@Call77 - thanks, that’s my pal FOlewnik with the steady hand and tiny brush. He’s a professional painter who has work in museums & auto shows that you’d never notice (faux finishes and things like that).
Chinese Nationalist decals
Is there somewhere that sells decals that match the Chinese Nationalist logo in the game? Specifically, I am looking for something for the aircraft, to resemble the Flying Tigers. I already have the P40 model from HBG, just need the decal now.
HBG also sells decals and I think one has the china symbol on it.
HBG sells decals of the Chinese Nationalist flag, which is different than the roundel.
I think combat miniatures also, as for the tiger mouth you’re probably have to paint manually
Looks like HBG doesn’t have them anymore and I-94 doesn’t either. There are some on Ebay you could purchase or you can make your own with blank decal paper and a printer.
HBG does have them, just checked… gotta go look under �other nations�… click on �china, Korea, Vietnam� … no mouth though, but wings ya.
Try Combat Miniatures! They do amazing work and nicely priced too!
HBG does have them, just checked… gotta go look under �other nations�… click on �china, Korea, Vietnam� … no mouth though, but wings ya.
Yeah, had never checked (or even noticed) that “other nations” part. Unfortunately they are out of stock. Thanks for the tip though.
HBG does have them, just checked… gotta go look under �other nations�… click on �china, Korea, Vietnam� … no mouth though, but wings ya.
Yeah, had never checked (or even noticed) that “other nations” part. Unfortunately they are out of stock. Thanks for the tip though.
Oh, my bad, I shoulda checked, this is the set I used for my setup, if you can’t find some lmk, I have some left overs I can send you.
Thanks, Siredblood. I found a set on Ebay and ordered from there. We shall see how they work out. Really only needed enough for one fighter aircraft, but oh well. You do what you gotta do, right?
Scroll down to “MI Series” and look for MI 106 - that sheet has the Chinese markers for the AVG you’re looking for.
I am working on some at Combatminiatures.org Will have 4 sizes on one card.
If you’re willing to settle for 1/600 scale rather than the proper 500 scale, this is a pretty amazing site that has everything (link to page w/ Chinese roundels): https://www.flightdeckdecals2400.com/1-600asia-australia
I finally received my decals from Taiwan. They were much too large (it was impossible to get scale from the pictures). But not to despair, HBG has replenished their stock and I have some on the way. Thanks for all the tips and suggestions.
Now available at Combatminiatures.org
That’s a lot of roundels for one aircraft. :-D