18L MrRoboto (Axis) vs JDOW (Allies) BM3 Game 3

  • '15 '14

    Ich habe mir die erste Runde gerade manuell ausgerechnet und es gibt eine Chance von etwa 59,55%, dass ich in der ersten Runde 6 oder mehr Treffer erziele (Durchschnitt sind 4 2/3 Treffer)

    Kannst du mir das mal vorrechnen bitte? Das kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, dass man mit 28 attack eine 60% chance haben soll, 6,7 oder 8 Treffer zu erzielen.

  • '15 '14

    Das kann ja gar nicht sein, wie soll denn dann die Verteilung der anderen Ergebnisse aussehen? Damit wäre es ja unmöglich, dass der Durchschnitt bei 4,66 liegen würde.
    Mir ist klar, dass der Durchschnitt natürlich nicht die absolut größte Verteilung haben muss. Bei 2d6 ist ne 7 am wahrscheinlichsten aber hat auch “nur” 1/6 Wahrscheinlichkeit.

    Dennoch 4 und 5 Treffer müssen per Definition die beiden groessten Kuchenstuecke in der Verteilung haben und das ist gar nicht moeglich, wenn schon 60% fuer 6-8 Treffer “draufgehen”

  • '15 '14

    Ich meine, schaut dir die Dice mal an nach G1. G1 war fair insgesamt denke ich.

    In J1 hitte ich 1/6
    In Chi1 killst du 3 units in Verteidigung in Yunann
    In UK1 hittest in 96, was mich ein air kostet
    In IT1 verlierst du keine Unit in greece und Yugo: 0/5
    In J2 verlierst du keine Unit mit Japan: 0/2
    In Chi2 mache ich -3 TUV mit Fig+inf vs inf
    In J3 verlierst du keine Unit mit Japan: 0/8 defense

    Dann kommt 110, dann kommen dein hits in 104 und 91 und dann kommt deine 91 attack und dann kommt Novo obendrauf (und es kommen auch Misses im Pazifik von dir dazu)

    Japan hat in 3 Angriffsrunden bisher eine Unit verloren, Italian hat noch keine einzige verloren (und 7 gekilled)
    Wie gesagt und dann 110 und 91 drauf.

    Daher kommt auch mein kleine Explosion: Wir hatten hier kein ausgeglichenes Game bisher, subtil sind die Axis in den kleinen Battles unverwundbar nach G1 und nun haben wir eine Ansammlung von kleinen und eben auch 2 sehr großen Dice Battles.

    Wie gesagt, du kannst nichts dafuer und ich bin ein fuerchterlicher Dice Whiner.
    Was ich klarstellen moechte: Die Dice in diesem Spiel sind bisher doch “krass” Axis friendly und in total >100 TUV zugunsten von Axis wegen MARTI.

    Daher kam eben mein “Ausraster”, weil das schon durch die kleinen Events vorher getriggered wurde.

  • '19 '18


    Also ich finde top 11,6% in einer “Schicksalsschlacht” schon relativ extrem und ich denke, du machst hier wirklich den strategische Fehler, dass du einen Hit and Run mit Retreat nach suboptimaler Round 1 als Option ansiehst. Wenn du die Battle nicht mit mindestens 3-4 surviving air gewinnst, sind die Axis klinisch tot in Europa ;)

    Und ich finde den Calculator hier eigentlich schon recht praezise, er macht ja ne Monte Carlo Simulation und spuckt fuer jeden Ausgang die Verteilung an.
    Und zu der ersten Runde kommt ja da noch meine au�erdem schlechte 2. Runde dazu, wo ich wieder nur 1/3 getroffen habe.

    UND es kommt ja noch die 110 Battle dazu.

    Daher nicht falsch verstehen, ich rege mich nicht auf, weil die TTs tot sind, sondern weil du mit so krass vielen Survivorn ueberlebt hast.
    Lass mich 2-3 Air mehr runternehmen und ich bin mit dem Ergebnis “zufrieden”, ein Pyhrrus-Sieg dann fuer Deutschland mit crippled Luftwaffe.

    Wir stehen jetzt wirklich an der Schwelle, wo 2-3 air mehr bei mir und/oder weniger bei dir entscheiden, wer besser steht. Ich denke, ich stand vor UK klar besser (nahezu winning), bis wir jetzt mit 110 und 91 danke MARTI ca. 80-100 TUV zugunsten der Axis verschoben haben. Und da habe ich einen J3 DOW, bei dem du nicht eine einzige Unit verlierst, noch nicht mal einberechnet.

