• '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    not currently the 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month where I am, but happy Veteran’s Day to all of us Veterans!

    Tomorrow is the remembrance for the banks, at least in my area.  Funny, some snot nosed brat who barely passed high school and knows how to use a calculator gets the day off, but I have to go to work.  :|

    But hey, maybe I’ll ditch….nah, I can’t tomorrows my Red Cross Certification Exam, sigh…I can’t even play hooky!

  • Happy veterans day!! thanks to all who have served our country.

    PS. do they have something like this in The UK and France too? cuz this is suppose to be the day WWI ended.

  • @Cmdr:

    not currently the 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month where I am, but happy Veteran’s Day to all of us Veterans!

    Tomorrow is the remembrance for the banks, at least in my area.  Funny, some snot nosed brat who barely passed high school and knows how to use a calculator gets the day off, but I have to go to work.  :|

    But hey, maybe I’ll ditch….nah, I can’t tomorrows my Red Cross Certification Exam, sigh…I can’t even play hooky!

    arent you a teacher?  :?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    not currently the 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month where I am, but happy Veteran’s Day to all of us Veterans!

    Tomorrow is the remembrance for the banks, at least in my area.  Funny, some snot nosed brat who barely passed high school and knows how to use a calculator gets the day off, but I have to go to work.  :|

    But hey, maybe I’ll ditch….nah, I can’t tomorrows my Red Cross Certification Exam, sigh…I can’t even play hooky!

    arent you a teacher?  :?

    Yup.  But I still have to go to “work” because I have to get my red cross CPR certification renewed tomorrow.

    I don’t have to teach anyone though.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Cheers to all the Vets out there!  Thanks for service to our country.

    i plan on personally making sure every female veteran in omaha gets laid.

  • @balungaloaf:

    Cheers to all the Vets out there!  Thanks for service to our country.

    i plan on personally making sure every female veteran in omaha gets laid.

    Word war 1 vets too?  :lol:

  • 2007 AAR League


    Tomorrow is the remembrance for the banks, at least in my area.  Funny, some snot nosed brat who barely passed high school and knows how to use a calculator gets the day off, but I have to go to work.  :|

    I’m actually a part-time bank teller and I am enjoying my day off … so leave me alone

  • 2007 AAR League


    PS. do they have something like this in The UK and France too? cuz this is suppose to be the day WWI ended.

    I think maybe it’s called Rememberance Daay?

  • '19 Moderator

    Well it used to be Armistice Day for us, I imagine other countries still recognise that.

  • Yeah, it was a good weekend.

    Celebrated My Marine Corps Birthday. November 10. Then a day for the rest of us. V-day.

    A good weekend of parties.

    Now I am tired.

  • This vet spent most of the day with his more important half (which also happens to be our dating anniversary… 5 years since Angel and I became ‘an item’ )  :-D

    As for the “Observed” holiday yesterday… Well this vet works for a company that gives MLK as a holiday but not Veterans Day.  Go figure…  :roll:

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    This vet spent most of the day with his more important half (which also happens to be our dating anniversary… 5 years since Angel and I became ‘an item’ )  :-D

    As for the “Observed” holiday yesterday… Well this vet works for a company that gives MLK as a holiday but not Veterans Day.  Go figure…  :roll:

    Seems typical.  Affirmative Action is shot down in LA, but the rest of the nation is still stuck worshiping the acts of one man as opposed the the sacrifices of millions of men. :(

    I think it should be Veteran’s Month and Vets should get every Monday in that month off as a paid holiday.  But I’m a little biased. =)

  • @Cmdr:


    This vet spent most of the day with his more important half (which also happens to be our dating anniversary… 5 years since Angel and I became ‘an item’ )  :-D

    As for the “Observed” holiday yesterday… Well this vet works for a company that gives MLK as a holiday but not Veterans Day.  Go figure…  :roll:

    Seems typical.  Affirmative Action is shot down in LA, but the rest of the nation is still stuck worshiping the acts of one man

    like Christmas?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator




    This vet spent most of the day with his more important half (which also happens to be our dating anniversary… 5 years since Angel and I became ‘an item’ )  :-D

    As for the “Observed” holiday yesterday… Well this vet works for a company that gives MLK as a holiday but not Veterans Day.  Go figure…  :roll:

    Seems typical.  Affirmative Action is shot down in LA, but the rest of the nation is still stuck worshiping the acts of one man

    like Christmas?

    Well, at least for Christmas you can make your children’s eyes light up with glee with some candy on St. Nicholas’ Day and some toys of Christmas Eve.

    What do you get for MLK rememberance day?  And why can’t we remember Lincoln, Washington or Columbus anymore, but we have to have MLK day?

    MLK day, it’s MILK with no I!

  • Moderator

    Columbus Day seems like it should be more of a Hemisphere, with a motto that goes like “Thank God I’m not celebrating Divine Right of Kings Day”.

    MLK is celebrating the ideals more then the man. Whereas President’s Day was created by Mattress Store Lobbyist to try and increase awareness of their place in the free market…


  • @Cmdr:




    This vet spent most of the day with his more important half (which also happens to be our dating anniversary… 5 years since Angel and I became ‘an item’ )  :-D

    As for the “Observed” holiday yesterday… Well this vet works for a company that gives MLK as a holiday but not Veterans Day.  Go figure…   :roll:

    Seems typical.  Affirmative Action is shot down in LA, but the rest of the nation is still stuck worshiping the acts of one man

    like Christmas?

