YG have you decided the prize order? Or is it first winner first pick? or a door prize style system?
All participants on teams that advance to the medal round games will receive a re-release copy of Axis & Allies 50th Anniversary Edition. There will also be Gold medals, Silver medals, and Bronze medals handed out within each division. All prizes for medal round finalists, and prizes listed and reserved for the prize table are only for those participating in the tournament.
There will be a prize table filled with many types of items from members of the Axis & Allies community, as well as businesses acting as sponsors for our tournament. Items on the prize table will be given away by drawing tickets from a jar, those that have their ticket drawn may approach the table and take which ever item they wish. This process will continue until all items are gone.
Every participant registered for the tournament will receive one prize ticket to be placed in the prize jar before the tournament begins. Plus, each player will get one prize ticket put in the prize jar for each victory token their team claims during the regular round games. Also, at the end of the regulation round games on Sunday night just before the prize table drawing begins, each player will get one prize ticket put in the prize jar for each time extension token their team saved during regular round games.