@hengst This house rules forum is full of ideas. To avoid scripted games you need a varaiety ways to win or lose a game in a reasonable amount of time ,eg 8 to 12 rounds.BBR and 3G40 are rulesets that encourage you to win by achieving various victory objectives.(not just victory cities)
3G40 changes turn order,merges Anzac into UKPacific,and sticks pretty close to oob rules.BBR is more complex than oob and is real popular.Both are designed to play in 1 day and to be able to declare a winner.
[Global 1940] Wildcat6305's House Rules and R&D System
Hey guys,
I just posted to YouTube a new series discussing my House Rules.
Part 1 goes over the mechanics/modifications that I have implemented into our games that we have enjoyed.
Part 2 is an Intro to my R&D System, some reasons why I felt I wanted my own.
Part 3 is the mechanics of my R&D System
Part 4 is the Techs that I have applied to the game.Find my Rules @:
Wildcat6305’s YouTube Series going over the Rules
Wildcat6305’s DropboxI have been inspired by my others in the development of my rules and R&D system. I in no way claim to have all original ideas. And I want to thank those that have inspired me to develop this rule set.
Thanks for the inspiration to:
Siredblood’s R&D
DK’s Research
Hilltop Pill Box -Global 36 Amp Assault
YG’s House Rules Intro
HBG YoutubeThanks again, and I hope you like it.
Good criticism is welcomed.Wildcat6305
Hey Wildcat, welcome to the forums… your YouTube channel looks great, I’m looking forward to the time when I can look through all your content.
Here is a link to Wildcat’s channel;
Keep up the good work! 8-) -
Thanks guys! Hopefully I didn’t break anything too bad, lol. Looking forward to getting y’all’s feed back.
Wow, and interesting on your work, and detail with the videos on your youtube channel. More power to you. 8-)
I headed to youtube to check out your rules videos. Thanks for sharing!
Someone suggested to me the idea of using Global War 1936 lend-lease paths instead of moving units for Tech. It would definitely cleaner on the board. I am just trying to think about the advantages and disadvantages to each method. What do y’all think?