    Ich hatte mich ueber 91 auch nicht so krass aufgeregt, wenn vorher 110 nicht schon so scheisse gelaufen waere. (und dein DD hittet UND eines deiner Subs hittet)

    Es ist einfach derzeit eine Akkumulation von Dice Ergebnissen, die mit Novo jetzt noch ein weiteres Kapitel geschrieben hat. Auch hier MEGA unterschied, ob ich Novo nehme oder nicht, aber ich wollte dir nicht >50% auf Bela geben, daher hab ich da “gegambled”.

    Ich verstehe dich vollkommen und in der Summe ist das alles schon sehr ungl�cklich f�r dich. Ich bestreite gar nicht, dass das Spiel in Summe extrem zu meinem Vorteil l�uft.

    Ich hab mich jetzt tats�chlich nur auf die Schlacht vor Gibraltar bezogen in meiner Analyse.
    Und ja, ich gebe dir Recht, dass mein ganzes Play strategisch unklug war/ist und ich nur gro�es Gl�ck hatte, dass das so aufgeht.

    Dabei bedenke bitte folgendes: 110 war tats�chlich nicht geplant, ich habe �bersehen, dass du den Destroyer-Blocker mit USA killen kannst. Dann habe ich Gl�ck gehabt, dass 110 gut lief. Ich stand also vor der Situation, vor Gibraltar ne Chance von 54% zu haben alles zu gewinnen. Hier habe ich einfach nur auf ne gute erste Runde gehofft und h�tte mich dann zur�ckgezogen, wenn es mies gelaufen w�re. Das mag alles nicht so klug gewesen sein, aber ich hab eben die gro�e Angst gehabt, dass du sonst zu gro� im Mittelmeer und Atlantik wirst - es war sozusagen in meinen Augen die letzte Chance, eine extreme Gibraltar-Festung und unzerst�rbare Alliierten-Flotte zu verhindern. Du sagst es war ein All-In - ja vielleicht war es das. H�tte ich nicht gehandelt, w�re Europe wohl eh gefallen, oder glaubst du ich h�tte sonst eine realistische Chance gehabt?

    Dein Ally-Play ist wahnsinnig stark und stellt mich vor immense Herausforderungen. Ich habe wahnsinnig viel gelernt und mir einiges abgeschaut f�r meine n�chsten Ally-Spiele. Ich frage mich wirklich, wie du an meiner Statt gespielt h�ttest bzw. wie man als Axis-Player darauf reagieren soll, wenn gerade UK so schnell so hart Gibraltar zur Festung ausbaut wie du es getan hast.

    Berechnung folgt jetzt in einem anderen Post

  • '15 '14

    Hab mir auch gedacht, dass 110 nicht extra war. Daher bin ich davon ausgegangen, dass du J4 DOW machst.

    Das ist uebrigens erstaunlich oft so in A&A. Man macht sich tierische Gedanken: Soll ich hier 20% anbieten, da 30%? Was wenn er lucky ist?
    Und dann macht man einen Blunder und der Gegner schlaegt zu und dann bekommt man den Luck-Dice-Hammer zu meinen Gunsten. Ist mir auch schon passiert, ich ich den Blunder gemacht habe.

    Und ja, vielleicht war 91 noetig nachdem du 110 verloren hast und vielleicht war es die einzige Chance, weil sonst der Allies Druck zu hoch geworden waere.

    Naja, warten wir mal ab. Du hast 3 weitere potentielle große Schlachten mit je ca. 50% odds auf der Platte. Bin gespannt, ob und welche du davon schlagen wirst;)

  • '15 '14

    Allies Spiele sind anstrengender als Axis. Daher ein angenehmer Shortcut: ich bietet die 55%, wenn die 45% eintreten, ist game over, wenn du gewinnst aber nicht automatisch das Licht aus fuer die Allies.

  • '19 '18

    Jetzt zu der versprochenen Berechnung, wird jetzt etwas umfangreicher.

    Zunächst die Wahrscheinlichkeit für 6-8 Treffer:
    Hier habe ich mich tatsächlich komplett verrechnet, da hatte ich einen krassen Denkfehler drin. Ist mir richtig peinlich und hier muss ich mich korrigieren. Die Chance auf 6 oder mehr Treffer beträgt 27,9%
    Zur Info, die Chance auf genau 5 Treffer: 27,78%
    Und die Chance auf genau 6 Treffer: 19%

  • '19 '13

    What are you two discussing? As a Norwegian, I can only pick up so much German ;)

  • '19 '18

    We’re just discussing the dice luck I had (or the bad luck JDOW suffered) and how it affected the game

  • '15 '14

    Hehe, ok, kann passieren, thx, so klingt das plausibler.

