My long time friend and playing partner and I decided a while ago to paint our pieces, and although it’s a slow process, we’re having fun with it while getting it done. It started with a house rule that you had to build your long range planes if you got that tech, rather than have all your on the board planes get it immediately, due to that tech having game breaking effects on a few of our games. So I bought decals from HBG to differentiate some planes from others, and it took off from there until we decided to paint everything. We’d both painted our fantasy miniatures when we were in high school, but my pal, I’ll call him FJO, went on to become a professional painter. Not the typical interior/exterior house painter, but a master at faux finishes, working on auto show displays, museums, and stuff like that. When he decided to paint navies while I was doing aircraft, he knocked out the British navy in about a month. Then when he moved to the Japanese navy, him being a player who likes playing Japan, things began to slow down. He started with the destroyers, then found some interesting camo patterns while doing research and did a camo fleet. His first carrier was the Shokaku, and he hand painted it to look like the picture I’d printed for him of a schematic of the ship. But he was bothered that it was a Shinano sculpt, so I convinced him to chop the conning tower/bridge off and move it to the other side to see what it would look like. Well, although I glued the tower on the other side, that sculpt still sits unpainted, but it got FJO to thinking. Next think I knew, I was helping him cut down one of the 5 OOB Akagi’s I bought on sale from HBG to make a Zuiho. He has some putty that he uses to build up the bow or stern, or add guns if necessary, and he’s used it to great effect. He even read that the Takao cruisers had to be modified because they were top heavy, and only 2 were modded, so he modded 2 cruisers as well. He’s taken the Akagi sculpt and made a Zuiho, a Shoho is under construction, a Kaga, Hiryu, and Soryu. He used a Shinano sculpt to make a Zuikaku (since the Shokaku was made from one and they’re sister ships), and cut 2 down to make a Ryujo and the Amagi. So without further ado, here are some pictures of his carriers. First, the Shinano as Shokaku and with an Akagi tower for accuracy, the Zuikaku: