Exacty the point I posted, but for hardliners your the devil if you consort with the “enemy” you know bipartisan cooperation… :roll:
Yea, cause as we know, when President Bush was the most bi-partisan president in American history he is also known as the greatest President in American histroy too, right???
WTF…you mean presidents like Reagan who’s definition of bi-partisan is you bloody well come over here and work with me or go suck a lemon, are considered great presidents and people like Bush who do almost nothing domestically but what the other side wants get labelled as idiots and failures?
Yea, I want 8 more years of THAT!
Furthermore, the Gang of 14 was not needed to break the logjam. Republicans were planning to just use their majority to override the fillabusters. The Gang of 14 just screwed Republicans in an effort to give the Democrats control over the Senate again. And they’ve been leading the Senate ever since, in fact if not in name.