    Dann bist du aber auch bei nur 5,5% fuer die erste Runde Dice ;)

    Anyway, et kuett wie et kuett sacht der Rheinlaender. Muss ich jetzt schlucken und die Dice sind ja auch ein Faktor, dass Leute ueberhaupt ggeinander spielen. Sonst waere das wie Schach und ab gewissem Skillunterschied sinnlos zu spielen.

    Dann muss ich jetzt mal hoffen, dass ich von MARTI irgendwo bisschen Compensation bekomme!

  • '19 '13

    You did have good luck in two separate instances especially, which compounded provides a significant tilt of the game.

  • '15 '14

    Yeah, that is a pill you sometimes have to swallow when playing a dice game.

    So bet it, game on Mr. Roboto!

  • '19 '18

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 Balanced Mod3, version: 3.3

    Game History

    Round: 4

    Purchase Units - Japanese
                Japanese buy 2 destroyers, 1 factory_minor, 8 infantry and 1 submarine; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 6 SuicideAttackTokens;

    Combat Move - Japanese
                2 infantry moved from Borneo to 43 Sea Zone
                2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 43 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone
                2 infantry moved from 41 Sea Zone to Sumatra
                1 infantry moved from Malaya to Shan State
                1 infantry moved from French Indo China to Shan State
                2 infantry moved from Java to 42 Sea Zone
                2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 42 Sea Zone to 44 Sea Zone
                2 infantry moved from 44 Sea Zone to Celebes
                1 infantry moved from Philippines to 35 Sea Zone
                1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 35 Sea Zone to 21 Sea Zone
                1 infantry moved from 21 Sea Zone to Guam
                2 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Kwangsi to Shan State
                1 infantry moved from Shensi to Tsinghai
                      Japanese take Tsinghai from Chinese
                1 infantry moved from Kweichow to Szechwan
                2 bombers moved from Kwangsi to Szechwan
                2 infantry moved from Hunan to Yunnan
                1 tactical_bomber moved from Kiangsi to Yunnan
                1 tactical_bomber moved from Kiangsi to Yunnan

    Combat - Japanese
                Battle in Sumatra
                Battle in Guam
                Battle in Celebes
                Battle in Szechwan
                    Japanese attack with 2 bombers and 1 infantry
                    Chinese defend with 1 infantry
                        Japanese roll dice for 2 bombers and 1 infantry in Szechwan, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 1,50 expected hits
                        Chinese roll dice for 1 infantry in Szechwan, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                        1 infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Szechwan
                    Japanese win, taking Sumatra from Dutch, taking Guam from Americans, taking Celebes from Dutch, taking Szechwan from Chinese with 2 bombers and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                    Casualties for Chinese: 1 infantry
                Battle in Yunnan
                    Japanese attack with 2 infantry and 2 tactical_bombers
                    British defend with 1 infantry
                        Japanese roll dice for 2 infantry and 2 tactical_bombers in Yunnan, round 2 : 2/4 hits, 1,33 expected hits
                        Chinese roll dice for 1 infantry in Yunnan, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                        1 infantry owned by the British lost in Yunnan
                    Japanese win, taking Yunnan from Chinese with 2 infantry and 2 tactical_bombers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                    Casualties for British: 1 infantry
                Battle in Shan State
                    Japanese attack with 2 fighters, 2 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber
                    British defend with 1 infantry
                        Japanese roll dice for 2 fighters, 2 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber in Shan State, round 2 : 2/5 hits, 2,00 expected hits
                        UK_Pacific roll dice for 1 infantry in Shan State, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                        1 infantry owned by the British lost in Shan State
                    Japanese win, taking Shan State from UK_Pacific with 2 fighters, 2 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                    Casualties for British: 1 infantry

