I’m sorry.
Gary Gygax - RIP
Co Founder of Dungeons and Dragons died just recently. He will be missed.
He failed his saving throw.
Even deities fail their save on a 1…
It’s too bad, he will be missed. But he helped to create an industry that is growing daily. Pretty sweet.
It’s too bad, he will be missed. But he helped to create an industry that is growing daily. Pretty sweet.
Just imagine his mother yelling at him to go outside and play and stop rolling those d@mn dice all over the house!
“Gary, go outside. You’re father’s been laid up for a week after stepping on a four sided die. He may never walk right again.”
d4 do make NICE caltrops…
You’d think he, of all people, would know somebody with a Resurrection spell.
Kinda wonder what plane of existence he’s on right now.
I think E. Gary Gygax was Chaotic Neutral, with Good tendencies. That puts him in Gladsheim…
I would have to think he had ascended to demigod status on the way so now your clerics can pray to him for their spells.
Only up to 5th level spells though if he is a Demi-God…
For 6th you need a Lesser God
For 7th you need a Greater God. -
I never let clerics or mages live past 4th level spells anyway, Switch. :P
It makes the game less fun for me. Actually, I find players should hover around levels 3-9. This gives warriors their benefits for level 7 and clerics and mages some of the fun spells like Fireball, Cure Serious Wounds, etc. (2nd ed, of course, not 3rd.)
As for where Gary is right now, presumably he’s replacing Io as the ultimate, supreme in-game deity. :P
If wonder if his new deity status will give him the option of whacking people with his +1 mace.
His THAC0 just took a big hit.
+1 golden halo for Gary. I GM a group that uses HERO system, but we wouldn’t even be playing if it weren’t for D&D.
Uhh, thaco and negative armor classes. What a horrid scheme they were.
Not exactly on topic, but related:
D&D nerds…
No doubt this is the week to sell. ~ZP
No doubt. heh.
Wonder if I can sell my mind condition 2nd ed books? (Maybe I could sell the ones that are really well worn and open right to the equipment pages and saving throw pages, etc.)
Now is definitely the time to sell D&D memorbillia, especially with the release of D&D 4th edition upcoming. This is a big year in the D&D community.