[Global 1940] New turn order

  • @Dauvio:

    How about a random turn order???

    That would be a cool thing to actually try. I bought those faction dice for this game and I thought about setting one of each dice into a bag and determine who is what by what order the dice number says and then repeat for ties until all 9 are determined.

  • Customizer

    Thanks for the list of changes.  I wrote them all down.  Anxious to try this out.  I’ll let you know how it goes.

  • Actually, I notice France is very under powered in this game. I have no idea why that is. For example, French Indo China is defenseless when it should have one infantry and another one I notice is the French colonies on the med lack complete real set up, all three have infantry but they should also have tanks, fighter, mech infantry plus a battleship.

  • Italy needs to be neutral until their turn. They didn’t enter the war after Germany was winning in France

  • @Imperious:

    Italy needs to be neutral until their turn. They didn’t enter the war after Germany was winning in France

    I can’t remember but I think Italy was already at war with UK when they invaded France right?

  • We can add a French Artillery in Tunisia.

    Caeser I added a French Tank in Southern France, a Naval Transport and a Battleship in SZ 93 in the setup in previous page.

    Italy gets a special ability, Any UK factories in Africa or Persia are subject to interdiction. If UK buys any units for those factories then as long as Italy has submarines or Strategic Bombers either in the Med SZ’s or Strats on land territories that border the Med then Italy gets 2 rolls for each factory (ie 2 factories 4 rolls). on a 3. On a 1 for 1 basis a unit of UK’s choice is destroyed. The rolls of 4 make sure the dice are different and designated for which factory. Apply the hits per result. Italian units interdicting are affected and may not be used during that turn. This action takes place during the place units phase. If Italy used all of its Subs or Strat bombers during that turn then there is no interdiction allowed.

  • Italy was at war in Africa against Abyssinia but the British were threatening Italy. So for Political Situation Italy may declare war or stay neutral. If it stays neutral then UK may declare war or stay neutral. On turn 2 Italy must now declare war on UK if not already at war and choose at least 1 battle against the UK

  • I am pretty sure Italy started the war with UK though by jacking loose colonies from them. The political situation needs to be changed though mostly because France has the most unique crap to deal with. Example, Germany says Vichy may keep control of there colonies however Japan invades French Indo China, kill around 1,000 of there soldiers for them to turn around and say the local French government can still govern the territory but Japan controls it and then Vichy just ignores it (most likely due to Hitler)

  • Yes Caesar, So Italy may declare war or stay neutral.

    Imperious Leader’s comment just now also opened up another situation for Scandinavia. Norway has to be a Pro Axis neutral for game play reasons. Russia may attack Finland, Sweden and Norway by declaring war on Finland. This is NOT a deceleration of war on the European map with the Italians and Germans. Once Finland is attacked Sweden then becomes an Axis Minor.

    So add a Tank in Finland to the set up. I want a 35% chance of success for the Russians to be able to take Finland.
    Norway is now an Axis Neutral and the set up will be Axis neutral with now 4 Infantry.  The fighter in Norway is now placed in Denmark
    But we will consider that the 1st phase has occurred for Germany and the units in Denmark and Belgium remain German

    The Russian Minor Factories MAY be upgraded to Major factories but only 6 unit capacity instead of 10. Add a Minor factory in Samara. This factory produces Mech and Tanks for 1 IPC less

  • As for the Poland scenario to inevitably surface, those units in that theater remain as is but I think we can add 1 Russian fighter to East Poland and 1 additional German Tank and 1 Artillery to Poland. Here is where I think either Russia or Germany can declare war.

    Many people do not realize that the German attack on Russia in Poland was actually a preemptive strike against the Russian forces massed in Poland. Germany was under a major threat with the forces Russia had positioned in Eastern Polish territories and the Baltic States. Russia had well close to a 3000 aircraft that were destroyed in the 1st 3 days of Operation Barbarossa. Hint none of those aircraft were destroyed deep in Russia and most were in Poland and the Baltic States. 3 days is not a deep drive into Russia folks.

  • I think UKP needs a bonus income and make the Island Warfare a victory condition. I really do like the Victory objectives that Young grasshopper introduced for his tournament for victory conditions. So a slight change to set up charts and political situations this can morph into a great game.

  • UKP going for islands isn’t exactly historical. UK in Asia literally played defense in that region and only goal was to keep Commonwealth from being conquered and to liberate their own colonies.

  • I think UKP can take over Indo China for extra income and get a bonus for the Burma Road as well and Liberating Kwangtung, they get some form of bonus…not clear on what and how of it yet

  • UK is also underpowered in Asia like France, one of UK first carrier loses was from the IJN in the Pacific. Put it this way, the closest colony that UK owned to Japan was Hong Kong and it remained in Japanese hands until they surrendered.

  • Should Paratroopers and Air Transports be a part of the game?
    Airborne A2 D1 C4 M1 or range of plane
    Air Transport A0 D0 C8 M5  2 Airborne or 1 Artillery capacity

  • @Leatherneckinlv:

    Should Paratroopers and Air Transports be a part of the game?
    Airborne A2 D1 C4 M1 or range of plane
    Air Transport A0 D0 C8 M5   2 Airborne or 1 Artillery capacity

    I have experimented with the thought of paratroopers and thus I found a more use for airfields. The only way to allow paratroopers would have some kind of rules saying if you place 2 infantry on an airfield, they can “jump” and attack any space 3 moves away (or whatever you want it to be), I would then work in a rule that allows enemy fighters and AA guns to attack and if they miss, the infantry land and thus conduct battle normally OR you could balance it would saying that paratroopers can only attack territories if they are being backed by land forces since none of the allied nations ever used paratroopers exclusively for any operation and when Axis forced did it, it usually ended up in a lose for them.

    As far as air transport, I could only see airfield to airfield.

    Unless you physically make your own units for the game.

  • I also thought about the idea of militia being in the game. For one turn only, you can declare total war, and on the next turn, you may buy infantry for 1 dollar only and the attack is zero and defense is one, the unit is not allowed to leave your territory and only may be placed on your nations home territory.

  • In my hybrid game I do have Militia, Dutch forces in the Dutch colonies and Colonial Infantry for certain Allied countries. Germans have SS which is basically a +1 to D and they can be upgraded. So an SS Infantry can become a SS Mech Infantry for 1 IPC, SS Mech can become a SS Tank for another IPC. SS Infantry costs 3 IPC but here is what makes it more unique, Romania, Western Ukraine, Yugoslavia and Finland you may place an (1) SS Infantry in any of those territories without the need of a factory. Max purchase is 2 SS Infantry per turn and 1 upgrade

  • The Dutch is also a strange game. I seriously thought about buying UK pieces and paint them Orange so when the allies liberate their homeland, they return in the game.

  • I should take a pic of my Dutch set up on the map and post a picture….yeah I painted my Dutch pieces orange as well. My Polish are white, Axis Minors light grey, Allied Minors Celery Green…my Strict Neutrals are Ivory and SS black…Germans are dark grey

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