    Non Combat Move - Japanese
                1 artillery moved from Malaya to 37 Sea Zone
                1 battleship, 1 carrier, 1 cruiser, 1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from 42 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone
                1 transport moved from 35 Sea Zone to 6 Sea Zone
                1 aaGun moved from Japan to 6 Sea Zone
                1 aaGun moved from 6 Sea Zone to Korea
                1 carrier, 2 destroyers, 1 fighter, 2 submarines and 1 tactical_bomber moved from 6 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone
                2 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Manchuria to Philippines
                1 destroyer moved from 37 Sea Zone to 55 Sea Zone
                1 artillery, 1 carrier, 1 fighter, 1 tactical_bomber and 1 transport moved from 37 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone
                1 artillery moved from 35 Sea Zone to Philippines
                1 submarine moved from 38 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone
                1 submarine moved from 41 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone
                3 infantry moved from Kwangtung to Kwangsi
                2 tactical_bombers moved from Yunnan to French Indo China
                2 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Shan State to French Indo China
                2 bombers moved from Szechwan to French Indo China
                1 infantry moved from Hopei to Shensi
                1 infantry moved from Anhwe to Hopei
                1 infantry moved from Anhwe to Kweichow
                1 artillery moved from Anhwe to Hunan
                3 infantry moved from Shantung to Anhwe
                1 aaGun, 1 armour, 2 artilleries and 8 infantry moved from Manchuria to Jehol
                1 armour moved from Jehol to Anhwe
                3 fighters moved from Japan to Philippines

    Place Units - Japanese
                1 factory_minor placed in Kwangtung
                2 destroyers and 1 submarine placed in 6 Sea Zone
                2 infantry placed in Japan
                3 infantry placed in Manchuria
                3 infantry placed in Shantung

    Turn Complete - Japanese
                Japanese collect 62 PUs; end with 62 PUs
                Objective Japanese 6 Home Islands: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 65 PUs
                Objective Japanese 4 Control Dutch East Indies: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 70 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Chinese : -0,67
        UK_Pacific : -0,33
        Japanese : 1,17


  • '15 '14

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 Balanced Mod3, version: 3.3

    Game History

    Round: 4

    Purchase Units - Americans
                Americans buy 1 carrier, 1 destroyer, 3 fighters, 1 infantry, 1 submarine and 2 transports; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat Move - Americans
                1 submarine moved from 46 Sea Zone to 21 Sea Zone
                1 submarine moved from 54 Sea Zone to 44 Sea Zone
                1 destroyer moved from 54 Sea Zone to 55 Sea Zone
                3 fighters moved from 54 Sea Zone to 55 Sea Zone
                1 bomber moved from Queensland to 55 Sea Zone
                1 tactical_bomber moved from 54 Sea Zone to 55 Sea Zone
                2 fighters moved from Queensland to 55 Sea Zone
                1 armour moved from Queensland to 54 Sea Zone
                1 infantry moved from Queensland to 54 Sea Zone
                1 armour, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 54 Sea Zone to 21 Sea Zone
                1 armour moved from 21 Sea Zone to Guam
                1 infantry moved from 21 Sea Zone to Guam
                2 infantry moved from Queensland to 54 Sea Zone
                2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 54 Sea Zone to 45 Sea Zone
                2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 45 Sea Zone to 42 Sea Zone
                2 infantry moved from 42 Sea Zone to Java

    Combat - Americans
                Battle in Java
                Battle in 44 Sea Zone
                    Americans attack with 1 submarine
                    Japanese defend with 1 transport
                        1 transport owned by the Japanese lost in 44 Sea Zone
                        Americans roll dice for 1 submarine in 44 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                    Americans win, taking Java from Japanese, taking 44 Sea Zone from Neutral with 1 submarine remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
                    Casualties for Japanese: 1 transport
                Battle in 21 Sea Zone
                    Americans attack with 1 submarine and 1 transport
                    Japanese defend with 1 transport
                        1 transport owned by the Japanese lost in 21 Sea Zone
                        Americans roll dice for 1 submarine in 21 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                    Americans win with 1 submarine and 1 transport remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
                    Casualties for Japanese: 1 transport
                Battle in Guam
                    Americans attack with 1 armour and 1 infantry
                    Japanese defend with 1 airfield and 1 infantry
                        Americans roll dice for 1 armour and 1 infantry in Guam, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits
                        Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Guam, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                        1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Guam
                    Americans win, taking Guam from Japanese with 1 armour and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                    Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry
                Battle in 55 Sea Zone
                    Americans attack with 1 bomber, 1 destroyer, 5 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber
                    Japanese defend with 1 destroyer
                        Americans roll dice for 1 bomber, 1 destroyer, 5 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber in 55 Sea Zone, round 2 : 4/8 hits, 4,17 expected hits
                        Japanese roll dice for 1 destroyer in 55 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                        1 destroyer owned by the Japanese and 1 fighter owned by the Americans lost in 55 Sea Zone
                    Americans win with 1 bomber, 1 destroyer, 4 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is -2
                    Casualties for Americans: 1 fighter
                    Casualties for Japanese: 1 destroyer

