begged my parents to buy it . That was an expensive game for 1984 i believe it was around 45- 50 dollars. So needless to say it took weeks of begging and chores before they knew I really wanted it. It’s probably why I majored in History in the first place. I learned a lot from play Axis (it’s what I always called it) It had a chess like quality and i loved chess as well so to me it had everything I loved. I played it with my friends often. More often than they liked it course. It was hard finding people to play that game at that age who actually liked it and understood how to play. So to make it interesting when I hit high school my friends and I played for real money. When you lost a territory it was the dollar amount in ipc’s that the losing player has to give you. So the more territories you owned of a player when the game ended the more money you won for winning the game. So needless to say people played a little different in order to collect a big win. I love everything about the game the tactics , strategy, game flow, and economics. I

    I use to own every version of game. But when I was in my 30s i had lost my job, my girl and my house. The trifecta of doom. So I sold most of all my possessions including all but original axis game including original Anniversary edition. That was a tough one but someone offered me 800 dollars for it So I couldn’t say no. There was a long time of no gaming before I stumbled across Axis and allies global. I was ecstatic . I bought both versions of second edition and with a new group of nerd friends we began playing again. I have played at Orgins game fair several years in tournaments. Those guys there can play boy whooo. It was always a brain busting game. I love playing high level Axis it is the BEST. I enjoy discussing strats because there is always something new to try that forces opponents to buy things they don’t want . Once I saw the revival of the game and all the custom pieces that exist now I was complete floored. The passion i saw in other players made me get back into the game. It’s nice to see people who are crazy as you about a game most people don’t give a deal about. Thank you internet.

    I have all the rules to all the games including 3rd party rules over the years made by crazies like us. I submitted them to young grasshopper to distribute to fellow players if they were interested in them. I have been a member in here before but time gets away from you and I don’t post a lot anymore. But I love to see the discussions in the forums from the younger players. Since games table went offline i wasn’t able to play Axis online since the pc game from 1998. The games table versions was great. But that triple a game isn’t bad at all. You just need to look at the board carefully because you forget to move things because the colours blend too much. If anyone is looking to play a game online i am ready to play. If anyone is in the South Florida area and would like to have a game i also would be eager to play. It’s nice to see such a large group of player here to chat about a game that’s been in my life 34 years.

    Thank you for the site.

  • @djensen

    Hey all!

    Been following Young Grasshoppers 3G40 project at the Cliffside bunker on YouTube. 1940 combined is what I have fallen in love with so this project blew me away! So… I just bought the 1987 version to pick up light carriers! Next payday I plan to pick up Anniversary edition as YG suggested. This looks to be well thought out and has everything except for terrain like 1936 depicts, which I think is a bit too much for AA.

    So… being very excited, I downloaded Media Fire (sp?) and tried to download the map file. Nothing happens when I clicke on the download link? Not sure if it’s that the free version won’t allow me or my Mac won’t or something else is preventing me from downloading the map. Can’t wait to get this file and get it printed! Beautiful job YG & Gargantua!
    AdmrlScuttlebut Out!

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