• '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    FIDA results in more units for the Axis, yes.  But half those units are on the capitol of those nations, usually at least two rounds away from the front. (Germany may put them on S. Europe, but close enough to the capitol.)

    Yes, it makes it more affordable for Germany to get a carrier.  However, I’d rather have 14 Infantry with 2 IPC bid to Berlin and more play with Japan with what’s left.  IMHO.  To me, 14 Infantry on G1 > 1 Carrier, 8 Infantry on G1.

  • Maybe the question should be phrased more like:

    Are the FIDA bids basically double (less one or two IPCs) of a standard straight bid?

    I think an $8 IPC bid is a large leap from $7 mainly because a transport can now be added for the axis.

    so the average bid is 8-7 (or less for those who like the axis)
    FIDA would mirror this 16-14.

    In my book $16 to $14 is greater than 8-7… am I missing something?  Just trying to get back to the original question.

    We're not discussing WHAT TO DO WITH THE EXTRA IPCs the axis gets (carriers or mas ya-men).
  • Moderator


    Yes, that is kind of my point: FIDA bids result in bids that gives Axis approx. the same amount of units, as in a Fullplacement bid, but in ADDITION to that , the Axis also get a handful of $$$.

    Thus - the Axis is better off with FIDA bids , than with Fullplacement.

    Well yeah, its better to get 16 ipc (FIDA), than 8 (full placement).  Heck the more the merrier.   :-D

    But my argument would be more geared toward the “extra” 8 in cash
    will not be the reason you win the game.  I just don’t think it adds significantly to whether the Axis will win.  Say a bid of 7 gives you 50/50 to win, I’d argue that a FIDA with 14 gives you essential a 50/50 shot as well.  Maybe it bumps you up to 51, 52?  Big deal.

    Consider a Full cash bid.  I’d grant someone as high as 20+ in a straight cash bid.
    Cause that bid won’t help the Axis attacks G1 or J1.

    Not all bids are equal to begin with.

    PAfr (or a Med trn bid) is the strongest (2-3 units to Lib)
    PE is the next best with 2-3 units to Europe, and
    PA is the weakest (anything bid to J)

    I’d be more likely to grant 4 inf to Japan then I would 4 inf to Ger.

    The cash component acts the same way, the extra cash is nice but not the difference maker in the game, since it most likely will take you 2-3 turns to get that unit into play.  Example, 2 inf to Lib, 6 IPC to Ger bank.  Say they buy 2 more inf, they place in G1, move to EE on G2, move to Ukr G3.

    That is three turns where inf get traded and nickled and dimed on multiple fronts, SBRs happen, etc.

    There is so much that happens over the course of 2-3 rds that by the time they reach the front they might not be as valuable as they would have been if you could have just placed the extra inf on Ukr to start the game.

    I’d grant a FIDA bid up to 15-16 before I’d grant a 9 Full placement bid.

    Which is what I mean by artifically inflates bids.  Why have people bidding 15, 16, 17 when all they need is 7-9.

    As, I said I’d gladly take more but one of the biggest complaints about Classic was you needed to bid 22+ to have a shot, and I thought Revised was supposed to be more “balance”, so why start introducing bids that approach Classic levels (15-16+).

    It might be neat for a change of pace game or try new things to spice things up just like a declared bid game where you get higher bids cause people want to see what it is like to play Ger with an extra bom (15) or maybe 1 ftr, 1 inf (13), etc.

    But if you’re looking for the lowest bids needed to get a relatively even game Full Placement will get you there with the least amount of altering the initial game.

  • @DarthMaximus:

    Consider a Full cash bid.  I’d grant someone as high as 20+ in a straight cash bid.


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    Consider a Full cash bid.  I’d grant someone as high as 20+ in a straight cash bid.


    Can I take you up on that, DM? :)

  • Jen beat me to it Darth…

    But if you want a League game with NO units as as the Axis and a bid of, shall we say $19, I would be happy to give you a run for your money.

    I have the Tournament pending, and Amon-Sul is giving me a run for his money with a near suicidal (but damn dangerous) German push on Moscow.  But I would still be happy to see what you have up your sleeve against an Axis $19 cash-only bid…

  • Moderator

    Lol!  :-)

    I was wondering who the first would be say, I’d take that!

    As I recall, someone already won a game giving up 20 one time, and that may have even been FIDA.  Hmmm, I can’t remember who though.  :-D

    I’d play a “for fun game”, Axis get 20 in cash only.  It would have to be TripleA though, since I already have 2 games going.

  • @DarthMaximus:

    As I recall, someone already won a game giving up 20 one time, and that may have even been FIDA.  Hmmm, I can’t remember who though.  :-D

    That would be me… Round 1, 2006 Singles Tournament against Trigger.  And it was an unrestricted bid…

  • Moderator



    As I recall, someone already won a game giving up 20 one time, and that may have even been FIDA.  Hmmm, I can’t remember who though.   :-D

    That would be me… Round 1, 2006 Singles Tournament against Trigger.  And it was an unrestricted bid…

    Yep, it is all coming back to me.  :-)
    I should have used this –>  :wink:  instead of this -->  :-D

  • And truth be told, it was a DAAK screw up.  My bid was like $7, but somehow DAAK gave the axis to Trigger.

    Fortunately, I still won with a Sea Lion Scare after G2 if memory serves :-D

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I just got nailed with a stealth FIDA.  Championship round AAR tourney in AAMC.  Trying to talk to my opponent cause it’d been 3 months since a round started and I totally forgot it was FIDA.  Almost nothing is FIDA anymore. :/

    There’s a reason why almost nothing is FIDA.  Giving the axis anything more then 10 IPC is asking for problems for the Allies.  Even if it is 50/50.  Though, 100% cash isn’t as bad because you can decimate the Axis before they can bring those units to bear. (ie, take Algeria and Egypt.  Take W. Russia, Ukraine and maybe, if you are gutsy, E. Europe.)

  • 2007 AAR League

    What is FIDA?

  • @AJ:

    What is FIDA?


    All AARevised games played in AAMC use FIDA bidding unless the players agree to another bid system prior to the game starting.  FIDA stands for Flames of Europe, IAAPA, DAAK and AAMC, the four clubs that developed the bidding system.  Under FIDA bidding, each player submits a number of IPCs for a bid.  The lower bid plays Axis.  Up to half of the value of those IPCs can be placed on the mapboard prior to the start of the game in new units.  Germany can place units in territories and sea zones that already contain German units.  Japan can place units in territories and sea zones that already contain Japanese units.  Neither Axis player can place units in territories or sea zones where it does not already have units.  The remaining balance of IPCs from the bid can be given to either Germany or Japan or split in whatever manner the Axis player chooses.

    Example of a bid:  15, 1 Inf in Ukraine, 1 Rtl in Libya, 6 IPC Germany, 2 IPC Japan.

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