    Non Combat Move - Americans
                4 fighters moved from 55 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone
                1 fighter moved from 54 Sea Zone to Queensland
                1 tactical_bomber moved from 55 Sea Zone to Queensland
                1 bomber moved from 55 Sea Zone to India
                1 destroyer moved from 10 Sea Zone to 25 Sea Zone
                1 submarine moved from 26 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone
                1 destroyer and 1 submarine moved from 30 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone
                2 submarines moved from 10 Sea Zone to 26 Sea Zone
                1 infantry moved from Brazil to 86 Sea Zone
                1 mech_infantry moved from Brazil to 86 Sea Zone
                2 infantry moved from Brazil to British Guiana
                1 infantry, 1 mech_infantry and 1 transport moved from 86 Sea Zone to 66 Sea Zone
                1 fighter moved from Eastern United States to Gibraltar
                2 destroyers moved from 101 Sea Zone to 106 Sea Zone
                1 submarine moved from 101 Sea Zone to 91 Sea Zone

    Place Units - Americans
                1 infantry placed in Western United States
                1 destroyer, 1 submarine and 1 transport placed in 10 Sea Zone
                1 fighter placed in Western United States
                1 carrier and 1 transport placed in 101 Sea Zone
                2 fighters placed in Eastern United States

    Turn Complete - Americans
                Americans collect 56 PUs; end with 56 PUs
                Objective Americans 1 Homeland: Americans met a national objective for an additional 10 PUs; end with 66 PUs
                Objective Americans 8 Pacific Airfields: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 71 PUs
                Objective Americans 3 Defense Obligations: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 76 PUs
                Objective Americans 2 Outer Territories: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 81 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Americans : -0,50
        Japanese : 0,33


  • '15 '14

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 Balanced Mod3, version: 3.3

    Game History

    Round: 4

    Purchase Units - Chinese
                Trigger Chinese Loses Burma Road: Chinese has their production frontier changed to: productionChinese_Burma_Road_Closed
                Chinese buy 2 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat Move - Chinese
                3 infantry moved from Kansu to Tsinghai
                1 fighter and 9 infantry moved from Sikang to Szechwan

    Combat - Chinese
                Battle in Szechwan
                    Chinese attack with 1 fighter and 9 infantry
                    Japanese defend with 1 infantry
                        Chinese roll dice for 1 fighter and 9 infantry in Szechwan, round 2 : 0/10 hits, 2,00 expected hits
                        Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Szechwan, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                        Chinese roll dice for 1 fighter and 9 infantry in Szechwan, round 3 : 0/10 hits, 2,00 expected hits
                        Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Szechwan, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                        1 infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Szechwan
                        Chinese roll dice for 1 fighter and 8 infantry in Szechwan, round 4 : 2/9 hits, 1,83 expected hits
                        Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Szechwan, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                        1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Szechwan
                    Chinese win, taking Szechwan from Japanese with 1 fighter and 8 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
                    Casualties for Chinese: 1 infantry
                    Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry
                Battle in Tsinghai
                    Chinese attack with 3 infantry
                    Japanese defend with 1 infantry
                        Chinese roll dice for 3 infantry in Tsinghai, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 0,50 expected hits
                        Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Tsinghai, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                        Chinese roll dice for 3 infantry in Tsinghai, round 3 : 1/3 hits, 0,50 expected hits
                        Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Tsinghai, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                        1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Tsinghai
                    Chinese win, taking Tsinghai from Japanese with 3 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                    Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry

    Non Combat Move - Chinese
                1 fighter moved from Szechwan to Burma

    Place Units - Chinese
                2 infantry placed in Szechwan

    Turn Complete - Chinese
                Chinese collect 4 PUs; end with 4 PUs

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Chinese : -3,83
        Japanese : -0,67


  • '15 '14

    TripleA Move Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 Balanced Mod3, version: 3.3

    Game History

    Round: 4

    Combat Move - British
                1 fighter moved from United Kingdom to 112 Sea Zone
                2 infantry moved from Burma to Shan State
                1 artillery moved from Burma to Shan State
                1 fighter moved from Burma to Shan State
                1 artillery moved from Burma to Yunnan
                1 infantry moved from Burma to Yunnan
                1 tactical_bomber moved from India to Yunnan
                1 infantry moved from French Madagascar to 72 Sea Zone
                1 infantry moved from Tanganyika Territory to Kenya
                1 infantry moved from 72 Sea Zone to Kenya
                1 marine moved from Egypt to 81 Sea Zone
                1 battleship, 1 cruiser and 1 marine moved from 81 Sea Zone to 72 Sea Zone
                1 marine moved from 72 Sea Zone to Kenya
                2 fighters moved from Egypt to Kenya

    Combat - British


  • '15 '14

    Scramble 112?