    Well, at least for Christmas you can make your children’s eyes light up with glee with some candy on St. Nicholas’ Day and some toys of Christmas Eve.

    What do you get for MLK rememberance day?  And why can’t we remember Lincoln, Washington or Columbus anymore, but we have to have MLK day?

    MLK day, it’s MILK with no I!

    Columbus… hmmm… yes, we should instead remember a murdering tyrant instead of a civil rights leader. Good thinking, Jen.  :roll:

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator






    This vet spent most of the day with his more important half (which also happens to be our dating anniversary… 5 years since Angel and I became ‘an item’ )  :-D

    As for the “Observed” holiday yesterday… Well this vet works for a company that gives MLK as a holiday but not Veterans Day.  Go figure…  :roll:

    Seems typical.  Affirmative Action is shot down in LA, but the rest of the nation is still stuck worshiping the acts of one man

    like Christmas?

    Well, at least for Christmas you can make your children’s eyes light up with glee with some candy on St. Nicholas’ Day and some toys of Christmas Eve.

    What do you get for MLK rememberance day?  And why can’t we remember Lincoln, Washington or Columbus anymore, but we have to have MLK day?

    MLK day, it’s MILK with no I!

    Columbus… hmmm… yes, we should instead remember a murdering tyrant instead of a civil rights leader. Good thinking, Jen.  :roll:

    Yes, well, history has vilified the man.  However, how about we remember the audacity and temerity of a man who decided to prove his scientific theory by risking his own life to do so?  How about we remember a man who had the courage and fortitude to explore the unknown?

    Instead of a guy who gave some pretty words to the world, but really did nothing to further science, man or any other altruistic event or ethic or moral.  All he did was incite people to resist authority and become a bother.

    If he had any legitimate desire to improve the world, he should have run for public office and been elected.  It’s easy to chant from the curb, harder to stand up and prove it.  Al Sharpton, Don Imus and others shout from the curb as well, but like MLK, they don’t actually risk losing by running for office.

    Not to turn it into political.  Just saying that Columbus at least had the “testicular fortitude” to put his money where his mouth was at the risk of his own life.  MLK did not even have the testicular fortitude to run for a Congressional Seat.  Why worship MLK when we have much better candidates who stood up for human rights?  Paulo Friere, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Theresa, I’d even go so far as to say Lenin was more altruistic then MLK.  His ideas were proven wrong under the hammer and steel of history, but at least his intent and his proof of convictions were good and valid.

    Balance them against a man who incited criminal to near criminal behavior and civil disobedience in an effort to improve his own life and I say there’s no real competition on who’s actions should be extolled through history.

  • Columbus’ voyage has even less meaning for North Americans than for South Americans because Columbus never set foot on our continent, nor did he open it to European trade. Scandinavian Vikings already had settlements here in the eleventh century, and British fisherman probably fished the shores of Canada for decades before Columbus. The first European explorer to thoroughly document his visit to North America was the Italian explorer Giovanni Caboto, who sailed for England’s King Henry VII and became known by his anglicized name, John Cabot. Caboto arrived in 1497 and claimed North America for the English sovereign while Columbus was still searching for India in the Caribbean. After three voyages to America and more than a decade of study, Columbus still believed that Cuba was a part of the continent of Asia, South America was only an island, and the coast of Central America was close to the Ganges River.

    Unable to celebrate Columbus’ exploration as a great discovery, some apologists now want to commemorate it as the great “cultural encounter.” Under this interpretation, Columbus becomes a sensitive genius thinking beyond his time in the passionate pursuit of knowledge and understanding. The historical record refutes this, too.

    Contrary to popular legend, Columbus did not prove that the world was round; educated people had known that for centuries. The Egyptian-Greek scientist Erastosthenes, working for Alexandria and Aswan, already had measured the circumference and diameter of the world in the third century B.C. Arab scientists had developed a whole discipline of geography and measurement, and in the tenth century A.D., Al Maqdisi described the earth with 360 degrees of longitude and 180 degrees of latitude. .

    You see, Jen. Despite what you learned in your third grade class, your Columbus is a sham. And as far as your insulting civil rights, I understand why you like your fairytale columbus so much.

    and btw, Columbus captured more Indian slaves than he could transport to Spain in his small ships, he put them to work in mines and plantations which he, his family and followers created throughout the Caribbean. His marauding band hunted Indians for sport and profit - beating, raping, torturing, killing, and then using the Indian bodies as food for their hunting dogs.

  • 2007 AAR League

    everyone owned slaves back then.  even black people owned black people in africa.  and they were treated just as bad.  why single out columbus?

    hell in the america’s the aztecs took 10,000’s of slaves every couple of years so they had enough slaves to cut their hearts out for sacrifice.  so who’s worse.  the native american indians owned slaves up until american expansion.  are all these people also monsters then.  does that fit into your mindview?

  • Of course it does, bung. was I supposed to mention others? the subject was columbus. But sure they were savage murderers too. Happy? So since we all agree that columbus was a slave selling murderer, why do you want to have a day to …. as Jen puts it… “worship him”?

    Hell,… since, Hitler expanded his German borders for a few years, wanna give him a day too?

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