Thanks for your thoughts. I intend to revise the top posts for this and the other two “expansion posts” sometime this weekend, I now have some food for thought.
Thanks again!
Now the artillery was the best piece, it was large enough to be the King of the battlefield, and justified a 4 or less as hit in attacks. I loved that artillery-piece, it was so much better than the tiny miny A&A japanese artillery piece. Sorrowly the cruiser piece looked lame, too wired, almost like the sub piece in IL’s new game. And the elite piece looked lame too. Its base was not a circle, but stretched out so the man had problems standing. He fell even more than the british infantryman. And the rules added nothing to the game. I think it was Gods will that Baron game went bankrupt
The elite piece looked so bad, that I used all 10 of them as Swedish infantry, and man was Sweden subject for constantly attacks and plunder. Let me take the liberty of posting a photo of an average Swedish male, so you can see what we are dealing with.
[attachment deleted by admin]
LOL!!! :-D
Is there somewhere I could download these rules?
Is there somewhere I could download these rules?
Since you are my friend…
… rules and review here:
now gimme a +
colors based on MB edition of AA
It seem like a 1970’s game piece!
Is this available only on eBay now or is it still retail??
Its ebay. they have all sold out in retail stores.
I could supply some pictures of not so average Swedish females…
I could supply some pictures of not so average Swedish females…
You do know what IL do with people that post rubbish out of the blue and make ad hominem attacks ?
Adlertag: where is that picture of a typical Swedish male?
The one that HGD removed? That was funny.
Sorry I’m late, Adlertag. +1 Karma
I’ve seen all the boardgame geek stuff. I was thinking more along the lines of a pdf file. I’m mostly currious about the “new” techs and commando rules. I guess I’ll just have to buy it off e-bay if I’m really that interested.