  • '19 '18

    yes please!

  • '15 '14

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 Balanced Mod3, version: 3.3

    Game History

    Round: 4

    Purchase Units - Americans
                Americans buy 1 carrier, 1 destroyer, 3 fighters, 1 infantry, 1 submarine and 2 transports; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat Move - Americans
                1 submarine moved from 46 Sea Zone to 21 Sea Zone
                1 submarine moved from 54 Sea Zone to 44 Sea Zone
                1 destroyer moved from 54 Sea Zone to 55 Sea Zone
                3 fighters moved from 54 Sea Zone to 55 Sea Zone
                1 bomber moved from Queensland to 55 Sea Zone
                1 tactical_bomber moved from 54 Sea Zone to 55 Sea Zone
                2 fighters moved from Queensland to 55 Sea Zone
                1 armour moved from Queensland to 54 Sea Zone
                1 infantry moved from Queensland to 54 Sea Zone
                1 armour, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 54 Sea Zone to 21 Sea Zone
                1 armour moved from 21 Sea Zone to Guam
                1 infantry moved from 21 Sea Zone to Guam
                2 infantry moved from Queensland to 54 Sea Zone
                2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 54 Sea Zone to 45 Sea Zone
                2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 45 Sea Zone to 42 Sea Zone
                2 infantry moved from 42 Sea Zone to Java

    Combat - Americans
                Battle in Java
                Battle in 44 Sea Zone
                    Americans attack with 1 submarine
                    Japanese defend with 1 transport
                        1 transport owned by the Japanese lost in 44 Sea Zone
                        Americans roll dice for 1 submarine in 44 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                    Americans win, taking Java from Japanese, taking 44 Sea Zone from Neutral with 1 submarine remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
                    Casualties for Japanese: 1 transport
                Battle in 21 Sea Zone
                    Americans attack with 1 submarine and 1 transport
                    Japanese defend with 1 transport
                        1 transport owned by the Japanese lost in 21 Sea Zone
                        Americans roll dice for 1 submarine in 21 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                    Americans win with 1 submarine and 1 transport remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
                    Casualties for Japanese: 1 transport
                Battle in Guam
                    Americans attack with 1 armour and 1 infantry
                    Japanese defend with 1 airfield and 1 infantry
                        Americans roll dice for 1 armour and 1 infantry in Guam, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits
                        Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Guam, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                        1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Guam
                    Americans win, taking Guam from Japanese with 1 armour and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                    Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry
                Battle in 55 Sea Zone
                    Americans attack with 1 bomber, 1 destroyer, 5 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber
                    Japanese defend with 1 destroyer
                        Americans roll dice for 1 bomber, 1 destroyer, 5 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber in 55 Sea Zone, round 2 : 4/8 hits, 4,17 expected hits
                        Japanese roll dice for 1 destroyer in 55 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                        1 destroyer owned by the Japanese and 1 fighter owned by the Americans lost in 55 Sea Zone
                    Americans win with 1 bomber, 1 destroyer, 4 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is -2
                    Casualties for Americans: 1 fighter
                    Casualties for Japanese: 1 destroyer

    Non Combat Move - Americans
                4 fighters moved from 55 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone
                1 fighter moved from 54 Sea Zone to Queensland
                1 tactical_bomber moved from 55 Sea Zone to Queensland
                1 bomber moved from 55 Sea Zone to India
                1 destroyer moved from 10 Sea Zone to 25 Sea Zone
                1 submarine moved from 26 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone
                1 destroyer and 1 submarine moved from 30 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone
                2 submarines moved from 10 Sea Zone to 26 Sea Zone
                1 infantry moved from Brazil to 86 Sea Zone
                1 mech_infantry moved from Brazil to 86 Sea Zone
                2 infantry moved from Brazil to British Guiana
                1 infantry, 1 mech_infantry and 1 transport moved from 86 Sea Zone to 66 Sea Zone
                1 fighter moved from Eastern United States to Gibraltar
                2 destroyers moved from 101 Sea Zone to 106 Sea Zone
                1 submarine moved from 101 Sea Zone to 91 Sea Zone

