• Hi!
    I had a chance to play 1914 this weekend. It was our initial shakedown cruise.
    And we had the following scenario arise.

    Player A: Has a transport located in SZ28 at the start of his turn. He moves said transport through SZ27 into SZ29.
    He then transfers two infantry units from India into an attack on Mesopotamia via the newly relocated transport.
    Is this possible?

    I objected to the “bridging” maneuver since the transport did not start its turn in SZ29.

    Thank you for your time!

  • Yes, this is fine. A transport can pick up anywhere along its movement (even from multiple territories), but is only allowed to offload once per turn, and cannot load more after unloading. That’s probably the “bridging” you’re thinking of–trying to “walk” an unlimited amount of units over a transport that doesn’t have to move.

  • Thank you for the prompt reply!

    I’m not thinking unlimited units just the maximum of two allocated per transport.

    It’s just slightly confusing and seems to defy logic because the initially unloaded transport used both of its movement points to get to SZ29.
    One would think that all future movement related actions would end there other than unloading units into a single territory (if it were loaded) as you can’t unload into more than one territory.
    Or loading the transport as you could be sailing into a port prepping for your next move (But there would be no benefit to actually loading it prior to your next turn and risk having it sunk).

    As shown in the original example even though the transport isn’t leaving SZ29 it is technically “moving” from one coastline to another. So it is serving as a “bridge” in essence.

    So you could have this happen again with an empty transport starting in SZ15.
    It then sails through SZ8 into SZ9. Thus possibly allowing 2 infantry units to load from London and unload into Belgium or Picardy.

    Those are some super transports!

    Thanks again for the help.

  • @SubtleHustle:

    Thank you for the prompt reply!

    I’m not thinking unlimited units just the maximum of two allocated per transport.

    It’s just slightly confusing and seems to defy logic because the initially unloaded transport used both of its movement points to get to SZ29.
    One would think that all future movement related actions would end there other than unloading units into a single territory (if it were loaded) as you can’t unload into more than one territory.


    Movement points for transports are unrelated to their ability to transport units. Let’s break this down, so that we all might see better.

    For discussions’ sake, let us say that every transport has 2 upload capacity, 1 download capacity, 2 carry capacity, and 2 movement points.

    Transport A loads 1 infantry in current sea zone (using 1st upload and 1st carry), moves to neighboring sea zone (using 1st movement point), loads 1 artillery in neighboring sea zone (using 2nd upload and 2nd carry), moves to other neighboring sea zone, (using 2nd movement point), and then unloads all cargo onto land zone boarding other neighboring sea zone (using 1st download). Transport A stops all activity for the turn here.

    Transport B moves to neighboring sea zone (using 1st movement point), moves to other neighboring sea zone, (using 2nd movement point), loads 2 infantry from land zone M boarding other neighboring sea zone (using 1st and 2nd upload and 1st and 2nd carry), and then unloads all cargo onto land zone N boarding other neighboring sea zone (using 1st download). Transport B stops all activity for the turn here.

    As far as the game is concerned, there is no difference between what Transport A and Transport B did, excepting for the difference in the location(s) of the upload(s). At no point did either transport have more than 2 units aboard and both transports stopped their movement after unloading.

    While most examples of transport use show load, move, and unload there is no mechanical difference between doing that and doing move, load, unload.

    Clear as mud?


  • Thanks M_R!
    Breaking it down into “actions” as you did would be a great addendum to the rule book!

    It just seems odd that a transport could move from SZ28 to SZ19 to SZ17 sail past Sicily pick up two units from Piedmont sail back by Sicily and drop the units into Albania without technically appearing to move.

    I need to start visualizing the importance of Sea Zones and non-adjacent coasts within the SZs.
    It does lead to some possibly interesting game play dynamics.

    Thanks again folks for clarifying the transport mechanics.

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