Why Canada should have been a semi-separate power

  • TripleA

    to best represent the battle of the atlantic canada should have been a semi-separate power.

    to reflect the huge amount of resources coming from canada to britain, it would be best to have uk spend canadian ipc in canada and ship the units across the atlantic. for this to happen uk would control canadain units so they move and attack together. uk would collect canadian ipcs separetly and be forced to spend the ipcs in canadian ics.

    there would be no extra turns slowing the game down, canada would not be a separate player(just too small), no need for the manufactures to produce extra molds, it would just be a way to force the battle of the atlantic from the americas to europe.

    unfortunatly this wont be good to house rule as the setup and playtesting was not based on canada as a separate or semi-separate power.

  • So what your suggesting is a split income. :? :? :? :?

  • TripleA


    So what your suggesting is a split income. :? :? :? :?

    i think britain being forced to spend canadian ipcs in canadian industrial complexs would have added fun logistical problems and spread the battle of the atlantic(more fun)

    i am not making a suggestion because the game is finished. this is just my opinion on how the game could have been improved.

    it is funny how i am expressing opinions on a game that is not released.

  • @allweneedislove:


    So what your suggesting is a split income. :? :? :? :?

    i think britain being forced to spend canadian ipcs in canadian ipcs would have added fun logistical problems and spread the battle of the atlantic(more fun)

    i am not making a suggestion because the game is finished. this is just my opinion on how the game could have been improved.

    it is funny how i am expressing opinions on a game that is not released.

    I think this how I will play the game with my friends. Mind you were all Canadian.

  • @allweneedislove:


    So what your suggesting is a split income. :? :? :? :?

    i think britain being forced to spend canadian ipcs in canadian industrial complexs would have added fun logistical problems and spread the battle of the atlantic(more fun)

    i am not making a suggestion because the game is finished. this is just my opinion on how the game could have been improved.

    it is funny how i am expressing opinions on a game that is not released.

    I agree. However, Larry seemed pretty adamant that it shouldn’t be a house rule…

  • @Tralis:

    I agree. However, Larry seemed pretty adamant that it shouldn’t be a house rule…

    When was Larry adamant against it being a house rule?  Last I read from Larry on the subject was this:

    According to Larry Harris himself, the Canadian dream is dead. Except in the never-never-land of house rules. He says:

    Canadian roundels in this game are more about recognition of the contributions this particular corner of the world provided to the Allied efforts during World War II. I also wanted to demonstrate their degree of independence from Great Britain. The power is way too small to hold the attention, or provide an interesting game for a single dedicated player. At the same time the UK would be seriously disadvantaged if it was not receiving these Canadian IPCs. To sum it up… The Canadian roundels are all about…“Recognition” – “Acknowledgment”.

    On a more unofficial note… With the existing of dedicated Canadian territories (roundels) there is oh so much room for some Canadian house rules here. I think all units produced in these Canadian territories should have a Canadian roundel placed under them. It would be both fun and interesting to watch their particular progress across the battlefields of Europe and the Pacific.

    If you have some ideas on any special features that can be assigned to this power (Canada) send them along. Maybe we can together make some new rules. They would be totally unofficial of course, but still, perhaps with my endorsement you’d find such rules somewhat more “official” and acceptable. I mean come on… you could always point out to your friends that the designer of the game thinks this or that rule is … Ok to play with. In other words, the designer agrees that they can fit into the over all game system and not instigate a drag, unbalancing, or some other negative aspect.

    Seems to me that he rather liked the idea of having Canada, but decided against it officially (perhaps due to the advice of others) for the sake of gameplay.

  • Me:

    Oh well, I guess I was wrong [about Canada being a split-income entity]. Cool house rule?


    Canada cannot be separated from the UK economy.

  • Could this rule become a FAQ’ed in rule….heres looking at you Krieg

    (My argument remains that if a sucessful sealion on G2-G3 knocks out UK, then the game is officaly over for the Allies, A continuing Cananda keeps the game going, but uphill for the Allies)

    If London is captured by the axis, the following rules apply:
    Ottowa becomes a temporary European UK capital at the begining of the next UK turn.
    The UK collects income only for UK controled territories with a Canadian symbol on them. The UK continues to use Ottowa as its capital until Ottowa is captured by the axis or London is liberated.

    *National objective bonuses are not collected by the UK while London is axis controled
    *Territories captured by the UK place a UK National Control Marker, however until London is liberated, these IPCs are not collected (because they do not have a Canadian roundel).

  • I like it this might work on top of my split income rule I will be using.

  • Theres no need to split the income, spliting it only inhibits the UK.
    Germany can still hurt the UK+Canada income by raiding either Canada or UKs coasts.

    I know what you want….you want Canada to have to ferry transports full of infantry to the UK.
    Well hurting IPCs is just as good, and slightly more realistic.

  • We’ll have to see the initial set-up, and judge from there how real a threat a possible German Sea Lion poses.

    If it looks like Germany’s getting pwned every game, then the split Canadian income rule might be balancing.

    If the UK is barely hanging on for dear life every game, then they shouldn’t have any more of their IPCs siphoned off.

  • Oh no. Another please add Canada to A&A thread. :roll:

    Not gonna happen.

    The roundel is only for the recognition of Canada’s war effort.

  • @Brain:

    Oh no. Another please add Canada to A&A thread. :roll:

    Not gonna happen.

    The roundel is only for the recognition of Canada’s war effort.

    We are an unstoppable force. We will not give in. You unbelievers in Canadian separateness can not stop us. Independence for Canada!!!

  • Brain Damaged is correct.  The Canadian roundels are there simply to pay tribute to Canada’s contribution to the Allied war effort.

  • Since this topic is really not actually in the game, i consider it a house rule discussion.

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