1. Can The Allies build a Factory (IC) after liberating Manchuria ?

    2. Can the Allies use a Japanese built Factory (IC) in Manchuria if they liberate it ?

    3. Can the allies (including China) destroy a Japanese built factory (IC)  in Manchuria once they have captured or Liberated it.

    4. Can the Chinese place a purchased unit in an originally Chinese territory that they have just recaptured this turn?

    5. Can the Allies build a Sea or Air Base after liberating Manchuria ?

    6. Can the Allies use a Japanese built sea/air base in Manchuria if they liberate it ?

    7. If a power captures a territory with a full 10 unit IC – it downgrades to 3 correct ?
      (can it be upgraded back to 10 later by the conquering power?)

    8. If France is invaded by Germany and later liberated …what is the IC value of the recaptured French factory to the French?

    9. Can any power ever have a full (10 unit) IC in a territory other then one they originally owned ?
      ( I am assuming Germany could build a full IC in Norway – could the US build a 3 Unit IC after capturing Norway and then upgrade it?)

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    1. No. Once liberated, Manchuria immediately becomes Chinese, and the Chinese can not build factories.

    2. No. The factory is destroyed as soon as Manchuria is liberated by any Ally.

    3. Yes. This happens automatically when Manchuria is liberated.

    4. Yes. This ability is unique to the Chinese.

    5. No. Once liberated, Manchuria immediately becomes Chinese, and the Chinese can not build air bases or naval bases.

    6. Yes. Contrary to factories, air bases and naval bases are not destroyed when Manchuria is liberated.

    7. Correct. Only the original owner could upgrade it back to 10 once they own the territory again.

    8 ) The maximum number of units to be produced there would be 3, since it’s now a minor complex. The French could later upgrade it to a major complex 10 (producing up to 10 units) again after having saved enough money to do so.

    1. No. Only the original owner of the territory (in your example, Germany) can ever own a major complex  there.
  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    And, last but not least: welcome to the forums!  :-D

  • Wow Awesome wording of answers THANKS!!

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    You’re welcome. In return, my compliments on the clear questions.

  • I will push my luck with some other questions:

    Situation: France has fallen to Germany

    1. USA lands on French Morocco
      a) There are French Troops there - do the USA place a Roundel and begin collecting income ?
      b) There are No troops there - do the USA place a Roundel and begin collecting income ?

    Evolving Situation:  Later France is liberated so the USA roundel is removed and control / income becomes French again, however there are both British and US troops ( no French troops) in say Southern France at the time of French Liberation.

    Next Turn Germany reconquers France

    Who gets the control of Southern France which contains both British, and US troops and a French Roundel?

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17


    I will push my luck with some other questions:

    Situation: France has fallen to Germany

    1. USA lands on French Morocco
      a) There are French Troops there - do the USA place a Roundel and begin collecting income ?
      b) There are No troops there - do the USA place a Roundel and begin collecting income ?

    Regardless of whether there are French troops there, as long as you’re talking “French” Morocco, it will stay French until the Axis conquer it. The only way the US can ever own it, is to capture it from an Axis power that had first captured it.


    Evolving Situation:  Later France is liberated so the USA roundel is removed and control / income becomes French again, however there are both British and US troops ( no French troops) in say Southern France at the time of French Liberation.

    Next Turn Germany reconquers France

    Who gets the control of Southern France which contains both British, and US troops and a French Roundel?

    Regardless of which Allied troops are in Southern France when France is liberated, and regardless which Allied power holds it at the time, control immediately reverts to France. So any cardboard roundels are removed, leaving only the French roundel that’s printed on the board. So France still has Southern France, even though it has little use for it.

    This very situation is often a reason for the US and/or UK not to liberate France - or at least, not to hurry doing so. First, if they lose it again to Germany, the Germans will collect the French income. Second, before they liberated France, the other Allies (especially the US) could use the factories in Normandy-Bordeaux and in Southern France to produce much-needed units on the spot, and they lose that option (plus the IPC income) once those areas revert to France. So think twice before you rush in to have that triumphal march down Champs Elysees!

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