    Place Units - Americans
                1 infantry placed in Western United States
                1 destroyer, 1 submarine and 1 transport placed in 10 Sea Zone
                1 fighter placed in Western United States
                1 carrier and 1 transport placed in 101 Sea Zone
                2 fighters placed in Eastern United States

    Turn Complete - Americans
                Americans collect 56 PUs; end with 56 PUs
                Objective Americans 1 Homeland: Americans met a national objective for an additional 10 PUs; end with 66 PUs
                Objective Americans 8 Pacific Airfields: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 71 PUs
                Objective Americans 3 Defense Obligations: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 76 PUs
                Objective Americans 2 Outer Territories: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 81 PUs

    Purchase Units - Chinese
                Trigger Chinese Loses Burma Road: Chinese has their production frontier changed to: productionChinese_Burma_Road_Closed
                Chinese buy 2 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat Move - Chinese
                3 infantry moved from Kansu to Tsinghai
                1 fighter and 9 infantry moved from Sikang to Szechwan

    Combat - Chinese
                Battle in Szechwan
                    Chinese attack with 1 fighter and 9 infantry
                    Japanese defend with 1 infantry
                        Chinese roll dice for 1 fighter and 9 infantry in Szechwan, round 2 : 0/10 hits, 2,00 expected hits
                        Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Szechwan, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                        Chinese roll dice for 1 fighter and 9 infantry in Szechwan, round 3 : 0/10 hits, 2,00 expected hits
                        Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Szechwan, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                        1 infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Szechwan
                        Chinese roll dice for 1 fighter and 8 infantry in Szechwan, round 4 : 2/9 hits, 1,83 expected hits
                        Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Szechwan, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                        1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Szechwan
                    Chinese win, taking Szechwan from Japanese with 1 fighter and 8 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
                    Casualties for Chinese: 1 infantry
                    Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry
                Battle in Tsinghai
                    Chinese attack with 3 infantry
                    Japanese defend with 1 infantry
                        Chinese roll dice for 3 infantry in Tsinghai, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 0,50 expected hits
                        Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Tsinghai, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                        Chinese roll dice for 3 infantry in Tsinghai, round 3 : 1/3 hits, 0,50 expected hits
                        Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Tsinghai, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                        1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Tsinghai
                    Chinese win, taking Tsinghai from Japanese with 3 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                    Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry

    Non Combat Move - Chinese
                1 fighter moved from Szechwan to Burma

    Place Units - Chinese
                2 infantry placed in Szechwan

    Turn Complete - Chinese
                Chinese collect 4 PUs; end with 4 PUs

    Purchase Units - British
                British buy 1 armour, 3 fighters and 3 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Purchase Units - UK_Pacific
                UK_Pacific buy 3 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat Move - British
                1 infantry moved from French Madagascar to 72 Sea Zone
                1 infantry moved from 72 Sea Zone to Kenya
                1 marine moved from Egypt to 81 Sea Zone
                1 battleship, 1 cruiser and 1 marine moved from 81 Sea Zone to 72 Sea Zone
                1 marine moved from 72 Sea Zone to Kenya
                1 infantry moved from Tanganyika Territory to Kenya
                2 fighters moved from Egypt to Kenya
                1 fighter moved from United Kingdom to 112 Sea Zone
                2 infantry moved from Burma to Shan State
                1 artillery moved from Burma to Shan State
                1 fighter moved from Burma to Shan State
                1 infantry moved from Burma to Yunnan
                1 artillery moved from Burma to Yunnan
                1 tactical_bomber moved from India to Yunnan

