Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)

  • McCain did vote for Roberts and Alito (sp).
    i also think it’s more Republicans up to lose then Dems this time around.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Darlin, there are more then Supreme Court Justices that Senators vote on.  He not only voted against the judges, but he sided with the Democrats to stop the Republicans from breaking the fillabusters (which were not even being held correctly, mind you) and allowing the votes to proceed to appoint some law enforcers, not law writers to the benches in this nation.

  • Who the hell was this ham guy? My god.

  • @Imperious:

    Who the hell was this ham guy? My god.

    Removed and submitted for an IP ban.  We have a rash of “food spam” lately  :|

  • '19 Moderator


    …dip them in brass.

    :-o :-o :-o
    I got a visual of the Spanish Inquisition there!

  • @Cmdr:

    If he hadn’t voted against all the republican judges that were nominated, I would say that would be a reason to vote for Johnny.

    thats the part i was replying too. he did vote for the judges that were put up by republican pres’s. he didn’t how ever vote for republican judges as judges are non partisant  :-P

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    If he hadn’t voted against all the republican judges that were nominated, I would say that would be a reason to vote for Johnny.

    thats the part i was replying too. he did vote for the judges that were put up by republican pres’s. he didn’t how ever vote for republican judges as judges are non partisant  :-P

    No he didn’t.  He not only did not vote for them, but he sided with the Democrats to stop the Republican Majority from doing the work of the people and confirming these judges.

    He may or may not have voted for the Supreme Court Justices.  But that’s like 2 out of hundreds.  Not exactly what I’d consider a majority.

  • GG - It’s Tuesday and I want my pizza!!!

  • 2007 AAR League

    ok.  i’m going to have to find all of McCains votes for republican president b/c Jen is up to her normal incorrect statements.

    McCain voted tons of times for republican appointed judges.  a vast majority.


    that will take you to McCain’s voting record on all but jedical stuff. i can’t find that though.

  • '19 Moderator

    LIE: John McCain organized “The Gang of Fourteen” to Block the Confirmation of Conservative Judges.

    TRUTH: John McCain organized “The Gang of Fourteen” to win- not to block -the Confirmation of Conservative Judges, and his efforts succeeded in the Senate.

    This group of seven Republicans and Seven Democrats (representing a full 14% of the US Senate, obviously) ultimately broke the logjam that had delayed confirmation of some of the most conservative nominees of President Bush. Because of McCain’s leadership, Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Samuel Alito won Supreme Court confirmation without filibuster from the Democrats. He also secured the previously blocked confirmations of Appellate Judges William Pryor, Janice Rogers Brown, Priscilla Owen, and Brett Kavanaugh, previously filibustered by Democrats. At the same time, McCain and his “gang” managed to protect the right to filibuster – an important tool with obvious value now that Republicans find themselves in the minority. McCain has never opposed a Republican nominee for the Supreme Court; unlike some of his prominent fellow Republicans, he actively supported the nomination of Judge Robert Bork. His disagreement with Senate Republican leader Bill Frist on the “Gang of Fourteen” issues involved questions of tactics, not the goal of securing a judiciary that honors the principles of strict construction.


  • Moderator


    GG - It’s Tuesday and I want my pizza!!!

    Don’t you at least appreciate our Budget Cuts?!?! We need the Ammunitions and (garble) wine and cheese for (garble)… Besides all that think of the people of Oceania Comrade!


  • If memory serves, only 3 judges did not come up for a vote in the Senate as a result of the actions of the “Gang of 14”

    Dozens of others though DID come to a result that had previously been blocked by Dem filibuster…

  • '19 Moderator

    Exacty the point I posted, but for hardliners your the devil if you consort with the “enemy” you know bipartisan cooperation… :roll:

  • @Guerrilla:


    GG - It’s Tuesday and I want my pizza!!!

    Don’t you at least appreciate our Budget Cuts?!?! We need the Ammunitions and (garble) wine and cheese for (garble)… Besides all that think of the people of Oceania Comrade!


    Hey!  I voted you in because of your pepperoni platform, and now you are reneging?  Typical politician!

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Exacty the point I posted, but for hardliners your the devil if you consort with the “enemy” you know bipartisan cooperation… :roll:

    Yea, cause as we know, when President Bush was the most bi-partisan president in American history he is also known as the greatest President in American histroy too, right???


    WTF…you mean presidents like Reagan who’s definition of bi-partisan is you bloody well come over here and work with me or go suck a lemon, are considered great presidents and people like Bush who do almost nothing domestically but what the other side wants get labelled as idiots and failures?

    Yea, I want 8 more years of THAT!

    Furthermore, the Gang of 14 was not needed to break the logjam.  Republicans were planning to just use their majority to override the fillabusters.  The Gang of 14 just screwed Republicans in an effort to give the Democrats control over the Senate again.  And they’ve been leading the Senate ever since, in fact if not in name.

  • '19 Moderator


    Yea, cause as we know, when President Bush was the most bi-partisan president in American history he is also known as the greatest President in American histroy too, right???

    I am aparently one of the few people in the country who is happy with GWB, so this really isn’t a very good arguement for me.

    Furthermore, the Gang of 14 was not needed to break the logjam.  Republicans were planning to just use their majority to override the fillabusters.  The Gang of 14 just screwed Republicans in an effort to give the Democrats control over the Senate again.  And they’ve been leading the Senate ever since, in fact if not in name.

    What makes more sense:

    So you think the Nuclear option was the way to go and now you want to vote for Obama… Hmm, don’t look now your liberal is showing!

  • I am betting that a lot of Republicans are REALLY FREAKING GLAD that they did NOT do the “Nuclear Option”, since it would now effectively shut them out of the process altogether…

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Shutting the current crop of republicans out is not a bad thing.  They’re just as bad as the democrats.

    And yes, my liberal is showing.  I’m rooting for Obama because when he royally screws up this nation, at least it won’t be a republican and then, maybe, we can elect some real conservatives to office who do more then give lip service to conservativism like we had, and fix this nation.

    McCain’s just gunna screw it up like Obama.  Only difference is that the democrats will reap the rewards and we’ll get more and more screwed up under their leadership.

    Better to give them 4 years now and fix it then give them 40 years later because we elected a liberal who called himself conservative.

  • @Cmdr:

    Better to give them 4 years now and fix it then give them 40 years later because we elected a liberal who called himself conservative.

    I think the reverse of that may be taking effect now…

    The Republicans were given a few years in power.  They started off strong after the 1994 elections by working with a moderate Democrat.  Then they got total control and they the alleged Conservatives started spending faster than LBJ.

    And we are not talking Bush alone here.  Lots of “old time” Conservatives were willing participants to the drunken sailor spending.

    To be honest, I believe that there ARE a fair number of fiscal conservatives out there that are HOPING for Democrats to take control in the hope that the fiscal conservatives will miraculously re-appear as a vocal minority in Congress and we will only have 5%-10% growth in discretionary spending instead of the 20% plus we have “enjoyed” during the Bush Admin.

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