Aldertag hear is a link to where I talked about getting my replacement cruisers with the correct molds in the correct color:
And as far as the pieces getting ‘mixed up’ does anyone think they just use what they have?
I mean initially the game comes out and the designer has a look in mind so you get those great Red pieces in the A&A Pacific and the alternate US Fighters. Or those Ivory (?) UK pieces in D-Day and so on.
But as the games get produced the initial pieces run out and they have left overs and what have you from other games and use those. Or they get a break on the Raw plastic in some other color and use that as the next batch et al?
Hence the Bulge Tanks in a Revised set. Why make Revised tanks when we can just make Bulge tanks?
I think the Hellcats will make there way back into the Pacific sets because of Guadalcanal.
Of course this is pure speculation but it is fun.