    Combat - British
                Germans scrambles 1 units out of Western Germany to defend against the attack in 112 Sea Zone
                Battle in Kenya
                    British attack with 2 fighters, 2 infantry and 1 marine
                    Italians defend with 1 artillery and 3 infantry
                        British roll dice for 1 battleship and 1 cruiser in Kenya, round 2 : 2/2 hits, 1,17 expected hits
                        British roll dice for 2 fighters, 2 infantry and 1 marine in Kenya, round 2 : 1/5 hits, 1,67 expected hits
                        Italians roll dice for 1 artillery and 3 infantry in Kenya, round 2 : 1/4 hits, 1,33 expected hits
                        3 infantry owned by the Italians and 1 infantry owned by the British lost in Kenya
                        British roll dice for 2 fighters, 1 infantry and 1 marine in Kenya, round 3 : 2/4 hits, 1,50 expected hits
                        Italians roll dice for 1 artillery in Kenya, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                        1 artillery owned by the Italians lost in Kenya
                    British win, taking Kenya from Italians with 2 fighters, 1 infantry and 1 marine remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10
                    Casualties for British: 1 infantry
                    Casualties for Italians: 1 artillery and 3 infantry
                Battle in 112 Sea Zone
                    British attack with 1 fighter
                    Germans defend with 1 fighter and 1 transport
                        British roll dice for 1 fighter in 112 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,50 expected hits
                        Germans roll dice for 1 fighter and 1 transport in 112 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0,67 expected hits
                        1 fighter owned by the British lost in 112 Sea Zone
                    Germans win with 1 fighter and 1 transport remaining. Battle score for attacker is -10
                    Casualties for British: 1 fighter
                Battle in Yunnan
                    British attack with 1 artillery, 1 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber
                    Japanese defend with 2 infantry
                        British roll dice for 1 artillery, 1 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber in Yunnan, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 1,17 expected hits
                        Japanese roll dice for 2 infantry in Yunnan, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits
                        1 infantry owned by the Japanese and 1 infantry owned by the British lost in Yunnan
                        British roll dice for 1 artillery and 1 tactical_bomber in Yunnan, round 3 : 1/2 hits, 0,83 expected hits
                        Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Yunnan, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                        1 infantry owned by the Japanese and 1 artillery owned by the British lost in Yunnan
                    British win with 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is -1
                    Casualties for British: 1 artillery and 1 infantry
                    Casualties for Japanese: 2 infantry
                Battle in Shan State
                    British attack with 1 artillery, 1 fighter and 2 infantry
                    Japanese defend with 2 infantry
                        British roll dice for 1 artillery, 1 fighter and 2 infantry in Shan State, round 2 : 0/4 hits, 1,33 expected hits
                        Japanese roll dice for 2 infantry in Shan State, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits
                        1 infantry owned by the British lost in Shan State
                        British roll dice for 1 artillery, 1 fighter and 1 infantry in Shan State, round 3 : 1/3 hits, 1,17 expected hits
                        Japanese roll dice for 2 infantry in Shan State, round 3 : 0/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits
                        1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Shan State
                        British roll dice for 1 artillery, 1 fighter and 1 infantry in Shan State, round 4 : 2/3 hits, 1,17 expected hits
                        Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in Shan State, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits
                        1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Shan State
                    British win, taking Shan State from Japanese with 1 artillery, 1 fighter and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                    Casualties for British: 1 infantry
                    Casualties for Japanese: 2 infantry
                Moving scrambled unit from 112 Sea Zone back to originating territory: Western Germany

    Non Combat Move - British
                1 tactical_bomber moved from Yunnan to Szechwan
                1 fighter moved from Shan State to Szechwan
                1 aaGun, 3 artilleries and 6 infantry moved from India to Burma
                1 armour moved from Eastern Persia to India
                1 mech_infantry moved from Eire to United Kingdom
                1 destroyer and 1 transport moved from 106 Sea Zone to 109 Sea Zone
                1 mech_infantry moved from French Central Africa to Anglo Egyptian Sudan
                2 fighters moved from Kenya to Egypt
                1 mech_infantry moved from Northwest Persia to Eastern Persia
                1 infantry moved from Syria to Iraq

    Place Units - British
                3 infantry placed in Egypt
                1 armour placed in Union of South Africa
                3 fighters placed in United Kingdom

    Turn Complete - British
                British collect 35 PUs; end with 35 PUs
                Objective British 4 Control Convoy Lanes: British met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 38 PUs

    Place Units - UK_Pacific
                3 infantry placed in India

    Turn Complete - UK_Pacific
                UK_Pacific collect 7 PUs; end with 7 PUs
                Trigger UK Pacific 4 No Enemy Submarines: UK_Pacific met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 10 PUs
                Some Units in India change ownership: 3 infantry

    Combat Hit Differential Summary :

    Germans : 0,33
        British : -0,50
        Italians : -0,67
        Americans : -0,50
        Chinese : -3,83
        Japanese : 0,00


  • '15 '14

    Battle in 112 Sea Zone
                    British attack with 1 fighter
                    Germans defend with 1 fighter and 1 transport
                        British roll dice for 1 fighter in 112 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,50 expected hits
                        Germans roll dice for 1 fighter and 1 transport in 112 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0,67 expected hits
                        1 fighter owned by the British lost in 112 Sea Zone
                    Germans win with 1 fighter and 1 transport remaining. Battle score for attacker is -10
                    Casualties for British: 1 fighter

    Sigh :(
    The next chapter in the pathetic RAF history.

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